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S- DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS ă  S- ` 3x 9.` ` Cocola has provided sufficient evidence to justify its market modification request and,  x[accordingly, it will be granted. Considering the information provided for the record in light of the factors  xspecified in Section 614(h)(1)(C)(ii) of the Communications Act, we are persuaded that the inclusion of  xLincoln in KXVO(TV)'s television market will better effectuate Congress' objective of assuring that  S- x>television stations are carried in the areas which they serve and which form their economic market. yO-#X\  P6G;ɒP#эH.R. Rep. No. 628, 102d Cong., 2d Sess. 97 (1992).  x=Lincoln is in close proximity, about 35 miles, to station KXVO(TV). Additionally, KXVO(TV)'s signal  S- xis carried on TimeWarner Cable's cable system serving Lincoln.h  yO!- x#X\  P6G;ɒP#эCitadel failed to provide any evidence to support the suggestion the KXVO(TV) obtained carriage on the  x,Lincoln cable system because KXVO(TV) carries programming of a network affiliated with that cable system. The  {O`#- x<Lincoln cable system is shown as carrying each of the other three television stations as well as KXVO(TV). See  xTelevision & Cable Factbook, Cable Vol. No. 66 (1998), p. D985. The cable carriage of these Omaha stations in Lincoln provides strong evidence that Lincoln should be considered part of KXVO(TV)'s market. KXVO(TV) places a Grade A signal  xover Lincoln, a factor that provides persuasive evidence that the station provides service to that",p(p(88"  S- x>community.Z {Oh- xY#X\  P6G;ɒP#эSee Paragon Cable, 10 FCC Rcd 13133, 13137 (Cable Serv. Bur. 1995). As a general matter, Grade B or better  xcoverage, here Grade A coverage, demonstrates service to cable communities and serves as a measure of a station's  yO-natural economic market.Ą We note that three other Omaha stations, KETV (ABC), KMTV (CBS), and WOWT  x(NBC), place Grade B or better signals over Lincoln, which previously has been included within those  S- xjother Omaha stations' market through the statutory market modification procedures invoked here.- {O:- x#X\  P6G;ɒP#эSee Pappas Stations Partnership, 10 FCC Rcd 5573 (CSB 1997); WOWTTV, Omaha, Nebraska, 10 FCC Rcd  {O-4377 (CSB 1997);and Pulitzer Broadcasting Co., 10 FCC Rcd 3475 (CSB 1997).- The  xCommission has also found that KXVO(TV) is significantly viewed in Lincoln, for purposes of the  S`-network nonduplication and syndicated program exclusivity rules.`F {OF - x-#X\  P6G;ɒP#эSee CAR 5060S, granted October 7, 1997 (released by Public Notice dated November 13, 1997). See also 47 C.F.R. Subpart F.  S- ` 6x10.` ` Citadel's argument that a grant of Cocola's request to include Lincoln within  x[KXVO(TV)'s market would stand the statutory market modification provision on its head by mandating  xcarriage of the station in the core of the adjacent LincolnHastingsKearney ADI is not persuasive.. In  xsupport of this argument Citadel refers to other cases where the Commission expressed reluctance to alter  xthe basic structure of ADI markets and declined to include the core community of one ADI within the  SH - xmarket of a station assigned to another ADI.H  {O-#X\  P6G;ɒP#эCiting Channel 33, Inc., 11 FCC Rcd 3597 (CSB 1996) and Channel 39, Inc., 13 FCC Rcd 3108 (CSB 1998). The core of the community at issue in each of the cases  xkcited by Citadel was located at or near the fringe of the stations' Grade B contour. Here, KXVO(TV)  xcovers the core of the adjacent ADI, Lincoln, with its Grade A signal, thus distinguishing the cited cases  xfrom the instant case. Moreover, as noted above, not only is KXVO(TV) currently being carried on the  xLincoln cable system, we have previously included Lincoln within the market of three other stations from  S - xthe adjacent Omaha ADI, based on their satisfaction of the statutory market modification criteria.h 2  {OR-#X\  P6G;ɒP#эSee supre, note 23.h  xkHaving similarly found here, based on the record before us, that KXVO(TV) satisfies those statutory  xfactors, we believe it would be arbitrary and capricious not to include Lincoln within KXVO(TV)'s market.  S- ` x11.` ` The evidence presented by Citadel suggesting that KXVO(TV)'s viewing audience in  xLincoln is lower than claimed by Cocola, or that KXVO(TV)'s ratings in Lancaster County are lower in  xL1998 than they were in 1997 and lower than that of three other Omaha stations, fails to convince us that  xKXVO(TV) does not serve the Lincoln market. KXVO(TV) is a relatively new station, having  xcommenced operations in June of 1995. Nonetheless, Cocola has identified on the record programming  S- xdirected toward the needs and interests of viewers in Lincoln.  {OT#-#X\  P6G;ɒP#эSee Cocola Petition, p. 45, and Cocola Reply, p. 78. Although the evidence under these factors  x[may not be persuasive if considered alone, it cannot be ignored when coupled with KXVO(TV) coverage  x[of Lincoln with a Grade A signal and carriage of the station along with other Omaha stations on the cable  x.system serving Lincoln. Accordingly, we grant the petition and include Lincoln, Nebraska in the market  SP-of television station KXVO(TV). hh  S-1 ORDERING CLAUSES  S- ` 4x12.` ` For the foregoing reasons, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to Section 614(h) of the  xCommunications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 534(h), and Section 76.59 of the Commission's  S`- x\Rules, 47 C.F.R.  76.59, that the petition for special relief filed on beha lf of Gary Cocola in File No.  S8- xCSR5259A IS GRANTED , and the television market of television station KXVO(TV) IS MODIFIED to include Lincoln, Nebraska.   x13. This action is taken pursuant to authority delegated by Section 0.321 of the Commission's  S-Rules.e yO -#X\  P6G;ɒP#э 47 C.F.R.  0.321.e x` ` hhFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION x` `  hhWilliam H. Johnson  S -x` ` hhDeputy Chief, Cable Services Bureau