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The Commission is seeking documents and may seek additional documents in this proceeding  xfrom AT&T and TCI (individually or collectively, the "Submitting Party") that contain proprietary or  xconfidential information, and, therefore, should be made available pursuant to a protective order.  xConsequently, the Bureau enters this Protective Order to ensure that the documents considered by the  S - xSubmitting Party to be confidential and proprietary are afforded protection. This Order does not constitute  xja resolution of the merits concerning whether any confidential information would be released publicly by the Commission upon a proper request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or otherwise.  S- ` x2.` ` Non-Disclosure of Stamped Confidential Documents. Except with the prior written consent  xof the Submitting Party, or as hereinafter provided under this Order, neither a Stamped Confidential  S- xDocument nor the contents thereof may be disclosed by a reviewing party to any person. A "Stamped  xConfidential Document" shall mean any document that bears the legend (or which otherwise shall have  xPhad the legend recorded upon it in a way that brings its attention to a reasonable examiner)  xK"CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION - SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER IN CS Docket No. 98-178  xbefore the Federal Communications Commission" to signify that it contains information that the  xSubmitting Party believes should be subject to protection under FOIA and the Commission's implementing  S- xrules unless the Commission determines, sua sponte or by petition, pursuant to Sections 0.459 or 0.461  xof its rules that any such document is not entitled to confidential treatment. For purposes of this order,  xthe term "document" means all written, recorded, electronically stored, or graphic material, whether produced or created by a party or another person.  S- ` Ax3.` ` Permissible Disclosure. Subject to the requirements of paragraph 5, Stamped Confidential  S- xyDocuments may be reviewed by outside counsel of record and inhouse counsel who are actively engaged  xin the conduct of this proceeding, provided that those in-house counsel seeking access are not involved  S- xin competitive decision-making, i.e., counsel's activities, association, and relationship with a client that  xkare such as to involve counsel's advice and participation in any or all of the client's business decisions  xmade in light of similar or corresponding information about a competitor. Subject to the requirements of  xparagraph 5 and subject to the obligation to secure the confidentiality of Stamped Confidential Documents  xin accordance with the terms of this order, such counsel may disclose Stamped Confidential Documents  xto: (i) the partners, associates, secretaries, paralegal assistants, and employees of such counsel to the extent  xreasonably necessary to render professional services in this proceeding; (ii) Commission officials involved  xin this proceeding; (iii) outside consultants or experts retained for the purpose of assisting counsel in these  xproceedings and who are not involved in the analysis underlying the business decisions and who do not  xLparticipate directly in the business decisions of any competitor of any Submitting Party; (iv) employees  xof such counsel involved solely in one or more aspects of organizing, filing, coding, converting, storing,  x0or retrieving data or designing programs for handling data connected with this proceeding; and (v)"&,`(`(88n("  xemployees of third-party contractors performing one or more of these functions. The Submitting Party  xshall make available for review the Stamped Confidential Documents at the offices of AT&T's outside  xcounsel, Sidley & Austin, 1722 Eye Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006; and TCI's outside counsel,  xCole, Raywid & Braverman, L.L.P., 1919 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Suite 200, Washington, D.C. 200063458.  S- ` %x4. ` ` Access to Confidential Documents. Counsel described in paragraph 3 shall have the  xobligation to ensure that access to Stamped Confidential Documents is strictly limited as prescribed in this  x.order. Such counsel shall further have the obligation to ensure: (i) that Stamped Confidential Documents  xLare used only as provided in this order; and (ii) that Stamped Confidential Documents are not duplicated except as necessary for filing at the Commission under seal as provided in paragraph 7.  S" - `  x5. ` ` Procedures for Obtaining Access to Confidential Documents. In all cases where access  xto Stamped Confidential Documents is permitted pursuant to paragraph 3, and before reviewing or having  x{access to any Stamped Confidential Documents, each person seeking such access shall execute the  xAcknowledgment of Confidentiality to the Commission and to each Submitting Party so that it is received  xby each Submitting Party five business days prior to such person's reviewing or having access to any such  xStamped Confidential Documents. Each Submitting Party shall have an opportunity to object to the  xdisclosure of Stamped Confidential Documents to any such persons. Any objection must be filed at the  xCommission and served on counsel representing, retaining or employing such person within three business  xdays after receiving a copy of that person's Acknowledgment of Confidentiality. Until any such objection  xis resolved by the Commission and any court of competent jurisdiction prior to any disclosure, and unless  xthat objection is resolved in favor of the person seeking access, persons subject to an objection from a Submitting Party shall not have access to Stamped Confidential Documents.  S- `  x6. ` ` Requests for Additional Disclosure. If any person requests disclosure of Stamped  xConfidential Documents outside the terms of this protective order, such requests will be treated in accordance with Sections 0.442 and 0.461 of the Commission's rules.  S~- ` P x7. ` ` Use of Confidential Information. Counsel described in paragraph 3 may, in any documents  xthat they file in this proceeding, reference information found in Stamped Confidential Documents or  xderived therefrom (hereinafter, "Confidential Information"), but only if they comply with the following procedure:  S- pS x` ` a.  Any portions of the pleadings that contain or disclose Confidential Information must be physically segregated from the remainder of the pleadings; Xx(#  S@- p ` ` b.  The portions of pleadings containing or disclosing Confidential Information must be covered by a separate letter to the Secretary of the Commission referencing this Protective Order;  S!- p ` ` c.  Each page of any party's filing that contains or discloses Confidential Information  xsubject to this Order must be clearly marked: "Confidential Information included pursuant to Protective Order, CS Docket No. 98-178;" and  S(%- p ` ` d.  The confidential portion(s) of the pleading shall be served upon the Secretary of  xzthe Commission and each Submitting Party. Such confidential portions shall be served under seal, and  xshall not be placed in the Commission's public file. A party filing a pleading containing Confidential"&,`(`(88n("  x=Information shall also file a redacted copy of the pleading containing no Confidential Information, which  xLcopy shall be placed in the Commission's public files. Parties may provide courtesy copies under seal of pleadings containing Confidential Information to Commission staff.  S`- `  x 8. ` ` No Waiver of Confidentiality. Disclosure of Confidential Information as provided herein  xby any person shall not be deemed a waiver by any Submitting Party of any privilege or entitlement to  xconfidential treatment of such Confidential Information. Reviewing parties, by viewing this material: (a)  x{agree not to assert any such waiver; (b) agree not to use information derived from any confidential  xOmaterials to seek disclosure in any other proceeding; and (c) agree that accidental disclosure of  xConfidential Information by a Submitting Party shall not be deemed a waiver of any privilege or entitlement as long as the Submitting Party takes prompt remedial action.  S" - ` 4 x9. ` ` Subpoena by Courts or Other Agencies. If a court or another administrative agency  xsubpoenas or orders production of Stamped Confidential Documents or Confidential Information that a  xLparty has obtained under terms of this order, such party shall promptly notify each Submitting Party of  xthe pendency of such subpoena or order. Consistent with the independent authority of any court or  xadministrative agency, such notification must be accomplished such that the Submitting Party has a full  xopportunity to oppose such production prior to the production or disclosure of any Stamped Confidential Document or Confidential Information.  S- ` x10. ` ` Client Consultation. Nothing in this order shall prevent or otherwise restrict counsel from  xMrendering advice to their clients relating to the conduct of this proceeding and any subsequent judicial  xproceeding arising therefrom and, in the course thereof, relying generally on examination of Stamped  xLConfidential Documents; provided, however, that in rendering such advice and otherwise communicating with such client, counsel shall not disclose Stamped Confidential Documents or Confidential Information.  S- `  x11.` ` Violations of Protective Order. Persons obtaining access to Stamped Confidential  x.Documents or Confidential Information under this order shall use the information solely for preparation  xand the conduct of this proceeding as delimited in paragraphs 4, 7, and 10, and any subsequent judicial  x]proceeding arising directly from this proceeding and, except as provided herein, shall not use such  xinformation for any other purpose, including business, governmental, commercial, or other administrative,  x/regulatory or judicial proceedings. Parties will be permitted to use these materials in connection with  xjcommunications and submissions to the Department of Justice as they pertain to that agency's review of  xthe antitrust aspects of the proposed merger of AT&T and TCI. Should a party that has properly obtained  xaccess to Confidential Information under this Protective Order violate any of its terms, that party shall  ximmediately convey that fact to the Commission and to the Submitting Party. Further, should such  xMviolation consist of improper disclosure of Confidential Information, the violating party shall take all  x[necessary steps to remedy the improper disclosure. The Commission retains its full authority to fashion appropriate sanctions for violations of this Protective Order.  S!- `  x12.` ` Prohibited Copying. If, in the judgment of the Submitting Party, a document contains  xNinformation so sensitive that it should not be copied by anyone, it shall bear the additional legend  x"Copying Prohibited," and no copies of such document, in any form, shall be made. Application for relief  x/from this restriction against copying may be made to the Commission, with notice to counsel for the Submitting Party. "&,`(`(88'"Ԍ S- `  x13. ` ` Termination of Proceeding. The provisions of this order shall not terminate at the  x[conclusion of this proceeding. Within two weeks after conclusion of this proceeding (which includes any  xadministrative or judicial review), Stamped Confidential Documents and all copies of same shall be  xreturned to the Submitting Party. No material whatsoever derived from Stamped Confidential Documents  xkmay be retained by any person having access thereto, except counsel to a party in this proceeding (as  xdescribed in paragraph 3) may retain, under the continuing strictures of this order, two copies of pleadings  x\containing confidential information prepared on behalf of that party. All counsel of record shall make  xcertification of compliance herewith and shall deliver the same to counsel for the Submitting Party not more than three weeks after conclusion of this proceeding.  Sr- ` % x14. ` ` Authority. This Order is issued pursuant to Sections 4(i), 214(a), and 310(d) of the  xCommunications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.  154(i), 214(a), and 310(d), Section 4 of the  xFreedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C.  552(b)(4), and authority delegated under Section 0.321 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.321, and is effective upon its adoption. x` `  hhFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION x x` `  hhDeborah Lathen x` `  hhChief, Cable Services Bureau ",`(`(88u"  %0<  X X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: