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The Rate Order stated: "[I]t  xKis hereby ORDERED: 1) That Continental adjust its rates to make them consistent with those stated under" $, * *,,'"  x[the Rate Determination section and; 2) That Continental issue a refund to subscribers as of September 1,  S- xl993. 47 C.F.R.  76.942 (c); 207 CMR 6.43." {O5-ԍIn re Town of Natick, CATV Docket No. Natick, Y93 (May 20, l994).#K\  P@QP#ї The Rate Order also instructed Continental to submit  S- xja refund plan prior to August l5, l994.^Z {O-ԍ#C\  P6QP#Id.^ Continental forwarded its refund proposal in correspondence of  xJune 7 and July 27, l994. On August 4, l994, the MCATC issued a letter ruling in which it refers to its  x]May 20, l994 order, as follows: "This Rate Order states that Continental should issue refunds as  S- xLdetermined by the Rate Order. This would include issuing refunds to all subscribers in Natick who were  xcharged more than the maximum permitted rate for the basic service tier." (emphasis in original) Continental filed an appeal with the Commission on September 2, l994.  S5- III.xBUREAU ACTION  S- ` x3.` ` The Bureau Order held that Continental's appeal was untimely filed and that its request  xfor emergency stay, pending resolution of its appeal, was rendered moot. The Bureau ruled that  x\MCATC's August 4, l994 letter ruling was not a rate decision, as it neither set rates for Continental's  xbasic service tier and associated equipment, nor ordered Continental to issue any refunds. Rather, the  x/Bureau stated that the MCATC's May 20, l994 Local Rate Order established said rates and required  xContinental to issue refunds. Accordingly, the Bureau ruled that Continental's September 2, l994 filing  xof its appeal was untimely pursuant to Section 76.944(b) of the Commission's rules, which requires the  x{filing of a ratemaking appeal within 30 days of the release of the text of the franchising authority's  S8-decision.q8 {O-ԍ#C\  P6QP#See 47 C.F.R. 76.944(b).q  S- IV.xSTANDARD OF REVIEW  Sl- ` _x4.` ` Applications for Review must specify with particularity the factor or factors that warrant  xCommission consideration from among the following: (1) the action taken pursuant to delegated authority  xis in conflict with statute, regulation, case precedent, or established Commission policy; (2) the action  xLinvolves a question of law or policy which has not previously been resolved by the Commission; (3) the  xjaction involves application of a precedent or policy which should be overturned or revised; (4) there was  xzan erroneous finding as to an important or material question of fact, or (5) prejudicial procedural error  S:- xoccured.:~ yOX-ԍ#C\  P6QP#47 C.F.R.  1.115(b)(2)(i)(v).#K\  P@QP#ј We will not grant an application for review if it relies on questions of fact or law upon which  S- x0the designated authority has been afforded no opportunity to pass.e yO - xxԍ#C\  P6QP#47 C.F.R.  1.115(c). Subject to  1.106 of our regulations, new questions of fact or law may be presented to  yO}!-the designated authority in a petition for reconsideration. 47 C.F.R.  1.115(c) note.#K\  P@QP#e Continental asserts that the  S-Commission should entertain the application for review because the Bureau misapplied applicable law.Gf  yO#-ԍApplication for Review at p. 2.G " ,l(l(,,z"Ԍ S- $ `  $ ` V.xDISCUSSION  S- ` x5.` ` Continental contends that MCATC's May 20, l994 Rate Order cannot be considered a final  xorder under the Commission's rate standards until the issuance of the August 4, l994 letter ruling, which  xm $ `  $ ` ust be considered a separate and final order of the franchising authority in regard to the Commission's  S- xappeal process. Continental relies on Meredith/New Heritage Strategic Partners, L.P.  yOi-ԍ#C\  P6QP#9 FCC Rcd 6841 (1994).#K\  P@QP#ь (Meredith) for the  xproposition that a decision of the local franchising authority is not final if the cable operator is able to  xdemonstrate that the text has been changed between the initial and last dated version of the decision.  xContinental argues that the August 4, l994 letter ruling modified the substance of the earlier May 20, l994 order, and consequently, the "very issue of appeal was not yet present" until August 4.  S- ` x6.` ` We need not reach the issue of whether Continental's appeal is timely. Even if we were  xto give credence to Continental's contentions regarding the timeliness of its appeal, petitioner would not  xprevail on the merits of its arguments contained therein. Continental contends that the Rate Order requires  xthe cable operator to reduce the overcharges on the basic tier, but prohibits Continental from offsetting  x]its loss on the CPS tier, resulting in a rate reduction that is in direct violation of the Commission's  S - xbenchmark requirement. In this regard, Continental cites the Third Order on Reconsideration,e X yO-ԍ9 FCC Rcd 4316 (l994).#K\  P@QP#e arguing  x=that the Commission in that document condemned rate policies that "result in an operator being required  x>to make a rate reduction that is greater than the maximum reduction required under application of the  S9- xybenchmark approach."4 9 yO-ԍId. at 4353.4 Continental also argues that Section 76.942 of the Commission's rules expressly incorporates offsetting basic rate overcharges against cable programming service tier rate undercharges.  S- ` x7.` ` The Commission has had occasion to consider, and reject, arguments like those made by  Sm- xContinental regarding the question of offsetting overcharges on one tier with undercharges on another tier.   S:- xIn Cencom Cable Income Partners II, L.P. (Cencom),/ :x {OR-ԍ#C\  P6QP#12 FCC Rcd 7948 (l997)#K\  P@QP#, #C\  P6QP#recon. denied,#C\  P6QP#12 FCC Rcd 22295 (l997).#K\  P@QP#/ the Commission noted the "dual regulatory  xstructure for cable services, giving local franchising authorities jurisdiction to regulate [basic service tier]  xand associated equipment rates, and giving the Commission jurisdiction to regulate [cable programming  S- xservice tier] rates upon filing of a valid complaint.":   {OL-ԍId. at 7958.: The Commission further stated that "Section 76.942  So- xof the Commission's Rules and the Third Order on Reconsideration direct local franchising authorities  xto base refunds on the amount by which aggregate actual revenues exceed aggregate permitted revenues  S - xfor [basic service tier] sevice and equipment rates under their regulatory jurisdiction.":  {OF"-ԍId. at 7959.: The authorities  xcited by Continental do not provide for aggregating revenues for services and equipment costs that are  xsubject to review by different regulatory authorities. We are not persuaded by the arguments presented to  Sq-deviate from our ruling in Cencom or Section 76.942 of our rules.  Q?-  3'3'Standard3'3'Standard PrintHL4MPCAD.PRSC\ hڰX  S - ` x8.` ` We are likewise not persuaded by Continental's arguments regarding the timeliness of its  xappeal, and we affirm the Bureau's decision. We agree with the Bureau that the May 20, l994 Rate Order". ,l(l(,,"  xissued by the MCATC was a final rate order which set rates for Continental's basic service tier and  xordered the cable operator to issue refunds to subscribers of that level of service. Although Continental  xargues that it did not understand the Rate Order until its refund plan was rejected, its interpretation of the  x=Rate Order was not supported by the face of the Rate Order or by Commission rules or precedent. The  xBureau did not err in finding untimely Continental's September 2, l994 appeal of an issue that was  xdecided in the May 20, l994 order. In addition, although Continental alternatively asks that the  S- xCommission find "good cause" under Meredith to accept its latefiled appeal because it misunderstood the  xRate Order, Continental has not provided any information as to its appeal that has any relevance to the  Si-"good cause" standard in Meredith.iî {O- xԍIn Meredith, the petitioner asserted that the lateness of its pleading was due to a malfunctioning computer,  xKwhich caused the pleading to be filed four minutes after the Commission's deadline. The Commission stated that  xthis was not an adequate reason to waive a filing deadline in an adjudicatory proceeding. The "good cause" standard  {O+ - xI applied in Meredith emphasized that the petitioning party must cite the "intervention of something beyond the control of the party which could not have been foreseen, and for which no corrective action could be taken."  yO -   S- VI.xORDERING CLAUSE  S - ` x9.` ` For the foregoing reasons, IT IS ORDER ED that the Application for Review filed by  Sk -Continental Cablevision of Massachusetts, Inc. d/b/a/ Continental Cablevision IS DENIED .  S -x` `  hh@FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION(#(#X   x` `  hh@Magalie Roman Salas x` `  hh@Secretary