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S- X    S-  Federal Communications Commission`g(#lFCC 98312 ă  yxdddy ՊPg Before the Federal Communications Commission  S-">Washington, D.C. 20554 ă In the Matter of:) ) ) GLADES TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC.) ) ) Application For Review) of Certification to Operate an) Open Video System)  S -   MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER \  SX-X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:obtain certification to operate an open video system.>H] yO-ԍ47 C.F.R. 76.1501.> The Bureau properly determined that neither  d(#[Section 653 of the Communications Act, nor our rules promulgated pursuant thereto, restrict open video  d(#=system certification to LECs. The City has not persuaded us that either the Bureau's decision below, or  S-our initial determination in the Second Report and Order, was in error.   ST- 7.` ` The City next argues that Glades' FCC Form 1275 does not provide any information  d(#concerning the use of the public rightsof way and does not provide sufficient information regarding the  S- d(#?technical operation of the anticipated open video system.9] yO|$-ԍApplication at 8.9 The City further argues that Glades'  d(#certification application is procedurally deficient because it was not properly served on the City Clerk  d(#before it was filed with the Commission. The City states that Glades served the City's Risk Manager  d(#instead of the City Clerk and, thus, the City was deprived of due process. The City further argues that"h ,`(`(88"  d(#it was denied due process of law because of the fiveday period in which comments or oppositions to a  d(#<certification application must be filed with the Commission. The City maintains that the fiveday response  d(#period denied it a meaningful notice and an adequate opportunity to prepare an appropriate defense to Glades' certification application.  S8-  8. ` ` In its opposition, Glades maintains that the Bureau properly found in its Order that Glades  d(#[had furnished all the information required by FCC Form 1275. Glades further maintains that it properly  d(#yserved the City because it relied in good faith upon information provided by the City. Glades states that  d(#it telephoned the City to ascertain the appropriate official to be served and was told to serve the City's  S-Risk Manager."] yO - d(#,ԍGlades has attached Declarations to its Opposition which state that on April 27, 1998, Samantha Price, one of  d(#its employees, spoke with Peter O'Donnell of the City and was informed that the proper City official to be served  {O - d(#,was David Amason, the City's Risk Manager. Opposition at p.10, n.23 and Declarations attached as Exhibits A and B.   SH - 9.` ` We find that the Bureau properly concluded in the Order that Glades' certification  d(#application on FCC Form 1275 was complete and contained the requisite facts and representations  S - d(#concerning the anticipated operation of an open video system.9 ] yOJ-ԍOrder at  12.9 FCC Form 1275 does not require  S - d(#certification applicants to provide information concerning use of the public rightsofwayDZ B] yO- d(#ԍWe note that the Commission has stated its belief that Congress did not intend open video system operators  {Oz- d(#"to infringe upon local communities' prerogative to manage their rightsofway." Second Report and Order, 11 FCC Rcd at 18329.D nor does it  d(#require information concerning the technical operation of the open video system beyond anticipated  d(#Lchannel capacity. With regard to the issue of service of the application on the City, we note that Glades  d(#has adequately explained why it served its certification application on the City's Risk Manager rather than  d(#the City Clerk. Glades has provided evidence of its good faith efforts to ascertain the proper city official  d(#to serve with its certification application. Moreover, as noted in the Order, the City filed extensive  d(#comments prepared by its City Attorney opposing Glades' certification as an open video system operator.  d(#Accordingly, we cannot conclude that the City's ability to fully and fairly address the issues raised by  d(#Glades' certification application was materially infringed. We therefore uphold the Bureau's finding of sufficient service of process.  S-  10.` ` The City argues that the fiveday period in which comments or oppositions may be filed  d(#in response to an open video system certification application denies it due process of law. The  S- d(#Commission has previously addressed this issue.(d ] {O!- d(#ԍThird Report and Order, 11 FCC Rcd at 2024347; Second Report and Order, 11 FCC Rcd at 18245; see also  {O"-Digital Broadcasting Open Video System, DA 981388 at 9 (Cab. Serv. Bur. rel. July 13, 1998).( The 1996 Act provides the Commission with only ten  d(#days for open video system certification applications to be processed and reviewed. Thus, the entire open  d(#/video system certification process must be, by statutory necessity, streamlined. In order to provide  d(#affected parties with an opportunity to be heard, the Commission provides that comments or oppositions  d(#lmust be filed within five days of a certification application's filing date. We find that the fiveday"( ,`(`(88{"  d(#[comment period provides the maximum opportunity to be heard within the time constraints imposed by the 1996 Act.   S-  Q 11.` ` We conclude that the City has not raised arguments in its application for review which  d(#warrant reversal of the Bureau's decision in the Order. Accordingly, the City's application for review is denied.  S-  S- IV.ORDERING CLAUSES  S- 12.` ` Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED , pursuant to Section 1.115 of the Commission's rules,  Sp- d(#N47 C.F.R. 1.115, that the application for review filed by the City of Deerfield Beach, Florida IS  SH -DENIED . ` ` ` `  hhCFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION  S - xxX (#(#` `  hhCMagalie Roman Salas ` `  hhCSecretary