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ԍIn 1998, the Mass Media Bureau informed BellSouth Corporation that it must observe the Cable Services  ! Bureau's special relief Rule 76.7 when BellSouth submits showings that its wireless cable systems comply with Rule  {O' !Q 21.912 based upon the "effective competition" exception to Section 21.912.  Letter dated January 21, 1998, from  ! Roy J. Stewart, Chief, Mass Media Bureau to Charles G. Cline, Kenneth W. Garrard, BellSouth Wireless Cable, Inc.  {O'and BellSouth Corporation (File Nos. 50849CMAL(1)97 and 50851CMAL(2)97).  !requesting a finding of effective competition in Pembroke Pines, Florida in conjunction with its showing  S' !of compliance with Section 21.912 and 74.931(h) of the Commission's rules.M|x yO'ԍ47 C.F.R.  21.912, 74.931(h).M BellSouth's petition is unopposed.  S' ( 2.` ` The Communications Act and the Commission's rules provide that only the rates of cable  S' !systems that are not subject to effective competition may be regulated.~ x yO~'ԍCommunications Act  623(a)(2), 47 U.S.C.  543(a)(2); 47 C.F.R.  76.905(a).~ One of the bases by which a cable  !system will be deemed subject to effective competition is if fewer than 30% of the households in the  Sl' !xsystem's franchise area subscribe to the cable system's service.lx yO 'ԍCommunications Act  623(l)(1)(A), 47 U.S.C.  543(l)(1)(A); 47 C.F.R.  76.905(b)(1). In the absence of a demonstration to the  S9' !contrary, cable systems are presumed not to be subject to effective competition.e9, x yO#'ԍ#X\  P6G;?P#47 C.F.R.  76.906.e The cable operator bears  !the burden of rebutting the presumption that effective competition does not exist with evidence that  !peffective competition, as defined by Section 76.905 of the Commission's rules, is present within its  S'franchise area.k x yO&'ԍ#X\  P6G;?P#47 C.F.R.  76.911(b)(1).k BellSouth has met this burden.  S' ( `Ԋ3.` ` BellSouth submitted reliable data that the number of households in Pembroke Pines is  S' !D43,393.zɥ yO5'ԍ#X\  P6G;?P#BellSouth Petition at 45, Exhibit D.z BellSouth also submitted sufficient information demonstrating that its system currently provides  !no service to the 43,393 households in its franchise area, or 0% of the total number of households in its  !Pembroke Pines franchise area. Therefore, we find that BellSouth's system serving Pembroke Pines is subject to low penetration effective competition.  S' ( 4. ` ` According ly, IT IS ORDERED that the petition for special relief requesting a finding of  !teffective competition in its Pembroke Pines, Florida franchise area filed by BellSouth Interactive Media  Sh'Services IS GRANTED .  S' ( 5.` ` This action is taken pursuant to delegated authority pursuant to Section 0.321 of the  S'Commission's rules.=Xɥ yO 'ԍ47 C.F.R.  0.321.=  S6 ' ` `  ,hh] FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ` `  ,hh]William H. Johnson ` `  ,hh]Deputy Chief, Cable Services Bureau