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Sd-WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554`}(# DA 98 1969 ă  1yx dddhy  aE@#6\  P6QP#News media information 202/4180500 FaxOnDemand 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov  S-#&J\  P6Q&P#  Sw-  CABLE SERVICES BUREAU ACTION ă`(# September 29, 1998 ă  S -K AT&T CORPORATION AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. SEEK FCC CONSENT  S - FOR A PROPOSED TRANSFER OF CONTROL TPCS DOCKET NO. 98178  S -  Petitions/Comments due: October 29, l998 Oppositions/Responses due: November 13, l998  SF-   xOn September 14, 1998, AT&T Corporation (AT&T) and TeleCommunications, Inc. (TCI) filed  xjoint applications under Section 310(d) of the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. 310(d), requesting  xCommission approval of the transfer of control to AT&T of licenses and authorizations controlled by TCI  xor its affiliates or subsidiaries. This transfer of control would take place as the result of a proposed  xmerger of AT&T and TCI. After the proposed merger, TCI would become a wholly owned subsidiary  xof AT&T, and the licenses and authorizations currently held by the affiliates or subsidiaries of TCI would continue to be held by those entities.    NxTCI and AT&T submit that the public interest will clearly benefit from the proposed transaction  xwhich will foster new facilitiesbased competition in the provision of local telephone service and result  x.in the provision of new and enhanced services to the public without reducing competition in any service or market.   xInterested parties may file comments or petitions to deny the applications no later than  ST- x October29, 1998 . Oppositions or responses to these comments and petitions may be filed no later than  S,-November 13, 1998 .   NxFor administrative convenience, the various applications listed below have been consolidated into  xone general docket. All filings regarding any aspect of the proposed merger should reference the Cable  S -Services docket assigned to this proceeding, CS Docket No. 98178.  Sd!-  S<"-  EX PARTE STATUS OF THIS PROCEEDING ĐTP   !xBecause this proceeding involves broad public policy issues, the Cable Services Bureau will treat  S$- xthe proceeding as "permit but disclose" for purposes of the Commission's ex parte rules. See generally  x47 C.F.R.  1.12001.1216. Should circumstances warrant, the Bureau may designate this proceeding  Sw&- xand all interrelated proceedings as restricted. As a "permit but disclose" proceeding, ex parte presentationsw&0*0*0*)e@k[!8\LR@ '#  h  xwill be governed by the procedures set forth in Section 1.1206 of the Commission's rules applicable to  S-nonrestricted proceedings."}  {O@- xԍAn ex parte presentation is any communication (spoken or written) directed to the merits or outcome of a  xiproceeding made to a Commissioner, a Commissioner's assistant, or other decisionmaking staff member, that, if  xJwritten, is not served on other parties to the proceeding or, if oral, is made without an opportunity for all parties to be present. 47 C.F.R. Sec. 1.1201.   S-  xParties making oral ex parte presentations are reminded that memoranda summarizing the  xjpresentation must contain a summary of the substance of the presentation and not merely a listing of the  xsubjects discussed. More than a one or two sentence description of the views and arguments presented  S- xjis generally required. See 47 C.F.R.  1.1206(b)(2), as revised. Other rules pertaining to oral and written  xpresentations are set forth in Section 1.1206 (b) as well. Interested parties are to file with the Commission  xSecretary, Magalie Roman Salas, 1919 M Street, N.W., Room 222, Washington, D.C. 20554, and serve  xRoyce Dickens of the Policy and Rules Division, Cable Services Bureau, Room 406, 2033 M Street, N.W.,  xWashington D.C. 20554, and International Transcription Service, Inc., 1231 20th Street, N.W.,  SL - x.Washington, D.C. 20036, with copies of any written ex parte presentations in these proceedings filed in the manner specified above.  S -   S -x` `  TRANSFER OF CONTROL APPLICATIONS   ^xThe applications for transfer of control of TCI's authorizations and licenses to AT&T include  xnumerous Commission authorizations and licenses. Attached is a list of the authorizations and licenses  xinvolved in this transaction. They are separated by type of authorization and license, and, within each  x.category, by the TCI subsidiary or affiliate that holds the authorization or license. Each TCI subsidiary  xor affiliate may hold multiple authorizations or licenses of a particular type. Interested parties should refer  x\to the transfer of control applications for a listing of the authorizations or licenses. Parties should be  xaware that additional applications may have to be filed to identify any additional authorizations in the  xzservices noted. TCI and AT&T have requested that grant of the applications listed herein include the  xMauthority for AT&T to acquire control of: (1) any authorization issued to TCI or its subsidiaries and  x\affiliates during the Commission's consideration of the transfer of control applications and the period  xrequired for consummation of the transaction following Commission approval; (2) construction permits  xheld by licensees involved in this transfer of control that mature into licenses after closing and that may  xjhave been omitted from the transfer of control applications; and (3) applications that will have been filed by such licensees and that are pending at the time of consummation of the proposed transfer of control. x  S.-b GENERAL INFORMATION ĐTP   xThe applications for transfer of control of the licenses/authorizations referenced herein have, upon  xinitial review, been accepted for filing. The Commission reserves the right to return any applications if,  xupon further examination, they are determined to be defective and not in conformance with the Commission's rules and policies.    xFinal action will not be taken on the applications earlier than 31 days following the date of this  xNotice. Interested parties may file pleadings as indicated above regarding the applications. An original  xand 12 copies of all pleadings, in accordance with Section 1.51(c) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.  x1.51(c), must be filed with the Commission's Secretary, Magalie Roman Salas, 1919 M Street, N.W.,""0*(($"  xRoom 222, Washington, D.C. 20554. In addition, one copy of each pleading must be filed with other  xyoffices, as follows: (1) International Transcription Service, Inc., the Commission's duplicating contractor,  x[at its office at 1231 20th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, telephone (202) 8573800; (2) Deborah  xLathen, Chief, Cable Services Bureau, 2033 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20554; (3) Royce Dickens,  xPolicy and Rules Division, Cable Services Bureau, 2033 M Street, N.W., Room 406, Washington, D.C.  x 20554; (4) Quyen Truong, Policy and Program Planning Division, Common Carrier Bureau, 1919 M  x/Street, N.W., Room 544, Washington, D.C. 20554; (5) Evette Keene, Video Services Division, Mass  xMedia Bureau. l9l9 M Street, N.W., Room 712, Washington, D.C. 20554; (6) Karl Kensinger, Satellite  xand Radio Communication Division, International Bureau, 2000 M Street, N.W., Room 800, Washington,  xD.C. 20554; (7) Sherille Ismail, Telecommunications Division, International Bureau, 2000 M Street, N.W.,  x=Room 800, Washington, D.C. 20554; and (8) Walter Strack, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, 2025 M Street, N.W., Room 5002, Washingon D.C. 20554.    "xIn addition to filing paper comments, parties may also file comments using the Commission's  S - xElectronic Comment Filing System (ECFS). See Electronic Filing of Documents in Rulemaking  S - xLProceedings, 63 Fed. Reg. 24,121 (1998). Comments filed through the ECFS can be sent as an electronic  S - xfile via the Internet to . Generally, only one copy of an electronic  x submission must be filed. In completing the transmittal screen, commenters should include their full  xname, Postal Service mailing address, and the applicable docket or rulemaking number. Parties may also  x!submit an electronic comment by Internet email. To get filing instructions for email comments,  xcommenters should send an email to ecfs@fcc.gov, and should include the following words in the body of the message, "get form ." A sample form and directions will be sent in reply.    PxParties are also encouraged to file a copy of all pleadings on a 3.5 inch diskette in an IBM xNcompatible format using Wordperfect 5.1 for Windows software in a "read only" mode. Diskette  xsubmissions should be in addition to, and not a substitute for, the hard copy filing requirements reviewed  x.above. All diskettes should be clearly labeled with: (1) the party's name; (2) the name of the proceeding  S- xand docket number; (3) the type of filing submitted (e.g., comments or oppositions); and (4) the date of  x=submission. The diskettes should be accompanied by a cover letter and filed with Royce Dickens of the  xPolicy and Rules Division, Cable Services Bureau, 2033 M Street, N.W., Room 406, Washington D.C. 20554.  S*-   !xCopies of the applications and any subsequently filed documents in this matter may be obtained  xfrom International Transcription Service, Inc., 1231 20th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, telephone  x(202) 8573800. Electronic versions of the applications will also be available on the FCC's Internet Home  xPage (http://www.fcc.gov), and through the Commission's Electronic Comment Filing System. To the  xextent that parties file electronic versions of responsive pleadings, such filings also will be available on  xthe FCC's Internet Home Page and through the Commission's Electronic Comment Filing System. Copies  x>of the applications and documents are also available for public inspection and copying during normal  x^reference room hours at the Commission's Reference Center, 1919 M Street, N.W., Room 239 Washington, D.C. 20554.    xFor further information, contact John Norton (202) 4187200, Royce Dickens (202) 4187030, or Richard Kalb (202) 4181055 of the Cable Services Bureau. TTY: (202) 4187172 or (888) 8355322.  "&0*((n("Ԍ S-$U ATTACHMENT ĐTP  S-  S`- Cable Television Relay Services (Part 78)  S8- x` ` Communications Services, Inc  S-x` `  4866909hhWGV990hWylie, TX x` ` Beatrice Cable TV Company  Sp-x` `  4870009hhWAE436hBeatrice, NE SH -x` `  4870109hhWHZ540hMarysville, KS  S -x` ` Cable TV Puget Sound, Inc.@hpp.  S -x` `  4870209hhWBG426hTacoma South, WA  S -x` `  4870309hhWSJ21h  SX-x` ` Cablevision of Arcadia/Sierra Madre, Incpp    S0-x` `  4870409hhWGZ340hArcadia (Santa Anita PK), CA  S-x` ` Cablevision V, Inc.hh@h  S-x` `  4870509hhWAF861hPort Isabel, TX  Sh-x` ` Cablevision VI, Inc.hh@hpp  S@-x` `  4870609hhWAN750hAvon, CO  S-x` `  4870709hhWDN701hAvon, CO  S-x` `  4870809hhWGH338hRockwell City, IA  S-x` ` Clinton Cablevisionhh@h  Sx-x` `  4870909hhWAM685hClinton, IA  S(-x` ` Communications & Cable of Chicago, Inc.pp    S-x` `  4871009hhWGJ468hChicago, IL  S-x` `  4871109hhWHZ834h x  S-x` ` Community Cable Television@hpp  S`-x` `  4871209hhKYZ22hKerrville (Bandera), TX  S8-x` `  4871309hhWHZ798hWalled Lake, MI  S -x` `  4871409hhWHZ799hWalled Lake, MI  S -  S!-x` ` Community Television Systems Inc.hpp  S"-x` `  4871509hhWGZ376hBranford, CT x  SH$-x` ` District Cablevision, LP@hpp  S %-x` `  4871609hhWHZ681hWashington, DC  S%-   "%0*(('"Ԍ S-x` `  <%2V4  <%2V4 Everett Cablevision, Inc.@hpp  S- x` `  4871709hhWGI787hUpper Ridge, WA  <%2V4  <%2V4   S-x` ` HCG Cablevision, Inc.hh@h  S`-x` `  4871809hhKMA56hHealdsburg, CA  S8-x` `  4871909hhWHZ979  S-x` ` Harbor Communications JV@hpp.  S-x` `  4872009hhWAN201hAberdeen, WA x  Sp-x` ` Heritage Cablevision Associates, A LPhpp  SH -x` `  4872109hhWHZ235hSouth Bend, IN  S -x` `  4872209hhWSH25  S -x` ` Heritage Cablevision of Colorado, Inc.hpp  S -x` `  4872309hhWHZ622hDillion, CO  SX-x` ` Heritage Cablevision of Texas, Inc.hpp  S0-x` `  4872409hhWHZ504hPharr, TX  S-x` ` Heritage Cablevision, Inc. (an Iowa Corp.)pp    S-x` `  4872509hhKA80603hDes Moines, IA  S-x` `  4872609hhWAG984hMarshalltown, IA  Sh-x` `  4872709hhWAS392hDes Moines, IA  S@-x` `  4872809hhWAU543hAckley, IA  S-x` `  4872909hhWBC269hDes Moines, IA  S-x` `  4873009hhWGZ237hDes Moines, IA  S-x` `  4873109hhWGZ254hKnoxville, IA  S-x` `  4873209hhWHZ298hDes Moines, IA  SP-x` ` Heritage Communications, Inc.@hpp  S(-x` `  4873309hhWAG775hDes Moines, IA  S-x` `  4873409hhWAG776hDes Moines, IA  S-x` `  4873509hhWAG777hDes Moines, IA  S-x` `  4873609hhWAG778hDes Moines, IA  S-x` `  4873709hhWAG779hDes Moines, IA  S`-x ` `  4873809hhWAG780hDes Moines, IA  S8-x` `  4873909hhWAG781hDes Moines, IA  S -x` `  4874009hhWAL476hRed Oak, IA  S -x` `  4874109hhWGV908hIndianola, IA  S!-x` `  4874209hhWGW205hNewton, IA  Sp#-x` ` LaSalle Telecommmunications,Inc.hpp  SH$-x` `  4874309hhWHZ458hChicago, IL  S %-x` `  4874409hhWHZ984  S&-x` ` Mile Hi Cable Partnership, LP@hpp  S'-x` `  4874509hhWLY322hDenver, CO"'0*((O)"Ԍ S-ԙ x` ` San Leandro Cable Television, Inchpp  S-x` `  4874609hhKB60117hHayward, CA  S-x` `  4874709hhWHZ582  S`-x` ` South Chicago Cable Inc@hpp  S8-x` `  4874809hhWHZ466hChicago, IL x  S-x` ` TCI American Cable Holdings II, LPhpp  S-x` `  4874909hhWHZ390hHighland Park (Zurich), IL  Sp-x` ` TCI American Cable Holding, LPhpp  SH -x` `  4875009hhKA80619hSpokane, WA  S -x` `  4875109hhKA80635hSpokane, WA  S -x` `  4875209hhWHZ528hSpokane, WA  S -x` `  4875309hhWHZ568hSaginaw, MI  S -x` ` TCI Atlantic, Inc.hh@h  SX-x` `  4875409hhWHZ431hLong Beach Island, NJ  S0-x` `  4875509hhWMC693h  S-x` ` TCI Cable Partners of St. Louis, LPhpp  S-x` `  4875609hhWGI779hOverland, MO  S-x` `  4875709hhWGV512hBelleville, IL  S@-x` ` TCI Cablevision of California, Inc.hpp  S-x` `  4875809hhKPW66hReno, NV  S-x` `  4875909hhKQJ96hWashoe County, CA  S-x` `  4876009hhWAL205hMonterey, CA  S-x` `  4876109hhWAN418hSouth San Francisco, CA  Sx-x` `  4876209hhWAP961hReno, NV  SP-x` `  4876309hhWBQ958hOjai, CA  S(-x` `  4876409hhWCY513hOjai, CA  S-x` `  4876509hhWGU387hMonterey, CA  S-x` `  4876609hhWGV948hMonterey, CA  S-x` `  4876709hhWGV955hMonterey, CA  xx  S-x` `  4876809hhWGZ317hPlacer, NV  S`-x` `  4876909hhWHZ794hNewbury Park, CA  S8-x` `  4877009hhWHZ886hHemet(Pine Cove), CA  S -x` `  4877109hhWHZ983hHemet(San Jacinto), CA  S -x` `  4877209hhWLY269hHemet, CA  S"-x` ` TCI Cablevision of Dallas, Inc.hpp  Sp#-x` `  4877309hhKA80623hDallas, TX  SH$-x` `  4877409hhWGZ378 " %0*((&"Ԍ S-x` ` TCI Cablevision of Florida, Inc.hpp  S-x` `  4877509hhWAS402hKey West, FL  S-x` `  4877609hhWAS403hLittle Torch Key, FL  S-x` `  4877709hhWAS404hKey Colony Beach, FL  S`-x` `  4877809hhWAS405hKey Colony Beach, FL  S8-x` `  4877909hhWFB801hKey Largo, FL  S-x` `  4878009hhWFB856hKey Largo, FL  S-   S-x` ` TCI Cablevision of Georgia, Inc.hpp  S-x` `  4878109hhWBQ794hMcRae, GA  Sp-x` `  4878209hhWHZ987hValdosta, GA  SH -x` `  4878309hhWHZ988hValdosta, GA  S -x` `  4878409hhWHZ989hValdosta, GA  S -x` `  4878509hhWHZ990hValdosta, GA  S -x` `  4878609hhWHZ991hValdosta, GA  S -x` `  4878709hhWHZ992hValdosta, GA  S -x` `  4878809hhWHZ993hValdosta, GA  SX-x` `  4878909hhWHZ994hValdosta, GA  S0-x` `  4879009hhWLY293hLos Trancos Woods, CA  S-x` ` TCI Cablevision of Great Falls, Inc.hpp  S-x` `  4879109hhWGZ362hGreat Falls, MT  Sh-x` ` TCI Cablevision of Idaho, Inc.@hpp  S@-x` `  4879209hhWLY379hLewiston, ID  S-x` `  4879309hhWOL61  S-x` ` TCI Cablevision of Minnesota, Inc.hpp  S-x` `  4879409hhWAS911hWadena, MN  Sx-x` `  4879509hhWAS912hAlexandria, MN  SP-x` `  4879609hhWAW865hAlexandria, MN  S(-x` `  4879709hhWAW866hAlexandria, MN  S-x` `  4879809hhWLY568hAlexandria, MN  S-x` `  4879909hhWSA47hAustin, MN  S-x` `  4880009hhWWR84hSauk Centre, MN  S-x` `  4880109hhWWR87hLong Prairie, MN  S`-x` `  4880209hhWWR93hAlexandria, MN  S -x` ` TCI Cablevision of Missouri, Inc.hpp  S -x` `  4880309hhKOU57hJefferson City, MO  S!-x` `  4880409hhKOU58  S"-x` `  4880509hhKOU59  Sp#-x` `  4880609hhKOU60  SH$-x` `  4880709hhKOU62 " %0*((&"Ԍ S-x` ` H TCI Cablevision of Montana Inc.hpp    S-x` `  4880809hhWAD901hMissoula, MT  S-x` `  4880909hhWAD953hMissoula, MT  S-x` `  4881009hhWDC319hMissoula, MT  S`-x` `  4881109hhWGZ359hCut Bank, MT  S8-x` `  4881209hhWGZ361hKalispell, MT  S-x` `  4881309hhWGZ363hKalispell, MT  S-x` `  4881409hhWHZ748hHarlem, MT  S-x` `  4881509hhWLY332hHelena, MT  S-x` `  4881609hhWLY505hKalispell, MT  Sp-x` `  4881709hhWLY533hChoteau, MTH  S -x` ` TCI Cablevision of Nevada, Inc.hpp  S -x` `  4881809hhWGZ271hLyon County, NV  S -x` `  4881909hhWLY381hReno, NV  S - x` ` TCI Cablevision of New Mexico, Inc. hpp  SX-x` `  4882009hhWAC956hJal, NM  S0-x` `  4882109hhWIZ51hLas Cruces, NM  S-x` `  4882209hhWLY475hJal, NM  S-x` ` TCI Cablevision of Ohio, Inc.@hpp  S-x` `  4882309hhWGZ410hZanesville, OH  Sh-x` `  4882409hhWHZ476hMarietta, OH  S@-x` `  4882509hhWHZ633hBazetta, OH  S-x` `  4882609hhWLY471hWarren, OH  S-x` ` TCI Cablevision of Oregon, Inchpp    S-x` `  4882709hhWAA813hCorvallis, OR  Sx-x` `  4882809hhWBH335hEugene, OR  SP-x` `  4882909hhWBH336hEugene, OR  S-x` ` TCI Cablevision of Puerto Rico, Inc.hpp    S-x` `  4883009hhWHZ305hLuquillo, PR  S-x` `  4883109hhWHZ306hLuquillo, PR  S-x` `  4883209hhWHZ419hVega Baja, PR  S`-x` `  4883309hhWHZ420hVega Baja, PR  S8-x` `  4883409hhWHZ566hArecibo, PR  S -x` `  4883509hhWHZ569hArecibo, PR  S -x` `  4883609hhWHZ953hMorovis, PR  S"-x` ` TCI Cablevision of South Dakota, Inc.hpp  Sp#-x` `  4883709hhWAM446hSisseton, SD "H$0*((%"Ԍ S-x` ` H TCI Cablevision of Texas, Inc.@hpp  S-x` `  4883809hhKYX61hPearsall, TX  S-x` `  4883909hhKYX62hLoma Vista, TX  S-x` `  4884009hhWBH846hPort Neches, TX  S`-x` `  4884109hhWGI755hWinter Haven, TX  S8-x` `  4884209hhWGI756hFarias, TX  S-x` `  4884309hhWGI757hMoore, TX  S-x` `  4884409hhWGI758hEagle Pass, TX  S-x` `  4884509hhWGZ450hZapata, TX  S-x` `  4884609hhWGZ451hZapata, TX  Sp-x` ` H  4884709hhWGZ452hBenavides, TX  SH -x` `  4884809hhWGZ464hHebbronville, TX  S -x` `  4884909hhWHZ339hFredericksburg, TX  S -x` `  4885009hhWJT43hCorpus Christi, TX  S -x` `  4885109hhWMC696hBeaumont, TX  S -x` ` TCI Cablevision of Twin Cities, Inc.hpp  SX-x` `  4885209hhWGZ298hCentralia, WA  S-x` ` TCI Cablevision of Utah, Inc.@hpp  S-x` `  4885309hhWGU383hSalt Lake City, UT  S-x` `  4885409hhWGV509hSalt Lake City, UT  S-x` `  4885509hhWLY250hRichmond, UT  S@-x` ` TCI Cablevision of Washington, Inc. h  S-x` `  4885609hhWAJ770hSeattle, WA  S-x` `  4885709hhWBJ751hAberdeen, WA  S-x` `  4885809hhWGZ318hSeattle, WA  S-x` `  4885909hhWGZ319hSeattle, WA  Sx-x` `  4886009hhWKZ30hSeattle, WA  SP-x` `  4886109hhWLY215hBremerton, WA  S(-x` `  4886209hhWSJ901hSeattle, WA  S-x` `  4886309hhWSJ902hSeattle, WA  S-x` ` TCI Cablevision of Wyoming, Inc.hpp    S-x` `  4886409hhWAG468hCheyenne, WY  S8-x` ` TCI Microwave, Inc.hh@hpp  S -x` `  4886509hhWHZ634hHavre, MT  S -x` `  4886609hhWHZ648hHavre, MT  S!-x` `  4886709hhWHZ654hHavre, MT x` `   Sp#-x` ` TCI Microwave, Inc.hh@hpp  SH$-x` `  4886809hhWLY492hHavre, MT  S %-x` `  4886909hhWLY493hHavre, MT  S%-x` `  4887009hhWLY624hGreat Falls, MT "& 0*((n("Ԍ S-x` ` TCI of Columbus, Inc.hh@h  S-x` `  4887109hhWLY413hColumbus, GA  S-x` `  4887209hhWLY414  S`-x` ` TCI of Council Bluffs, Inc.@hpp  S8-x` `  4887309hhWAL540hDes Moines, IA  S-x` `  4887409hhWAL541  S-x` ` TCI of Greenburghh@hpp  S-x` `  4887509hhKDJ43hGreensburg, PA  SH -x` ` TCI of Hawaii, Inc.hh@h  S -x` `  4887609hhWAL756hHaleakala, HI  S -x` `  4887709hhWAX743hKau District, HI  S -x` `  4887809hhWBM738hHawaii Kai, HI  S -x` `  4887909hhWBM740hLanai City, HI  S -x` `  4888009hhWBM742hHaleakala, HI  SX-x` `  4888109hhWBM744hKau District, HI  S0-x` `  4888209hhWGV848hHalakala, HI  S-x` `  4888309hhWHZ819hHaleakala, HI  S-x` `  4888409hhWHZ876hHaleakala, HI  S-x` `  4888509hhWLY240hHawaii Kai, HI  S-x` `  4888609hhWLY248hHaleakala, HI  Sh-x` `  4888709hhWLY402hKaunakakai, HI  S@-x` `  4888809hhWLY409hHaleakala, HI  S-x` ` TCI of Illinois, Inc.hh@hpp  S-x` `  4888909hhWCF542hOregon, IL  S-x` `  4889009hhWGV991hCoal Valley, IL  Sx-x` `  4889109hhWGW210hMarion, IL  S(-x` ` TCI of New York, Inc.@hpp  S-x` `  4889209hhWHZ881hMexico, NY  S-x` `  4889309hhWHZ882hCamden, NY  S-x` ` TCI of North Dakota, Inc.@hpp  S`-x` `  4889409hhWBB708hGrand Forks, ND  S8-x` `  4889509hhWBB709  S -x` `  4889609hhWBB710  S!-x` ` TCI of Northern NJ Inc.@hpp  S"-x` `  4889709hhWAB570hAspen, CO  Sp#-x` `  4889809hhWHZ363hAspen, CO  SH$-x` `  4889909hhWLY343hVero Beach, FL " % 0*((&"Ԍ S-x` ` 8TCI of Pennsylvania, Inc.@hpp  S-x` `  4890009hhWDF33hState College (Tyrone), PA  S-x` `  4890109hhWLY482hTuolumne, PA  S-x` `  4890209hhWLY512hBedford, PA 8  S8-x` ` TCI of Southern Maine, Inc.@hpp  S-x` `  4890309hhWAS288hBiddeford, ME  S-x` ` TCI of Southern Minnesota, Inc.hpp    S-x` `  4890409hhKQQ25hRochester, MN  Sp-x` `  4890509hhWAM914  S -x` ` TCI of Southern Washington@hpp  S -x` `  4890609hhWGI775hVancover, WA  S -x` `  4890709hhWHZ245  S -x` ` TCI of Tacoma, Inc.hh@h  SX-x` `  4890809hhWBL526hTacoma, WA  S-x` ` TCI of the Blufflands, Inc.@hpp  S-x` `  4890909hhKQQ26hWinona, MN  S-x` `  4891009hhWLY434  Sh-x` ` TCI of West VA, Inc.hh@h  S@-x` `  4891109hhWDM26hParkersburg, WV  S-x` `  4891209hhWHZ359hWeston, WV  S-x` ` TCI Pacific Communications, Inc.hpp    S-x` `  4891309hhKA80646hSan Francisco, CA  SP-x` ` TCITKR of Georgia, Inc.@hpp  S(-x` `  4891409hhWAQ780hTifton, GA  S-x` `  4891509hhWAV632hAlbany, GA  S-x` `  4891609hhWBK511hAmericus, GA  S-x` `  4891709hhWBK512hAmericus, GA  S-x` `  4891809hhWBK513hAmericus, GA  S`-x` `  4891909hhWBQ961hAlbany, GA  S8-x` `  4892009hhWBQ962hAlbany, GA  S -x` ` TCITKR of Houston Inc.@hpp  S!-x` `  4892109hhWHZ869hOne North, TX  Sp#-x` ` TCI Washington Associates, LPhpp    SH$-x` `  4892209hhWHZ403hGardenerville, NV  S %-x` `  4892309hhWHZ578  S%-x` `  4892409hhWHZ865  S&-x` `  4892509hhWHZ866h "' 0*((O)"Ԍ S-x` ` Televue Systems, Inc.hh@hpp  S-x` `  4892609hhWAB896hSalem, OR  S-x` `  4892709hhWAF565hOroville, CA  S-x` `  4892809hhWAV627hBellevue, WA  S`-x` `  4892909hhWAY486hOroville, CA  S8-x` `  4893009hhWBN409hMarin, CA  S-x` `  4893109hhWHZ463hMarin, CA  S-x` `  4893209hhWLY497hPetaluma, CA  S-x` ` Telenois, Inc.hh@h  Sp-x` `  4893309hhWGU397hSchaumburg, IL  SH -x` `  4893409hhWGZ479hMt. Prospect, IL  S -x` ` Televents of E. County, Inc.@hpp  S -x` `  4893509hhWGZ293hBrentwood, CA  SX-x` ` Televents of San Joaquin, Inc.@hpp  S0-x` `  4893609hhWAN800hPatterson, CA  S-x` `  4893709hhWDX656hLos Banos, CA  S-x` `  4893809hhWJA72hLos Bancos, CA  S-x` `  4893909hhWOX20hMartinez, CA  Sh-x` ` Televents, Inc.hh@  S@-x` `  4894009hhWGH81hMartinez, CA  S-x` `  4894109hhWHZ346  S-x` ` Television Signal Corporation@hpp  S-x` `  4894209hhWSH20hPleasanton, CA  SP-x` ` TKR Cable Company of Wildwood, Inc.pp    S(-x` `  4894309hhWGF91hWildwood, NJ  S-x` `  4894409hhWGF92  S-x` `  4894509hhWGI21  S-x` `  4894609hhWHU32 x  S`-x` ` Tulsa Cable TV, Inc.hh@h  S8-x` `  4894709hhKV8803hTulsa, OK  S - x` ` UACC Midwest, Inc.hh@h  S!-x` `  4894809hhWGK618hNewark, CA  S"-x` `  4894909hhWHZ692hTracy, Ca  Sp#-x` `  4895009hhWJN31hMerced, CA  S %-x` ` United Cable Television of Baltimore, LPpp    S%-x` `  4895109hhKA80643hBaltimore, MD "& 0*((n("Ԍ S-x` ` 8United Cable Television of Colorado, Inc.pp    S-x` `  4895209hhKA80645hDenver, CO  S-x` `  4895309hhWGH335hCastle Rock, CO  S-x` `  4895409hhWLY525hCastle Rock, CO 8  S8-x` ` United Cable Televisio of Eastern Shore, Inc.pp  xx  S-x` `  4895509hhWSV48hOcean City, MD  S-x` ` United Cablevision of Southern Illinois, Inc.pp    S-x` `  4895609hhWAE836hLouisville, IL  Sp-x` `  4895709hhWHZ521hEffingham, IL  S -x` ` United Cable Television Service Corporationpp    S -x` `  4895809hhKV3813hPlainville, CT  S -x` `  4895909hhWAQ364  S -x` `  4896009hhWCC377  S -x` `  4896109hhWHZ573  SX-x` `  4896209hhWHZ733  S-x` ` Upper Valley Telecable Company, Inc.pp    S-x` `  4896309hhWGV572hIdaho Falls, ID  S-x` `  4896409hhWGZ211  Sh-x` ` Valley Cable TV, Inc.hh@h  S@-x` `  4896509hhKOD31hPharr, TX  S-x` `  4896609hhKOD35hWeslaco, TX  S-x` `  4896709hhKOD36hHarlingen, TX  S-x` `  4896809hhWHZ275hBrownsville, TX  Sx-x` ` W.A.V., Inc.hh@  SP-x` `  4896909hhWLY299hRedwood City, CA  S(-x` `  4897009hhWLY515hDale City, CA  S-x` ` Wentronics, Inc.hh@h  S-x` `  4897109hhKCS54hCasper, WY  S-x` `  4897209hhWCC381  S`-x` `  4897309hhWGV980hGallup, NM  S -x` ` Westmarc Development JV@hpp  S -x` `  4897409hhKB60114hTwin Falls, ID  S!-x` `  4897509hhKWU541hMackinaw City, MI  S"-x` `  4897609hhWGZ321hTwin Falls, ID  Sp#-x` `  4897709hhWHZ452hCheboygan, MI  SH$-x` `  4897809hhWHZ700hSt.Ignace, MI " % 0*((&"Ԍ S-x` ` TCI of Indiana, Inc.hh@hpp  S-x` `  4897909hhKKK46mv yO- xԍS#C\  P6QP#ee Files CAR 4847808 thru 4848008. Upon consumation of the pending transactions, the licensee shall be Insight Communications of Indiana, LLC.hBoonville, IN  S-x` `  4898009hhWAJ4592hBloomington, IN  S-x` `  4898109hhWGF972hJasper, IN  S8-x` ` TCI CAVS of Okanogan Valley, Inc.hpp  S-x` `  4898209hhKXN48:   yO - xԍ#C\  P6QP#See Files CAR4845408 thru 4846008, 4846608, and 4847408. Upon consumation of the pending  yO -transactions, the licensee shall be Falcon Video Communitcations, LP. #d{2 PQ MP#:hOroville, WA  S-x` ` TCI CAVS of Washington, Inc.hpp    S-x` `  4898309hhWGJ8683hElmer City, WA  SH -x` ` TCI CAVS of Yakima Valley, Inc.hpp  S -x` `  4898409hhWAE6523hGrandview, WA  S -x` `  4898509hhWAE6533hProsser, WA  S -x` `  4898609hhWAE6543hYakima, WA  S -x` `  4898709hhWAM5493hYakima, WA  S -x` `  4898809hhWAM5503hYakima, WA  S0-x` ` TCA Cable Parnters IIhh@hpp  S-x` `  4898909hhWAE463hWhitesboro, TX    S-x` ` TCI of Northern NJ Inc.@hpp  S-x` `  4899009hhKB601073hKennewick, WA  xx  Sh-x` `  4899109hhWCK610hxmv yO7- xԍ#C\  P6QP#See Files CAR4846308 thru 4846508. Upon consumation of the pending transactions, the licensee shall be  yO-Falcon Community Cable, LP. #d{2 PQ MP#hPendleton, OR  S@-x` `  4899209hhWLY2164hHermiston, OR  S-x` `  4899309hhWLY2294hPendleton, OR  S-x` ` Televue Systems, Inc.hh@hpp.  SW-x` `  4899409hhWHZ605Wmv yO~ - xԍ#C\  P6QP#See Files CAR4846108 thru 4846208. Upon consumation of the pending transactions, the licensee shall be Falcon Cable Systems Co. II, LP. hRedding, CA  S/-x` `  4899509hhWJX205h "( 0*((?"Ԍ S-x` ` Bresnan Communications Co.@hpp  S-x` `  4899609hhKIR74hDuluth, MN  S-x` `  4899709hhWGV943hMarquette, MI  S-x` `  4899809hhWHZ737hIron Mountain, MI  xx 0  S`-x` `  4899909hhWHZ968hHoughton, MI  S8-x` `  4900009hhWKF25hEssexville, MI  S-x` `  4900109hhWLY219hJessup, GA  S-x` `  4900209hhWSJ74hCaro, MI   S-x` ` Falcon Cable Media, A CA, LP (PRO FORMA)  xx  Sp-x` `  4900309hhWGV511hChinquapin, NC  S -x` ` Falcon Cable System Co. II LP (PRO FORMA)  xx  S -x` `  4900409hhWAM603hSalinas, CA  S -x` `  4900509hhWAM609hSpring Hill, CA  S -x` `  4900609hhWBW21hSoledad Peak, CA  S -x` `  4900709hhWGV505hBlue Ridge, CA  SX-x` `  4900809hhWGV933hCoquille, OR  S0-x` `  4900909hhWGV934hBandon, OR  S-x` `  4901009hhWHZ255hPrairie Mountain, OR  S-x` `  4901109hhWHZ509hBreckenridge, CA  S-x` `  4901209hhWHZ510hPixley, CA  S-x` `  4901309hhWHZ511hPorterville, CA  Sh-x` `  4901409hhWHZ550hHogan, CA  S@-x` `  4901509hhWHZ632hBear Mountain, OR  S-x` `  4901609hhWHZ638hBlack Mountain, CA  S-x` `  4901709hhWHZ645hDallas, OR  S-x` `  4901809hhWHZ662hVenice Hills, CA  S-x` `  4901909hhWHZ720hAdelanto, CA  Sx-x` `  4902009hhWHZ856hDead Mountain, OR  SP-x` `  4902109hhWHZ899hNorth Edwards, CA  S(-x` `  4902209hhWHZ948hGoat Mountain, OR  S-x` `  4902309hhWLY397hLewis Hill, CA  S-x` `  4902409hhWSA52hGilroy, CA  S-x` `  4902509hhWSJ78hSoledad, CA  S-x` `  4902609hhWSJ89hSan Luis Obispo, CA  S8-x` ` Falcon Cablevision, A CA, LP (PRO FORMA)  xx  S -x` `  4902709hhWHZ202hMalibu Bowl, CA  S -x` `  4902809hhWHZ503hCedartown, GA  S!-x` `  4902909hhWHZ553hOsage Beach, MO  S"-x` `  4903009hhWHZ637hLake Arrowhead, CA  Sp#-x` `  4903109hhWHZ764hWrightwood, CA  SH$-x` `  4903209hhWHZ787hWarrensburg, MO  S %-x` `  4903309hhWLY385hRunning Springs, CA  S&-x` ` Falcon Community Cable LP (PRO FORMA)pp    S'-x` `  4903409hhWLY620hLiberty, KY"'0*((O)"Ԍx  S-x` ` Falcon Communications Ventures I, LP (PRO FORMA)  xx 0  S-x` `  4903509hhWAY753hMegler, WA  S-x` `  4903609hhWDT757hThe Dalles, OR  S`-x` `  4903709hhWHZ602hNehalem, OR  S8-x` `  4903809hhWHZ603hAngora Peak, OR  S-x` `  4903909hhWLY441hWickiup Mountain, OR  S-x` `  4904009hhWLY446hWarrenton, OR  S-  S-x` ` Falcon Telecable, A CA, LP (PRO FORMA)pp    Sp-x` `  4904109hhWAD857hSt. George, UT  SH -x` `  4904209hhWAL980hPerryville, MO  S -x` `  4904309hhWAM200hPurves, TX  S -x` `  4904409hhWGK641hSikeston, MO  S -x` `  4904509hhWGV556hBurfordville, MO  S -x` `  4904609hhWHZ564hRockport, TX  S -x` `  4904709hhWHZ908hDeer Lake Mountain, WA  SX-x` `  4904809hhWLY396hFlagstaff Mountain, WA  S-x` ` Falcon Video Commications LP (PRO FORMA)  xx  S-x` `  4904909hhWHZ283hPort Orchard, WA  S-x` `  4905009hhWHZ530hGold Mountain, WA  S-x` `  4905109hhWHZ646hManteo, NC  Sh-x` `  4905209hhWLY363hKill Devil, NC x` `  S-x` ` Kansas City Cable Partners@hpp  S-x` `  4905309hhWAE602hKansas City, MO  S-x` `  4905409hhWGW207hIndependence, MO  S-x` `  4905509hhWGW219hKansas City, MO  Sx-x` `  4905609hhWGW220hKansas City, MO  SP-x` `  4905709hhWHZ921hLeavenworth, KS  S(-x` `  4905809hhWLY353hFt. Leavenworth, KS  S-x` ` Lenfest Atlantic Inc.hh@hpp  S-x` `  4905909hhWHZ323hOaks, PA  S`-x` ` Parnassos, LPhh@  S8-x` `  4906009hhWGH439hWest Seneca, NY  S -x` `  4906109hhWBD866hBaffalo, NY  S -x` `  4906209hhWAM796hTowanda, NY  S!-x` `  4906309hhKW4396hLackawanna, NY  S"-x` `  4906409hhWBJ250hLackawanna, NY  Sp#-x` `  4906509hhWGZ397hLackawanna, NY  SH$-x` `  4906609hhWGT752hBuffalo, NY  S %-x` `  4906709hhWLY536hSuny Fedonia, NY  xx 0(#(#X  S%-x` `  4906809hhWGZ331hChardon, OH  S&-x` `  4906909hhWGZ332hAstabula, OH  S'-x` `  4907009hhWGZ328hKirtland, OH"'0*((O)"Ԍ S-x` `  4907109hhWGZ314hMentorontheLake, OH  S-x` `  4907209hhWAC525hConneaut, OH  S-x` `  4907309hhWGZ329hGeneva, OH  S-x` `  4907409hhWGZ407hPainesville, OH  S`-x` `  4907509hhWGH437hNortheast, PA  S8-x` `  4907609hhWGZ354hHarbor Creek, PA  S-x` ` Peak Cablevision, LLC@hpp  S-x` `  4907709hhKVW73hTall Peak Mountain, AR  S-x` `  4907809hhWQZ43hWewoka, OK  Sp-x` `  4907909hhWQZ44hLamar, OK  SH -x` `  4908009hhWGZ297hRogers, AR  S -x` ` Public Cable Companyhh@hpp  S -x` `  4908109hhWBK510hSaco, ME  S -x` `  4908209hhWHZ580hPeaks Island, ME  SX- x` ` Suburban Cable TV Co. Inc.@hpp  S0-x` `  4908309hhWHZ628hOaks, PA  S-x` ` TCA Cable Partners IIhh  S-x` `  4908409hhKMC69hLindale, TX  S-x` `  4908509hhWBP599hMiles, TX  Sh-x` `  4908609hhWGZ292hNew Boston, TX  S@-x` `  4908709hhWHZ243hBig Springs, TX  S-x` `  4908809hhWHZ770hFarnsworth, TX  S-x` `  4908909hhWHZ802hParis, TX  S-x` `  4909009hhWHZ838hTyler, TX  S-x` `  4909109hhWHZ900hSnyder, TX  Sx-x` `  4909209hhWLY256hGrand Saline, TX  SP-x` `  4909309hhWLY257hQuitman, TX  S(-x` `  4909409hhWLY258hWinnsboro, TX  S-x` `  4909509hhWBP598hBallinger, TX  S-x` `  4909609hhKZT20hSulphur Springs, TX  S-x` `  4909709hhKZT21hMount Vernon, TX  S-x` `  4909809hhKMC71hHenderson, TX  S8-x` ` Insight Communications of Indiana, LLC (PRO FORMA)  xx 0  S -x` `  4909909hhKKK46hBoonville,IN  S -x` `  4910009hhWGF97hJasper, IN  S!-x` `  4910109hhWAJ459hShoals, ID x` ` ""0*(( $"Ԍ S-x` ` pFalcon Video Communications, LP (PRO FORMA)  xx  S-x` `  4910209hhKB60107hKennewick, WA  S-x` `  4910309hhKXN486hTokaset, WA  S-x` `  4910409hhWGJ868hElmer, WA  S`-x` `  4910509hhWAE652hSunnyside, WA  S8-x` `  4910609hhWAE653hGrandview, WA  S-x` `  4910709hhWAE654hProsser, WA  S-x` `  4910809hhWAM549hSelah, WA  S-x` `  4910909hhWAM550hYakima, WA p  Sp-x` ` Falcon Community Cable, LP (PRO FORMA)pp    SH -x` `  4911009hhWCK610hPendleton, OR  S -x` `  4911109hhWLY216hHermiston, OR  S -x` `  4911209hhWLY229hPendleton, OR  S -x` ` Falcon Cable Systems Co., II, LP (PRO FORMA)  xx  S -x` `  4911309hhWHZ605hReading. CA  SX-x` `  4911409hhWJX20hRural, CA <%2VP   S-x` ` Texas Cable Partners LP zXM yOp-ԍ#C\  P6QP#See Files CAR4863708 thru 4866308. z @hpp  S-x` `  4911509hhKOD31 hPharr, TX  S- x` `  4911609hhKOD35  hWeslaco, TX  S- x` `  4911709hhKOD36hHarlingen, TX  Sh-x` `  4911809hhKYX61hPearsall, TX  S@-x` `  4911909hhKYX62hLoma Vista, TX  S-x` `  4912009hhKYZ22hBandera, TX  S-x` `  4912109hhWAF861hPort Isabel, TX  S-x` `  4912209hhWBH846hPort Isabel, TX  S-x` `  4912309hhWGI755hWinter Haven, TX  Sx-x` `  4912409hhWGI756hFarias, TX  SP-x` `  4912509hhWGI757hMoore, TX  S(-x` `  4912609hhWGI758hEagle Pass, TX  S-x` `  4912709hhWGZ450hZapata, TX  S-x` `  4912809hhWGZ451hZapata, TX  S-x` `  4912909hhWGZ452hBenavides, TX  S-x` `  4913009hhWGZ464hHebronville, TX  S`-x` `  4913109hhWHZ275hBrownsville, TX  S8-x` `  4913209hhWHZ339hFredericksburg, TX  S -x` `  4913309hhWHZ504hAlton, TX  S -x` `  4913409hhWHZ869hOne North, TX  xx 0(#(#X  S!-x` `  4913509hhWMC696hBeaumont, TX  S"-x` `  4913609hhKA80625hHouston, TX  Sp#-x` `  4913709hhWHZ677hCommerce, TX"p#0*(($"Ԍ S-x` `  4813809hhWJI36hEl Paso, TX  S-x` `  4813909hhWHZ780hEl Paso, TX  S-x` `  4914009hhKB60115hMobile (El Paso) TX  S-x` `  4914109hhWLY483hFt. Bliss, TX x` ` TCI Cablevision of Ohio, Inc.  S-x` `  4914209hhKWU53hKeokuk, IA  S-x` `  4914309hhWHZ438hCarthage, IL"0*(('"  S- Low Power TV Service (Part 74)  S-  S-xVJN LPTV Corp.hh @h  S`-x` ` K04NL hhBTCTVL-980914AA  S8-x` ` K10NG hhBTCTVL-980914AB  S-x` ` K33FB hhBTCTVL-980914AC  S-x` ` K46CR hhBTCTTL-980914AD  S-x` ` WBXD-LP hhBTCTVL-980914AE  S-x` ` WBXG-LP hhBTCTTL-980914AF  Sp-x` ` WBXJ-LP hhBTCTVL-980914AG  SH -x` ` WBXK-LP hhBTCTVL-980914AH  S -x` ` WUBX-LP hhBTCTVL-980914AI  S -x` ` W02BV hhBTCTVL-980914AJ  S -x` ` W05BS hhBTCTVL-980914AK  S -x` ` W11BM hhBTCTVL-980914AL  S - x` ` W13BZ hhBTCTVL-980914AM  SX-x` ` W13CI hhBTCTVL-980914AN  S0-x` ` W36AM hhBTCTTL-980914AP  S-x` ` W46CH hhBTCTTL-980914AQ  S-x` ` W47AZ hhBTCTTL-980914AR  S-x` ` W13CChhBTCTVL-980914AS  S-x` ` W51COhhBTCTTL-980914AT  Sh-x` ` W61BChhBTCTTL-980914AU xBresnan Communications Company  S-x` ` K47AF hhBTCTTL-980914BA  S-x` ` K69BA hhBTCTTL-980914BB  S-x` ` W30AK hhBTCTTL-980914BC  Sx-x` ` W35AK hhBTCTTL-980914BD  SP-x` ` W43AN hhBTCTTL-980914BE  S(-x` ` W56BFhhBTCTT-980914BF  S-x` ` W59AQhhBTCTTL-980914BG  S-x` ` W63AW hhBTCTTL-980914BH  S-x` ` W65BN hhBTCTTL-980914BI  S-x` ` W67AOhhBTCTTL-980914BJ  S8-  S -International Section 214 (Part 63)  S -x ` ` x` ` ITCT/C1998091400635 "'0*((O)"Ԍ S- Domestic Fixed Satellite Service (PART 25) xSatellite Earth Stations/Uplinks  S`-xSEST/C1998091401168(28)E2757XhNational Digital Television Center, Inc.  S8-xSEST/C1998091401169(1) E900330 hHeritage Cablevue, Inc.  S-xSEST/C1998091401170(3) E2981 @hSpacecom Systems, Inc.  S-xSEST/C1998091401171(1) KD45 @hPrime Sports Northwest Network  S-xSEST/C1998091401172(1) E920055 hPrevue Networks, Inc.  S-xSEST/C1998091401173(1) E881402 hSunshine Network  Sp-xSEST/C1998091401176(1) E970005 hNational Digital Television Center, Inc.  SH -xSEST/C1998091401178(1) E910143 hNational Digital Television Center, Inc.  S -xSEST/C1998091401179 (2)E870212 hTulsa Cable Television, inc.  S - Aviation Services (Part 87)  S -xTCI of Pennsylvania Inchh@ Call Sign N353TC xTCI Ventures GroupAirplanes, Inc. Call Sign N233SG  S0-  S- Private Land Mobile Radio Services (Part 90)  S-  S-Entityx` `  hhFile #@hLead Call Sign  Sh-  United Cable Television Corp<<,911352DD|WZE258  S@-   TCI Microwave Inc <<,911353DD|WNJN650  S-TCI TKR of Alabama Inc<<,911354DD|KFK743  S-TCI TKR of Georgia Inc<<,911355DD|WNUM537  S-TCI TKR of South Dade Inc<<,911356DD|KNHQ725  S-TCI of Beckley Inc <<,911357DD|KFN829  Sx-TCI of Arlington Inc <<,911358DD|KNAW439  SP-TCI of West Virginia Inc.<<,911359DD|KCL859  S(-TCI of Watertown Inc <<,911360DD|KBO607  S-TCI of Virginia Inc <<,911361DD|KUW324  S-TCI of Richardson Inc <<,911362DD|KNHC697  S-TCI of Wytheville Inc <<,911363DD|WYL968  S-TCI of Columbus Inc <<,911364DD|KST872  S`-TCI of Dayton Inc <<,911365DD|WYJ623  S8-TCI of Greensburg  <<,911366DD|KUT866  S -TCI Cablevision of Wisconsin Inc,911367DD|KNBP571  S -TCI Cablevision of Utah Inc<<,911368DD|KNFW487  S!-TCI Cablevision of Texas Inc<<,911369DD|KNEK481  S"-TCI Cablevision of South Dakota Inc,911370DD|WNMU927  Sp#-TCI Cablevision of Pinellas County,911371DD|WRG970  SH$-TCI Cablevision of Pasco County ,911372DD|KNCD371  S %-TCI Cablevision of Missouri Inc,911373DD|WNKA460  S%-TCI Cablevision of Montana Inc,911374DD|KCZ293  S&-TCI Cablevision of Nebraska Inc,911375DD|KKO562  S'-TCI Cablevision of Nevada Inc,911376DD|KNAT411"'0*((O)"Ԍ S-TCI Cablevision of New Mexico Inc,911377DD|KGV581  S-Upper Valley Telecable Company Inc,911378DD|WNSB221  S-W A V Inc  <<,911379DD|WNZI680  S-Heritage Cablevision of Texas Inc,911380DD|WNPM629  S`-Beatrice Cable TV Co <<,911381DD|KQW999  S8-American Cable TV Investors 5 Ltd,911382DD|KD29216  S-Heritage Cablevision of Delaware Inc,911383DD|KTL211  S-TCI of Springfield Inc <<,911384DD|WRK270  S-TCI of Roanoke Rapids Inc<<,911385DD|KFT413  S-TCI of Princeton Inc <<,911386DD|WNSE682  Sp-TCI of Northern New Jersey Inc,911387DD|KBS535  SH -TCI of Northern California Inc<<,911388DD|KQV943  S -TCI of Hawaii Inc <<,911389DD|KRO751  S -TCI of Racine Inc <<,911390DD|KTC582  S -TCI Cable Partners of St Louis LP,911391DD|WRH229  S -TCI Cablevision of Dallas Inc<<,911392DD|KNAX860  S -TCI Cablevision of Colorado Inc,911393DD|KNFR882  SX-TCI Cablevision of Canon City Ltd ,911394DD|WYB357  S0-TCI Cablevision of California Inc,911395DD|WNMF308  S-TCI of Plano Inc <<,911396DD|KNJE619  S-Margate Video Systems Inc<<,911397DD|KNHC353  S-LaSalle Telecommunications Inc,911398DD|WNGX941  S-Heritage/Indiana Cablevision Inc,911399DD|KVM632  Sh-Clinton Cablevision <<,911400DD|KXO634  S@-Cablevision VI Inc <<,911401DD|KNBU546  S-Tulsa Cable Television Inc<<,911402DD|KD36722  S-East Arkansas Cablevision Inc<<,911403DD|KNBQ764  S-District Cablevision LP<<,911404DD|WNNL379  S-Community Television Systems Inc,911405DD|KWR244  Sx-Community Cable Television<<,911406DD|WNAD693  SP-Wentronics Inc <<,911407DD|WNQK680  S(-Westmarc Cable Holding Inc<<,911408DD|KAI812 Westmarc Communications  S- of Minnesota Inc <<,911409DD|KNBZ408  S-TCI of Selma Inc <<,911410DD|KLN255  S-TCI of Bloomington/Normal Inc ,911411DD|KTF843  S`-TCI of Kansas Inc <<,911412DD|WQJ309  S8-TCI of Lee County Inc 911413DD| KGK941  S -TCI of New York Inc <<,911414DD|KNHV455  S -Northwest Illinois TV Cable Co,911415DD|KST997  S!-Northern Video Inc <<,911416DD|KNGH930  S"-Mississippi Cablevision Inc<<,911417DD|KNJM668  Sp#-TCI American Cable Holdings LP,911418DD|KBO478  SH$-Ottumwa Cablevision Inc<<,911419DD|WSO483  S %-S/D Cable Partners Ltd<<,911420DD|KTL770  S%-Heritage Cablevision of Colordo Inc,911421DD|WNUX414 American Microwave &  S'- Communications Inc <<,911422DD|KT3480"'0*((O)"Ԍ S-Westmarc Development Joint Venture,911423DD|KDK475  S-TCI Cablevision of Georgia Inc,911424DD|KQP746  S-TCI of North Dakota Inc<<,911425DD|KIF706  S-TKR Cable Co of Wildwood Inc,911426DD|KFA322  S`-Television Signal Corp <<,911427DD|WNXZ871  S8-Televents Inc  <<,911428DD|KNIH332  S-Televents of San Joaquin Inc<<,911429DD|WZK400  S-Telenois Inc  <<,911430DD|WNSK595  S-United CATV Inc <<,911431DD|WQP395  S-United Cable TV Services Corp,911432DD|KKL952  Sp-United Cable TV of Western Colorado 911433DD|KSK560  SH -United Cable TV of Southern Illinois 911434DD|KVZ801  S -United Cable TV of Northern Indiana 911435DD|KTR248  S -United Cable TV of MidMichigan Inc,911436DD|KWD757  S -United Cable TV of Illinois Valley Inc,911437DD|KQW596  S -Alabama TV Cable Inc<<,911438DD|WNIE244  S -Billings TeleCommunications Inc,911439DD|WPAT302  SX-Cablevision Assoc of Gary J. V.,911440DD|KNDP911  S0-Cablevision V Inc <<,911441DD|WNPM635  S-Cable TV Puget Sound Inc<<,911442DD|KNIA902  S-United Cable TV of Colorado Inc,911443DD|KNJH331  S-TCI Cablevision of Idaho Inc<<,911444DD|WNWA662  S-TCI Cablevision of Maryland Inc,911445DD|KA75780  Sh-TCI Cablevision of Minnesota Inc,911446DD|KNIF918  S@-TCI Communications Inc<<,911447DD|KAU887  S-TCI Cablevision of Wyoming Inc,911448DD|KGZ305  S-Falcon Cable Systems Co II LP,911449DD|KCB286  S-Scottsboro TV Cable Inc<<,911450DD|KNIY607  S-Falcon Community Cable LP<<,911451DD|KSW277  Sx-Falcon First Inc <<,911452DD|WSN249  SP-Falcon Community Ventures I LP,911453DD|KFC877  S(-Dalton Cablevision Inc <<,911454DD|KNFR777  S-Plattsburgh Cablevision Inc<<,911455DD|KVE945  S-Public Cable Co, Partnership<<,911456DD|WPMD511  S-Athens Cablevision Inc<<,911457DD|WSW760  S-Kansas City Cable Partners<<,911458DD|KGG787  S`-Lenfest New Castle County Inc,911459DD|KTL296  S8-Falcon Cable Media, A CA LP,911460DD|KNBC240  S -Falcon Video Communications LP,911461DD|KNDP857  S -Insight Communications of Indiana LLC 911462DD|WNDK541  S!-Parnassos LP  <<,911463DD|KTN495  S"-Falcon Cablevision, A California LP,911464DD|KGK462  Sp#-Falcon Telecable, A California LP,911465DD|KBE763  SH$-Televents Group Joint Venture<<,911466DD|KNIA588  S %-TCI Cablevision of Oregon Inc,911467DD|KEA729  S%-TCI American Cable Holdings II LP,911468DD|KNCD489  S&-TCI Atlantic Inc <<,911469DD|KST894  S'-Communications Services Inc<<,911470DD|WNSA662"'0*((O)"Ԍ S-TCI of Southern Maine<<,911471DD|WPCJ508  S-TCI of Iowa Inc <<,911472DD|KDQ833  S-UACC Midwest Inc <<,911473DD|KNDQ555  S-TCI Pacific Communications Inc,911474DD|KA96057  S`-TeleVue Systems Inc <<,911475DD|WQP480  S8-United Cable Television Corp of Michigan 911476DD|WQW325  S-TCI of Illinois Inc <<,911477DD|WPII668  S-TCI Cablevision of Washington Inc,911478DD|WNJK833  S-TCI Cablevision of Puerto Rico Inc,911479DD|WNED292  S-TCI Cablevision of Ohio Inc<<,911480DD|KNNQ634  Sp-Western TeleCommunications Inc,911481DD|KMF363  SH -  TCI of Pennsylvania Inc<<,911482DD|KAV983  S -Heritage Cablevision Inc, an Iowa Corp 911483DD|KNAA362  S -TCI of the Blufflands Inc<<,911484DD|KAN405  S -TCI Cable Management Corp<<,911485DD|WPAR806  S -TeleCommunications Inc<<,911486DD|WNJQ664LL  S -TCI Cablevision of Florida Inc<<,911487DD|KLX862  SX-Heritage Communications Inc<<,911488DD|KKX363  S0-TCI of Tualatin Valley Inc<<,911489DD|KNCJ443  S-Suburban Cable TV Co Inc<<,911492DD|WNYA306  S-CAT Partnership <<,911493DD|KRU795  S-Lenfest Atlantic Inc <<,911494DD|WRN704  S-Bresnan Communications Co LP,911495DD|WNYG704  Sh-Peak Cablevision LLC <<,911496DD|KXB803  S@-TCA Cable Partners II <<,911497DD|KFA368 Sioux Falls Cable, Partnership  S- dba Mitchell Cable TV<<,911499DD|KNBL377 Sioux Falls Cable Television  S- dba Dakota Cable Communications,911500DD|KLC490  Sx-SportsChannel Chicago Associates,911501DD|WPJP672  SP-Madison Square Garden <<,911502DD|KD44404  S(-TCA Cable Partners <<,911506DD|WPBK411  S-TCI of Southern Maine Inc<<,911507DD|WPMF361  S-TCI Cablevision of Ohio Inc<<,911508DD|KK9322  S-Heritage Cablevision Inc<<,911509DD|WPLS901  S-Bresnan Communications Co LP,911510DD|KTW939  S`-Peak Cable Vision LLC<<,911511DD|WNZZ331 "'0*((O)"Ԍ S- Fixed Microwave Services (Part 101)   S-Common Carrier Point To Point,TX` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: