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Flick and Schechter from Howrey & Simon, "have been involved in GTE's analysis of the WorldCom/MCI merger, and their assistance is necessary to allow Messrs. Bradbury, Flick, and Schechter 'to render professional services in  X-this proceeding.'"C s yOe-ԍxGTE Response at 8.C Although minimal, we find that this showing is sufficient to permit Messrs. Frantz and Olson to inspect confidential information in the instant proceeding. We note, however, that, in the future, we expect a more detailed demonstration of how the assistance of "partners, associations, secretaries, paralegal assistants, and employees of such  X-counsel" is "reasonably necessary to render professional services."`b s {O$-ԍxProtective Order at 12 (emphasis added).`  XZ-x5.` ` GTE does not, in its filing, make any objections to the denial of access to two of GTE's inhouse counsel, Richard W. Stimson and C. Daniel Ward. Because WorldCom and MCI claim that these inhouse counsel are actively engaged in competitive decision", x-))jj"ԫmaking for GTE and GTE does not refute this claim, we agree with WorldCom and MCI that these two attorneys should be denied access to the confidential information.  X-x6.` ` We note that WorldCom and MCI do not object to the disclosure of confidential information to several other inhouse attorneys for Bell Atlantic who signed Acknowledgements of Confidentiality. Similarly, WorldCom and MCI do not object to disclosing confidential information to the attorneys from Wiley, Rein & Fielding or several other inhouse attorneys for GTE, all of whom signed Acknowledgements of Confidentiality. Moreover, we have found that the abovenamed attorneys from the law firms of Howrey &  X1-Simon and Kirkland & Ellis are eligible to review confidential documents.{ 1s yO -ԍxWe therefore need not address GTE's assertion that if the attorneys from Howrey & Simon and Kirkland & Ellis are not considered to be "counsel of record," they should still be permitted access because they are "outside consultants or experts retained for the purpose of assisting counsel in these proceedings." GTE Response at 9.{ Our decision today, therefore, does not deprive Bell Atlantic or GTE an opportunity to participate in this proceeding or unduly limit the Commission's ability to make a reasoned decision on the merits of this merger application.  X -  X - x7.` ` Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that, pursuant to sections 4(i), 4(j), 214, 309, and 310 of the Communications Act, as amended, 47 U.S.C.  154(i), 154(j), 214, 309, and 310, WorldCom and MCI's Joint Objection to Disclosure of Stamped Confidential Documents filed June 12, 1998, IS SUSTAINED.  XK-x8.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that WorldCom and MCI's Joint Objection to Disclosure of Stamped Confidential Documents filed on June 17, 1998, IS DENIED IN PART and SUSTAINED IN PART. x x` `  hh@FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION  X- 88 p@ @   HH8 Carol E. MatteyPPX X (""P"""""""""""" p@ @  HH8 Chief, Policy and Program Planning Division p@ @  HH8 Common Carrier Bureau