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(1) (a) (i) 1) a)dK+b70t _5xŗ+tf/0 "i~'^:DTddDDDd4D48ddddddddddDDd||||DXp||dp||ppL8LTdDddXdX8dd88X8ddddLL8dXXXLP8PlD4lTDDD4DDDDDDdDd8|d|d|d|d|dX|X|X|X|XD8D8D8D8dddddddddpX|ddddpXd|d|d|d|dXXlXx|X|X|X|XdddldldD8DdDDDddllXp8pHpDp@p8dtdddd|L|L|LdLdLdLllpHp8pTddddddplpLpLpLdpDddLpDpdx4ddC,CWddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddNHxxHhdLdddddd8@d<@d<DDppdDDxddxHxxHkddDpd<"dxtldxxd< ,]9Np6X@`7Ć@y.X80,ɒX\  P6G;P y.\80,>\4  pG;2a=5,u&a\  P6G;&P2e=5,&e4  pG;&7jC:,ynXj\  P6G;XP 7nC:,11.` ` In deciding on the length of the term to which NECA will be appointed, we  x_decline to accept MCI's recommendation that NECA be reappointed for only one year. We  x/believe that NECA's performance of record supports a longer term, and as in previous years, a  xlonger term will provide consistency in data collection and procedures in the administration of  x/the TRS Fund. This consistency should enable all parties to operate more efficiently. We note  xBthat NECA will continue to be subject to yearly audits pursuant to 47 C.F.R.   x64.604(c)(4)(iii)(D). Under these circumstances, we conclude that another fouryear term is  xpreasonable. Accordingly, we are appointing NECA to a fouryear term, beginning July 26, 1999  xqand ending July 25, 2003. Toward the end of this term, we will again review NECA's performance.  X 4  IV. COMPOSITION OF THE TRS ADVISORY C OUNCIL ă   X4 e ,12. ` ` Comments. The majority of commenters addressing whether to add an additional  xreimbursable position to the Council from the speech disability community supported the""0*$&$&,,I"  X4 xcproposal.8#x= yOy' x ԍ Comments addressing this issue were filed by Annalee Allen, Dr. Bill Asenjo, AT&T, James L. Barton,  xk Michael Brody, Jim Cohen, Carole Glauber, Dr. Harry Glauber, Dr. Stanley Greenberg, Dr. Judith E. Harkins, James  xt R. Hasse, Dr. Leonard Kasday, Jim Kenefick, Cricket and Wes Keyson, Isadora Kunitz, Rebecca Ladew, Mary  x Lester, Larry Littleton, Verda McGraw, MCI, Neil Marcus, Birdie Minor, Brenda Monene, Kate Moore, Darlette  x3 Navrotski, Dr. Robert W. Park, Valerie Perdue, Dan Phillips, John F. Quinn, Jackie Rennick, Barry Romich, Dr.  x Howard Sage, Sharon Salter, Trici Schraeder, Lorie Brand Shepard, Dr. Gary Soodak, Sprint, Celine Sullivan, Dr. Dolores Kluppel Vetter. 8 The commenters generally indicate that the Council is deserving of a representative  xcfrom the speech disability community because the Commission's published regulations regarding  xZhearing carry over and the expected regulations concerning speechtospeech (STS) relay services  X4 xaffect this community.$ = yOP ' x ԍ Hearing carry over (HCO) is a reduced form of TRS that can be used by some individuals with speech  xQ disabilities. In HCO, the person with the speech disability is able to listen to the other end user, and in reply, the  x CA speaks the text as typed by the person with the speech disability. 47 C.F.R.  64.601(6). The Commission's  {O ' x3 rules require TRS providers to offer HCO. Id.  64.604(b)(5). STS relay services involve the use of specially x| trained CAs as "relay" voices for persons with speech disabilities, including individuals who use voice synthesizers.  x The speciallytrained CA understands the speech of individuals with speech impairments or who use voice  x synthesizers, and repeats the words spoken to ensure that the callers are understood. Telecommunications Relay  yO' x Services, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the Telecommunications Act of 1996, CC Docket No.  {O'90571, Notice of Inquiry, 12 FCC Rcd 1152 (1997).  Sprint states that the additional representative would be useful given the  Xt4 x_increased availability and use of STS.I%t= {O'ԍ See Sprint Comments at 2.I AT&T recommends that the Commission permit an  xadditional representative from the speechdisability community to assist the Council in monitoring  x8the availability of STS relay services in the marketplace during the twoyear implementation  X 4period that is tentatively proposed for STS.& n= {O*' x ԍ See AT&T Comments at 3. The Commission has tentatively concluded that all common carriers providing  x voice transmission services must ensure that STS services are available to callers with speech disabilities throughout  {O' x their service areas, within two years of a Report and Order mandating such services. See In the Matter of  xg Telecommunications Relay Services and SpeechtoSpeech Services for Individuals with Hearing and Speech  {ON'Disabilities, CC Docket No. 9867, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 9890 (rel. May 20, 1998).    X4 e 13.` ` MCI, on the other hand, contends that the hearing and speech disability community  xcategory was originally created to include representatives from either of, or both, the hearing and  xspeech disability communities. Therefore, it argues, the category should already consider the  X\ 4 x}interests of users with speech disabilities.G'\ $= {O1!'ԍ See MCI Comments at 3. G It claims that, because the purpose of the Council is  xto monitor cost recovery issues associated with TRS, one segment of the hearing and speech  xVdisability community can effectively represent the interests of the another segment. Thus, MCI  X 4concludes, an expansion of the Council is unnecessary.3( = {OZ%'ԍ  Id.3 " H(0*$&$&,, "Ԍ X4 e ԙ14. ` ` Decision. The record indicates that a member from the speech disability  xcommunity can provide considerable guidance concerning the unique needs of that community.  xGiven the Commission's existing regulations affecting this community, and in light of the  xpossible mandate for nationwide STS relay services, we agree. Although the Council has a  xmembership category that includes persons with hearing and speech disabilities, no current  xmember of the Council has a speech disability. Because users with hearing and speech  xVdisabilities have different relay needs that could be reflected in the financial issues dealt with by  xthe Council, we believe that the Council must include a member who is intimately familiar with  xthe characteristics and needs of this group. We are persuaded that a representative from the  x<speech disability community could assist the Council by providing the knowledge and necessary  xperspective that cannot be obtained from someone who does not represent this community. In  xdaddition, we note that the majority of the commenters addressing this issue favors this  xauthorization. Accordingly, we authorize NECA to add an additional reimbursable position to  xthe Council, in the hearing and speech disability category, for a representative from the speech disability community.  X 4E V. CONCLUSION ă   X4 e ,15. ` ` For the foregoing reasons, we appoint the National Exchange Carrier Association  xl(NECA) to be the TRS Fund Administrator for a fouryear term beginning July 26, 1999 and  x0ending July 25, 2003. In addition, we authorize the Administrator to add an additional  xreimbursable position to the Interstate TRS Advisory Council, in the hearing and speech disability community category, for a representative from the speech disability community.  X41$ VI. ORDERING CLAUSES ă   Xt4 e 116. ` ` Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to Section 64.604(c)(4)(iii) of the  x/Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.  64.604(c)(4)(iii), and the authority delegated by Sections 0.91  x+and 0.291 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.91, 0.291, that the National Exchange  xCarrier Association (NECA) is appointed TRS Fund Administrator for a fouryear term beginning July 26, 1999 and ending July 25, 2003. "(0*$&$&,,"  X4 e 17. ` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that the TRS Fund Administrator is authorized to  xadd an additional reimbursable position to the Interstate TRS Advisory Council, in the hearing  xNand speech disability community category, for a representative from the speech disability community. ` `  hhCqFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ` `  hhCqLawrence E. Strickling ` `  hhCqChief, Common Carrier Bureau