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Body Text "endnote reference"X1Í.X01ÍÍ ;+Av Xr4ԍ#C\  P6Q/P#Section 1.718 states, in part, that a formal complaint  {O# ' '   will be deemed to relate back to the filing date of [the original] informal complaint: Provided, That  J the formal complaint: (a) Is filed within 6 months from the date of the carrier's report, (b) makes  h reference to the date of the informal complaint, and (c) is based on the same cause of action as the   informal complaint. If no formal complaint is filed within the 6month period, the complainant will be deemed to have abandoned the unsatisfied informal complaints.     yO$'47 C.F.R.  1.718.#XP\  P6QXP#; For the reasons stated below, we grant the parties joint motion. "R4 0*''GG4"Ԍ X4 e  2. ` ` The IPPs allege in their respective informal complaints that ALLTEL has  xVimproperly assessed End User Common Line (EUCL) charges in violation of the Commissions  x rules and section 202 of the Act, 47 U.S.C.  202. The IPPs claims are similar to those asserted  X4 xDby the complainants in C.F. Communications Corp. v. Century Telephone of Wisconsin, Inc.X01Í ÍX01ÍÍ t X44footnote text` p x (#` hp x (#X\Í #C\  P6Q/P#8 FCC Rcd 7334 (Com.Car.Bur. 1993); 10 FCC Rcd 9775 (1995).#XP\  P6QXP#(# and  X4 xC.F. Communications Corp., et al., v. Michigan Bell Telephone Co.,:y t X4footnote text` p x (#` hp x (##footnote reference#X\ #C\  P6Q/P#12 FCC Rcd 2134 (1997).)'footnote reference)#XP\  P6QXP#(#: two proceedings that have  X4 xIbeen remanded to the Commission for further proceedings (remand proceeding).b t X4 " footnote text` p x (#` hp x (## footnote reference#X\ #C\  P6Q/P#See C.F. Communications Corp. v. FCC, 128 F.3d 735 (D.C. Cir. 1997); see also, C.F. Communications  {O 'Corporation v. FCC, No. 971202, slip op. (D.C. Cir. 1997).)3 footnote reference)#XP\  P6QXP#(# Because the  xissues raised by the IPPs in their informal complaints are similar to the issues being considered  xlby the Commission in its remand proceeding, the remand proceeding will bear directly on the  xresolution of the IPPs informal complaints. Thus, the parties request a waiver of section  x1.718(a) until the resolution of the Commissions remand proceeding. Furthermore, the parties  xrequest that the waiver be effective from August 9, 1999 to include formal complaints that should have been filed by that date.  X 4 e  3. ` ` We are satisfied that granting the parties joint motion for waiver, effective August  x9, 1999, will serve the public interest by eliminating the need for further litigation and  xexpenditure of time and resources by the parties and the Commission. The time for filing a  xcformal complaint is hereby waived until three months after a final nonappealable order has been entered resolving the formal complaints that are at issue in the remand proceeding.  XO4 e  4. ` ` Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to sections 4(i), 4(j), and 208 of the  xVCommunications Act, as amended, 47 U.S.C.  154(i), 154(j), 208, and the authority delegated  xby sections 0.91 and 0.291 of the Commissions rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.91 and 0.291, that the joint  xhmotion for waiver of section 1.718(a) of the Commissions rules, 47 C.F.R.  1718(a), IS GRANTED. ` p x (#` hp x (#  XX` ` X XXhhCXqhhC ` ` \` `  hhCqFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION(# XX` ` X XXhhCXqhhC ` ` \` `  hhCq(# XX` ` X XXhhCXqhhC ` ` \` `  hhCqRadhika V. Karmarkar(# XX` ` X XXhhCXqhhC ` ` \` `  hhCqDeputy Chief, Formal Complaints and(# XX` ` X XXhhCXqhhC ` ` \` `  hhCqInvestigations Branch(# XX` ` X XXhhCXqXqhhC ` ` \` `  hhCqEnforcement Division, (#  X"4XX` ` X XXhhCXqhhC ` ` \` `  hhCqCommon Carrier Bureau(#pp