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WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554  f@00(#(#(#(# Zdd #I2PG;uKP# News media information 202/4180500 Recorded listing of releases and texts 202/4182222.  s42  #d6X@7x@# ______________________________________________________________________  X= 2#Xj\  P6G;߈XP# `J(#%DA 97864 `n(#April 23, 1997  X2y\ ALTS'S MOTION TO DISMISS SBC COMMUNICATIONS INC.'S APPLICATION |FOR SECTION 271 AUTHORIZATION TO PROVIDE INREGION, INTERLATA  X2. SERVICE IN THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA  Xn2~8 (CC DOCKET NO. 97121) x On April 23, 1997, the Association for Local Telecommunications Services (ALTS) filed a document entitled "Motion to Dismiss" which asks the Commission to dismiss SBC Communications, Inc.'s (SBC's) recently filed application for authorization under section 271 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, to provide inregion, interLATA service in  X2the State of Oklahoma.  On April 11, 1997, SBC filed its application and the Common  X2Carrier Bureau issued a Public Notice that, inter alia, established a procedural schedule for  X2the SBC application.^3 {O1(#X\  P6G;qP#э See Comments Requested on Application by SBC for Authorization under Section 271 of the  {O(Communications Act to Provide InRegion, InterLATA Service in the State of Oklahoma, Public Notice, DA 97 {O(753 (rel. Apr. 11, 1997) (April 11th Public Notice).  Pursuant to this schedule, comments are due from interested parties on  X2or before May 1, 1997.Z3 yO(ԍThe schedule also provides that the Oklahoma Corporation Commission must file any written consultation on or before May 1, 1997 and that any written consultation by the Department of Justice must be  {O4!(filed on or before May 17, 1997. Reply comments must be filed on or before May 27, 1997. See id. at 12. In its application, SBC represents that Brooks Fiber Properties, Inc. (Brooks Fiber) is a facilitiesbased competitor as described in section 271(c)(1)(A). Specifically, it represents that Brooks Fiber is presently providing local exchange service to both business and residential  X.2customers.X.t3 yO'(ԍSBC Brief in Support of Application by SBC Communications Inc., Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, and Southwestern Bell Long Distance for Provision of InRegion, InterLATA Services in Oklahoma (SBC Brief in Support) at 11. SBC does not assert that there is any other facilitiesbased competitor as described in section 271(c)(1)(A) in Oklahoma. X  ,,,3 Ez0/ !\i Bot.mlmnetforum.pnXԌALTS's motion to dismiss challenges the assertion that Brooks Fiber is providing residential local exchange service in Oklahoma. It includes an affidavit, dated April 21, 1997, from an officer of Brooks Fiber, who states that "Brooks is not now offering residential service in  X-Oklahoma, nor has it ever offered residential service in Oklahoma."z yO4-ԍxMotion to Dismiss and Request for Sanctions by the Association for Local Telecommunications Services, Aff. of John C. Shapleigh at 1 (ALTS Motion). ALTS also argues SBC is precluded from filing under section 271(c)(1)(B) because there have been "interconnection  X-requests" in Oklahoma. Thus, ALTS argues that SBC's application should be dismissed.T z {O -ԍXxSee ALTS Motion at 4.(#T We seek comment, on an expedited basis, on the issues raised in ALTS's motion by interested third parties, including SBC, by April 28, 1997. All other comment dates  X1-established in the April 11th Public Notice remain in effect. In commenting on the issues raised in ALTS's motion, parties should address in detail their legal theory of when a BOC is permitted to file under section 271(c)(1)(B) and when a BOC is foreclosed from proceeding under section 271(c)(1)(B). Parties should address, among other things, the nature of the "request" that is referred to in section 271(c)(1)(B) and whether and when SBC has received such a request from Brooks Fiber or any other carrier in Oklahoma. Parties should provide in detail the factual basis for any assertion that such a request has been made. Parties should also address SBC's apparent suggestion that no competitive local exchange carrier qualified as a requesting carrier under section 271(c)(1)(B)  XM-until Brooks commenced providing local exchange service on January 15, 1997.QMz yOx-ԍxSBC Brief in Support at 15 n.15.Q By the Chief, Common Carrier Bureau News Media contact: Rochelle Cohen (202) 4181500. FCC Common Carrier Bureau contact: Craig J. Brown (202) 4181580. A FCC