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(.? ?).? ?(.??).(.)/(/?(/(/)/(/)/ ?-/ ./ -/-/?-0.0?-1.718281llmlmlmlllmlmlmlllmlmlmlllmlmlmlllmlmlmlllmlmlmlllmlmlmlllmlmlmll ^     XX Њ Figure 1  Figure 1 #` a2PQ1` P#y!X ddNOT.TIFy$XX%%%%!$PUBLIC NOTICE#q\2PQ=qP# !FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION !445 12TH STREET, S.W. !WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554  T'%%XX%%\#YD2PQ$P# \News Media Information (202) 4180500.  qF' XX Internet http://www.fcc.gov #r\ PQ#XP#  Xs'#N\  PQXP#  #Xj\  P6G;XP#  a\ 45* 3&b86#|\  P6G;>P#3 &b86 #Xj\  P6G;XP# &b86 DA 99 &b86 #|\  P6G;>P# &b86 ԩ#Xj\  P6G;XP#614    XO '~March 31, 1999    X! ',  (#Kq North American Power Brokers, Inc., Seeks Commission Determination of "Exempt ITelecommunications Company" Status Under the Public Utility Holding Company Act jof 1935, As Amended by Section 103 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996  +NSD File No: ETC 9902   X4\ Comments Due: April 21, 1999 Reply Comments Due: April 28, 1999  XX     XX On March 24, 1999, North American Power Brokers, Inc. ("NAP") (Applicant), pursuant to Section 34(a)(1) of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 ("PUHCA"), as added by Section 103 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104104, filed an application requesting a Commission determination that it is an exempt telecommunications company ("ETC"). NAP is a Delaware corporation founded in 1995. Unitil Corporation ("Unitil"), a New Hampshire corporation and a public utility holding company registered pursuant to Section 5 of the PUHCA, will shortly acquire and hold securities in NAP representing an approximate 11% ownership interest in NAP at the time of transaction. Upon the consummation of Unitil's purchase of an interest in NAP, NAP states it will become an associate company within the meaning of Section 2(a)(10) of the PUHCA, of the following public utility companies: Concord Electric Company; Exeter & Hampton Electric Company; Fitchburg Gas and Electric Light Company; and Unitil Power Corp. NAP also states it will be engaged directly or indirectly through one or more "affiliates" exclusively in the business of providing telecommunications services, information services, other services or products subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission, and/or products or services that are related or incidental to the provision of such products or services within the meaning of Section 34(a)(1) of the PUHCA. NAP further provides Internet technology solutions to the energy industry; sells Internet technology and service to energy buyers, energy sellers, and energy service, and product providers; and provides other services to energy consumers. X'0*0*0*0&3 !4X&&w04&6!XԌThis proceeding is considered a "permit but disclose" proceeding for purposes of the  X4Commission's ex parte rules.  See generally 47 C.F.R.  1.1200 - 1.1206. Persons wishing  X4to file comments, regarding the adequacy or accuracy of the North American Power Brokers,  X4Inc. application requesting status as an ETC, must do so no later than April 21, 1999 . All comments should also be served on the applicant. Reply comments must be filed no later  X4than April 28, 1999. Interested parties should file an original and four copies of their comments with the Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, 445 Twelfth St., S.W., Room TWA325, Washington, D.C. 20554. In addition, parties should send one copy to ITS, at 1231 20th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 and two copies to Al McCloud, Common Carrier Bureau, FCC, Suite 210M, 2000 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20554 until April 7, 1999. After that date send Al McCloud's copies to 445 12th Street, S.W., Suite 6A320, Washington, DC 20554. All filings concerning any of the matters  X 4referenced in this Public Notice should refer to File No. ETC 9902 . The application will be available for public inspection Monday through Friday in Room 210M, 2000 M St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Copies may be purchased by calling International Transcription Services, Inc., (ITS) at (202) 8573800. For further information regarding this application, contact Al McCloud in the Network Services Division at (202) 4182499.  X{4 By the Chief, Network Services Division Common Carrier Bureau  R6' XX #Xm2PG; XP#