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No. 94124  y_>'Frequencies Above 40 GHz for New Radio)RM8308 Applications) )  y_r ' THIRD REPORT AND ORDER \  y_ 'X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:QP#  _Gu'#6\  P?Q:QP#Non _GJu'Government#C\  P@QP#  _Gu'#6\  PAQ:QP#Rule part(s)#C\  PBQP#  _Gu'#6\  PCQ:QP#Specialuse  _GJu'frequencies#C\  PDQP#(   %( &&   }(1)d   (2)? ~   ,9(3)3   _Gou'#6\  PEQ:QP#Allocation GHz#C\  PFQP# (4)  _Gou'#6\  PGQ:QP#Allocation GHz#C\  PHQP# (5)M  -G(6)4   (7)!g@* E* &8&  8 8 8 * * * * *8 8 8  E    &8&  7677 RADIO LOCATION Amateur AmateurSatellite Space Research (spacetoEarth) 7677 RADIO LOCATION Amateur AmateurSatellite Space Research (spacetoEarth) 7677 RADIO LOCATION Amateur AmateurSatellite Space Research (spacetoEarth) 7677 RADIO LOCATION 7677 RADIO LOCATION Amateur  xPc'RADIO  xP 'FRE xP'QUENCY  xP 'DEVICES (15) (    ( 7777.5 RADIO LOCATION Amateur AmateurSatellite Space Research (spacetoEarth) 7777.5 RADIO LOCATION Amateur AmateurSatellite Space Research (spacetoEarth) 7777.5 RADIO LOCATION Amateur AmateurSatellite Space Research (spacetoEarth) 7777.5 RADIO LOCATION 7777.5 RADIO LOCATION Amateur AmateurSatellite  xPM'Amateur (97) (    ( &T&  77.578 RADIO LOCATION Amateur AmateurSatellite Space Research (spacetoEarth) VT 77.578 RADIO LOCATION Amateur AmateurSatellite Space Research (spacetoEarth) VT 77.578 RADIO LOCATION Amateur AmateurSatellite Space Research (spacetoEarth) VT 77.578 RADIO LOCATIONVT 77.578 RADIO LOCATION AMATEUR AMATEURSATELLITEVT AMATEUR (97)VT (       ( &T&  7881 RADIO LOCATION Amateur AmateurSatellite Space Research (spacetoEarth)P' 7881 RADIO LOCATION Amateur AmateurSatellite Space Research (spacetoEarth)P' 7881 RADIO LOCATION Amateur AmateurSatellite Space Research (spacetoEarth)P' 7881 RADIO LOCATION 912P' 7881 RADIO LOCATION Amateur AmateurSatellite 912P' Amateur (97)P'   V"P' ,k(k(--%7"Ԍ Y4#XP\  PIQ{XP# 3. Section 2.1033 is amended by adding a new paragraph (b)(13) to read as follows:  Y4Section 2.1033 Application for Certification.  Yt4` `  *hhC*q*pp*  *xxX* (b)(13) Applications for certification of transmitters operating within the 59.064.0 GHz band under Part 15 shall also be accompanied by an exhibit demonstrating compliance with the provisions of 15.255 (g) and (i) of this chapter.  Y 4` `  *hhC*q*pp*  *xxX* B. Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulation, Part 15, is amended as follows:  X 4 PART 15 RADIO FREQUENCY DEVICES 1. The authority citation for Part 15 continues to read as follows:  Xg4 AUTHORITY: Sec 4, 302, 303, 304, 307 and 624A of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. Sections 154, 302, 303, 304, 307 and 544A.  Y!4 2. Section 15.31 is amended by revising paragraph (f)(1) to read as follows:  Y4Section 15.31 Measurement standards.  Yr4` `  *hhC*q*pp*  *xxX* (f)(1) At frequencies at or above 30 MHz, measurements may be performed at a distance other than what is specified provided: measurements are not made in the near field except where it can be shown that near field measurements are appropriate due to the characteristics of the device; and it can be demonstrated that the signal levels needed to be measured at the distance employed can be detected by the measurement equipment. Measurements shall not be performed at a distance greater than 30 meters unless it can be further demonstrated that measurements at a distance of 30 meters or less are impractical. When performing measurements at a distance other than that specified, the results shall be extrapolated to the specified distance using an extrapolation factor of 20 dB/decade (inverse lineardistance for field strength measurements; inverselineardistancesquared for power density measurements). 3. Section 15.33 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(3), to read as follows:  Ye#4Section 15.33 Frequency range of radiated measurements.  Y%4` `  *hhC*q*pp*  *xxX*  (a) Unless otherwise noted in the specific rule section under which the equipment operates"& ,k(k(--&7" for an intentional radiator the spectrum shall be investigated from the lowest radio frequency signal generated in the device, without going below 9 kHz, up to at least the frequency shown in this paragraph:  Yt4` `  *hhC*q*pp*  *xxX* (3) If the intentional radiator operates at or above 30 GHz: to the fifth harmonic of the highest fundamental frequency or to 200 GHz, whichever is lower, unless specified otherwise elsewhere in the rules.  Y4` `  *hhC*q*pp*  *xxX* 4. Section 15.35 is amended by revising paragraphs (b) and (c) to read as follows:  Y 4Section 15.35 Measurement detector functions and bandwidth.  Y 4` `  *hhC*q*pp*  *xxX* (b) On any frequency of frequencies above 1000 MHz, the radiated limits shown are based upon the use of measurement instrumentation employing an average detector function. When average radiated emission measurements are specified in the regulations, including emission measurements below 1000 MHz, there is also a limit on the radio frequency emissions, as measured using instrumentation with a peak detector function, corresponding to 20 dB above the maximum permitted average limit for the frequency being investigated unless a different  Y4peak emission limit is otherwise specified in the rules, e.g., see Section 15.255. Unless otherwise specified, measurements above 1000 MHz shall be performed using a minimum resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz. Measurement of AC power line conducted emissions are performed using a CISPR quasipeak detector, even for devices for which average radiated emission measurements are specified.  Y4(c) Unless otherwise specified, e.g. Section 15.255(b), when the radiated emission limits are expressed in terms of the average value of the emission, and pulsed operation is employed, the measurement field strength shall be determined by averaging over one complete pulse train, including blanking intervals, as long as the pulse train does not exceed 0.1 seconds. As an alternative (provided the transmitter operates for longer than 0.1 seconds) or in cases where the pulse train exceeds 0.1 seconds, the measured field strength shall be determined from the average absolute voltage during a 0.1 second interval during which the field strength is at its maximum value. The exact method of calculating the average field strength shall be submitted with any application for certification or shall be retained in the measurement data file for equipment subject to notification or verification.  Ye#4` `  *hhC*q*pp*  *xxX* 5. Section 15.253 is amended by redesignating paragraph (c)(4) as paragraph (c)(1), redesignating paragraph (c)(1) as paragraph (c)(2)(i), redesignating paragraph (c)(2) as paragraph (c)(2)(ii), by redesignating paragraph (c)(3) as paragraph (c)(2)(iii), and by adding "& ,k(k(--&7" new paragraphs (c)(3) and (c)(4), to read as follows:  Y4Section 15.253 Operation within the bands 46.746.9GHz and 76.0-77.0GHz.  Yt4` `  *hhC*q*pp*  *xxX*  Y.4(c)*` ` * * (1) Radiated emissions below 40 GHz shall not exceed the general limits in Section 15.209 of this part. (2) Radiated emissions outside the operating band and between 40 GHz and 200 GHz shall not exceed the following: (2)(i) For vehiclemounted field disturbance sensors operating in the band 46.746.9 GHz: 2  Y 4pW/cm2 at a distance of 3 meters from the exterior surface of the radiating structure. (2)(ii) For forwardlooking vehiclemounted field disturbance sensors operating in the band  Y47677 GHz: 600 pW/cm2 at a distance of 3 meters from the exterior surface of the radiating structure. (2)(iii) For sidelooking or rearlooking vehiclemounted field disturbance sensors operating  Y4in the band 7677 GHz: 300 pW/cm2 at a distance of 3 meters from the exterior surface of the radiating structure. (c)(3) For radiated emissions above 200 GHz from field disturbance sensors operating in the  Yr47677 GHz band: the power density of any emission shall not exceed 1000pW/cm2 at a distance of 3 meters from the exterior surface of the radiating structure. (c)(4) For field disturbance sensors operating in the 7677 GHz band, the spectrum shall be investigated up to 231 GHz.  Y4` `  *hhC*q*pp*  *xxX* 6. Section 15.255 is amended to read as follows:  Y4Section 15.255 Operation within the band 59.064.0 GHz. (a) Operation under the provisions of this section is not permitted for the following products: (1) Equipment used on aircraft or satellites. (2) Field disturbance sensors, including vehicle radar systems, unless the field disturbance sensors are employed for fixed operation. For the purposes of this section, the reference to fixed operation includes field disturbance sensors installed in fixed equipment, even if the sensor itself moves within the equipment."&,k(k(-- '7"Ԍ(b) Within the 5964 GHz band, emission levels shall not exceed the following: (1) For products other than fixed field disturbance sensors, the average power density of any  Y4emission, measured during the transmit interval, shall not exceed 9 W/cm2, as measured 3 meters from the radiating structure, and the peak power density of any emission shall not  YQ4exceed 18 W/cm2, as measured 3 meters from the radiating structure. (2) For fixed field disturbance sensors that occupy 500 MHz or less of bandwidth and that are contained wholly within the frequency band 61.061.5 GHz, the average power density of  Y4any emission, measured during the transmit interval, shall not exceed 9 W/cm2, as measured 3 meters from the radiating structure, and the peak power density of any emission shall not  Y 4exceed 18 W/cm2, as measured 3 meters from the radiating structure. In addition, the  Y\ 4average power density of any emission outside of the 61.061.5 GHz band, measured during  Y9 4the transmit interval, but still within the 5964 GHz band, shall not exceed 9 nW/cm2, as measured 3 meters from the radiating structure, and the peak power density of any emission  Y 4shall not exceed 18 nW/cm2, as measured three meters from the radiating structure. (3) For fixed field disturbance sensors other than those operating under the provisions of paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the peak transmitter output power shall not exceed 0.1 mW  Yg4and the peak power density shall not exceed 9 nW/cm2 at a distance of 3 meters. (4) Peak power density shall be measured with an RF detector that has a detection bandwidth that encompasses the 5964 GHz band and has a video bandwidth of at least 10 MHz, or using an equivalent measurement method. (5) The average emission limits shall be calculated, based on the measured peak levels, over the actual time period during which transmission occurs. (c) Limits on spurious emissions: (1) The power density of any emissions outside the 59.0-64.0GHz band shall consist solely of spurious emissions. (2) Radiated emissions below 40 GHz shall not exceed the general limits in Section 15.209 of this part.  Y4(3) Between 40GHz and 200GHz, the level of these emissions shall not exceed 90pW/cm2 at a distance of 3meters. (4) The levels of the spurious emissions shall not exceed the level of the fundamental emission. (d) Only spurious emissions and transmissions related to a publiclyaccessible coordination channel, whose purpose is to coordinate operation between diverse transmitters with a view towards reducing the probability of interference throughout the 5964 GHz band, are permitted in the 59.059.05 GHz band. "&,k(k(--A'7"Ԍ Y4ԙNOTE: The 59.059.05 GHz is reserved exclusively for a publiclyaccessible   Y4coordination channel. The development of standards for this channel shall be xxXperformed pursuant to authorizations issued under Part 5 of this chapter. (e) Except as specified below, the total peak transmitter output power shall not exceed 500 mW. (1) Transmitters with an emission bandwidth of less than 100 MHz must limit their peak transmitter output power to the product of 500 mW times their emission bandwidth divided by 100 MHz. For the purposes of this paragraph, emission bandwidth is defined as the instantaneous frequency range occupied by a steady state radiated signal with modulation, outside which the radiated power spectral density never exceeds 6 dB below the maximum radiated power spectral density in the band, as measured with a 100 kHz resolution bandwidth spectrum analyzer. The center frequency must be stationary during the measurement interval, even if not stationary during normal operation (e.g. for frequency hopping devices). (2) Peak transmitter output power shall be measured with an RF detector that has a detection bandwidth that encompasses the 5964 GHz band and that has a video bandwidth of at least 10 MHz, or using an equivalent measurement method. (3) For purposes of demonstrating compliance with this paragraph, corrections to the transmitter output power may be made due to the antenna and circuit loss.  Y4(f)*` ` * **hhC*  Yr4(g)*` ` * **hhC* (h) Any transmitter that has received the necessary FCC equipment authorization under the rules of this chapter may be mounted in a group installation for simultaneous operation with one or more other transmitter(s) that have received the necessary FCC equipment authorization, without any additional equipment authorization. However, no transmitter operating under the provisions of this section may be equipped with external phaselocking inputs that permit beamforming arrays to be realized. (i) Within any one second interval of signal transmission, each transmitter with a peak output power equal to or greater than 0.1 mW or a peak power density equal to or greater than 3  Y4nW/cm2, as measured 3 meters from the radiating structure, must transmit a transmitter identification at least once. Each application for equipment authorization must declare that the equipment contains the required transmitter identification feature and must specify a method whereby interested parties can obtain sufficient information, at no cost, to enable them to fully detect and decode this transmitter identification information. Upon the completion of decoding, the transmitter identification data block must provide the following fields. 1. FCC Identifier, which shall be programmed at the factory."&,k(k(--&7"Ԍ2. Manufacturer's serial number, which shall be programmed at the factory. 3. Provision for at least 24 bytes of data relevant to the specific device, which shall be field programmable. The grantee must implement a method that makes it possible for users to specify and update this data. The recommended content of this field is information to assist in contacting the operator. C. Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 97, is amended as follows:  X4 PART 97 AMATEUR RADIO SERVICE 1. The authority citation for Part 97 continues to read as follows:  X9 4 AUTHORITY: 48 Stat. 1066, 1082, as amended; 47 U.S.C. 154, 303. Interpret or apply 48 Stat. 10641068, 10811105, as amended; 47 U.S.C. 151155, 301609, unless  X 4otherwise noted. 2. Section 97.301, Authorized frequency bands, is amended by revising paragraph (a) for the wavelength band 4 mm to read as follows:  YD4  97.301 Authorized frequency bands .  * * * * * (a) * * * r !ddx ZZZZZZZ Addxs r "   V"   wWavelength band< ITU Region 1< ITU Region 2< ITU Region 3< Sharing requirements see  97.303 (Paragraph) Bs <  *d<   * , < *TD< *\< u*B L <   EHF     GHz <    z7GHzUT   OGHz l       * 4 mm ................ *$  *  75.5 81.0...........  * < % * z75.5l81.0........... *UT% * 475.581.0........... * l% v* y$ E(b), (c), (h), (r). v*y$ E e  _  &_ &_ &_ &_ e%_  * * * * *"&,k(k(--&m%"Ԍ3. Section 97.303 is amended by revising paragraphs (b), (c) and (h) and by adding a new paragraph (r), to read as follows:  Y4  97.303 Frequency sharing requirements .  * * * * * (b) No amateur station transmitting in the 1900-2000kHz segment, the 70cm band, the 33cm band, the 13cm band, the 9cm band, the 5cm band, the 3cm band, the 24.05-24.25GHz segment, the 77.0-77.5GHz segment, the 78-81GHz segment, the 144-149GHz segment, and the 241-248GHz segment shall cause harmful interference to, nor is protected from interference due to the operation of, the Government radiolocation service. (c) No amateur station transmitting in the 1900-2000kHz segment, the 3cm band, the 77.0-77.5GHz segment, the 78-81GHz segment, the 144-149GHz segment, and the 241-248GHz segment shall cause harmful interference to, nor is protected from interference due to the operation of, stations in the nonGovernment radiolocation service.  * * * * * (h) No amateur station transmitting in the 23cm band, the 3cm band, the 24.05-24.25GHz segment, the 77-77.5GHz segment, the 78-81GHz segment, the 144-149GHz segment, and the 241-248GHz segment shall cause harmful interference to, nor is protected from interference due to the operation of, stations authorized by other nations in the radiolocation service.  * * * * * (r) In the 4 mm band: (1) Authorization of the 7677 GHz segment of the 4 mm band for amateur station transmissions is suspended until such time that the Commission may determine that amateur station transmissions in this segment will not pose a safety threat to vehicle radar systems operating in this segment. (2) In places where the amateur service is regulated by the FCC, the 77.5-78GHz segment is allocated to the amateur service and amateursatellite service on a co-primary basis with the Government and nonGovernment radiolocation services.