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Introduction ă  y_' I. A. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a) 1. a. i.(1)(a)(i) 1) a) 1. a. i.(1)(a)(i) 1) a) 1. a. i.(1)(a)(i) 1) a)TLDpa1TLD1. In this Order, we modify the cable landing license for the Bahamas II Cable System  y_h'(Bahamas II).h nZ'ԍXAT&T Corp. et al., Cable Landing License, File No. SCL96003, DA 961233, 11 FCC Rcd 9188  nZ'(1996) (License).(# We grant the application of Ursus Telecom Corp. (UTC) under the Cable Landing  y_@'License Act@  nZ'ԍXAn Act Relating to the Landing and Operation of Submarine Cables in the United States, 47 U.S.C. 34!39 (1994) (Cable Landing License Act).(# to add UTC as a licensee of Bahamas II. Bahamas II extends between Florida and the  y_'Bahamas and is licensed on a common carrier basis.1Xx nZ0'ԍXSee AT&T Corp., et al., Memorandum Opinion, Order and Authorization, File No. ITC96234, DA 961234 (rel. Aug. 6, 1996) (granting Section 214 authority for the construction and operation of a new common carrier submarine cable system).(#1 We find that UTC has provided sufficient information under our rules to comply with the Cable Landing License Act and therefore grant the cable landing license modification subject to the conditions described herein.  y_x'Q II. Application ă  y_('pa1TLD2. UTC is a limited liability corporation organized and operating under the laws of Florida. UTC is a common carrier that was granted global authorization under Section 214 of the  y_'Communications Act of 1934, as amended, to provide facilitiesbased services. nZ&'ԍXSee Public Notice, Report No. I8282, DA 9841 (rel. Jan. 9, 1998).(#Ɓ"( 0*''88l"Ԍ y_'ԙpa1TLD3. Bahamas II is a common carrier cable system. The original cable landing license was issued to AT&T Corp. MCI International, Inc., the St. Thomas and San Juan Telephone Company, Inc., and Telefonica Larga Distancia de Puerto Rico, Inc. The cable system extends between a landing point at Vero Beach, Florida, and Nassau, the Bahamas, with an intermediate point at Eight Mile Rock, the Bahamas, for the purpose of lightwave amplification. A description of the cable system is  y_8'contained in our original order granting a cable landing license for Bahamas II.a8L nZ'ԍXSee License  4!6.(#a  y_'P III. Comments ă  y_'pa1TLD4. UTC's application was placed on public notice on March 11, 1998. No comments were  y_p'received. Pursuant to Section 1.767(b) of the Commission's rules,PpXL nZh 'ԍ47 C.F.R.  1.767(b) (1997).P the Cable Landing License Act,  y_H 'and Executive Order No. 10530, we informed the Department of State of the application.EXH L nZ'ԍXLetter from Diane J. Cornell, Chief, Telecommunications Division, International Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, to Steven Lett, Deputy U.S. Coordinator, Office of International Communications and Information Policy, U.S. Department of State (Mar. 18, 1998).(#E The Department of State advised the Commission that it has no objection to the grant of the requested  y_ 'modification..X L nZ'ԍXLetter from Ambassador Vonya B. McCann, United States Coordinator, International Communications and Information Policy, U.S. Department of State, to Regina M. Keeney, Chief, International Bureau, Federal Communications Commission (July 2, 1998).(#.  y_ 'R IV. Discussion ă  y_X'pa1TLD5. UTC has certified that it is not affiliated with any foreign carrier. X( L nZ 'ԍXUrsus Telecom Corp., Application Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act, as amended, for Global Authority to Operate as an International FacilitiesBased and Resale Carrier, File No. ITC97692, at 7 (filed Nov. 11, 1997; granted Jan. 9, 1998). UTC cites its Section 214 application in the  nZx'present application to modify the Bahamas II cable landing license. See Application at 3.(# UTC is 90 percent owned by Fincogest S.A., a Swiss fiduciary corporation whose sole beneficiary is Mr. Luca Giussani,  y_'a private Italian citizen. In light of the policies adopted by the Commission in its recent Foreign" 0*&&88"  y_'Participation Order,& L nZh'ԍXRules and Policies on Foreign Participation in the U.S. Telecommunications Market, Report and Order  nZ0'and Order on Reconsideration, 12 FCC Rcd 23,891, 23,931!34  87!96 (1997) (stating that the Commission would apply its new liberalized entry policies on foreign participation to cable landing license applications and would no longer routinely impose a restriction on foreign ownership of cable  nZ'landing stations), recon. pending.(#& we find that UTC's foreign ownership does not raise concerns that could  y_'persuade us to deny the application under Section 2 of the Cable Landing License Act.R xL nZ'ԍX47 U.S.C. 35 (1994).(#R  y_'pa1TLD6. By granting this modification, we authorize UTC to own and operate in the United States a share of the Bahamas II cable system. UTC shall be considered a Licensee of Bahamas II for the  y_8'purpose of condition 5 of the Bahamas II cable landing license.\ 8L nZ 'ԍXSee License  11(5).(#\ UTC has notified the Commission that it intends to purchase from the Bahamas Telephone Company (BATELCO) one half of a minimum investment unit (MIU) in the U.S. half of the cable system. As a result, BATELCO's  y_'ownership and voting interest would be reduced from 41 MIUs to 40.5 MIUs. L nZ'ԍXSee Letter from Helen E. Disenhaus and Adam Kupetsky, Counsel for UTC, to Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary, Federal Communications Commission (July 21, 1998).(# We will place a copy of UTC's letter and this order in the file of the Section 214 authorization allowing construction of the Bahamas II cable system, File No. ITC96234.  y_ 'pa1TLD7. Accordingly, we conclude that U.S. interests under the Cable License Landing Act will be served by grant of authority to UTC to land and operate Bahamas II, subject to all of the terms and conditions in the original cable landing license, DA 961233, File No. SCL96003.   y_ '= V. Ordering Clauses ă  y_0'pa1TLD8. In consideration of the foregoing, IT IS ORDERED that the application, File No. SCL96003(M), is GRANTED, and the Bahamas II cable landing license, SCL96003, is MODIFIED to add Ursus Telecom Corp. as a licensee. This grant is subject to all rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission; any treaties or conventions relating to communications to which the United States is or may hereafter become a party; any action by the Commission or the Congress of the United States rescinding, changing, modifying or amending any rights accruing to any person hereunder; and the conditions contained in the cable landing license, SCL96003.  y_'pa1TLD9. UTC shall accept the terms and conditions of this license by filing a letter with the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C. 20554 within 30 days of the release of this modification.  y_P'pa1TLD 10. This Order is issued under Section 0.261 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.261, and is effective upon release. Petitions for reconsideration under Section 1.106 or applications for"( 0*&&88q" review under Section 1.115 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.106, 1.115, may be filed within 30 days of the date of public notice of this order (see 47 C.F.R.  1.4(b)(2)). XX` ` X XXhhCXqFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION(# XX` ` X XXhhCXqDiane J. Cornell(# XX` ` X XXhhCXqChief, Telecommunications Division(# ` `  hhCqInternational Bureau