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X4WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554`)(#[  &tL   &tL DA 991484 &tL   &tL ԃ   yx\ dddy  aE#G\  P6G;مP#News media information 202/4180500 FaxOnDemand 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov  X4#Xj\  P6G;ynXP#`(# Released: July 29, 1999 ă  Xi '` MASS MEDIA BUREAU ANNOUNCES COMMENCEMENT OF PERIOD FOR  XR 'rFILING COMMENTS ON REQUESTS FOR FLEXIBILITY TO PREEMPT lCHILDREN'S EDUCATIONAL AND INFORMATIONAL PROGRAMMING  X$ 4 \  xToday, the Commission is commencing a public notice period for filing comments on the separate  xletters submitted by the ABC, CBS and NBC television networks requesting continued, limited  X4 xflexibility to preempt children's "core" programming, i.e., programming specifically designed to  X4 xserve the educational needs of children, during the 19992000 television season. The letter  xrequests are available for public inspection and copying in the Commission's Reference  X4 xInformation Center (see infra for details), and can be accessed via the internet at:  xhttp://www.fcc.gov/mmb/vsd/comments/comments.html. Public comment is sought to assist the  xBureau in evaluating the networks' preemption, rescheduling and notification practices and  xpromotional efforts during the 19981999 season, and to help the Bureau in determining the  xappropriateness of permitting limited flexibility in preempting core children's programs for the  x19992000 television season. In particular, the Commission invites parties to comment on the  x}networks' preemption, rescheduling and notification practices, as well as their efforts to promote their respective children's educational programming.  X4 x3By way of background, in Policies and Rules Concerning Children's Television Programming,  X4 xRevision of Programming Policies for Television Broadcast Stations, Report and Order, MM  X4 xDocket No. 9348, 11 FCC Rcd 10660 (1996), the Commission adopted new regulations  xAconcerning children's television educational and informational programming, including the  xdefinition of "core" programming and a threehourperweek processing guideline relating to such  X`4 xhprogramming. Further, the Commission required that to qualify as "core" programming, a  XI 4 xchildren's program must be, inter alia, "regularly scheduled," i.e., "scheduled to air at least once  X4!4 xWa week" and "must air on a regular basis." Id. at 10711. The Commission stated that  xpprogramming aired on a regular basis is more easily anticipated and located by viewers, and can  x<build loyalty that will improve its chance for commercial success. The Commission recognized,  x@however, that some episodes of regularly scheduled programming may be preempted for programs  X$4 xsuch as breaking news or live sports events. As for the effect of preemption on the requirement  xthat a program be regularly scheduled on a weekly basis to qualify as "core," the Commission  xstated that it would leave to the staff to determine, with guidance from the full Commission as  xnecessary, what constitutes regularly scheduled programming and what level of preemption is  X~(4allowable.  xFollowing the adoption of these new children's television regulations, the ABC, CBS and NBC  xAtelevision networks each requested that local broadcast stations be given the flexibility toX9+,,,c)3\ '#k \   X  xcreschedule the episodes of "core" children's educational and informational programming that are  xpreempted by live network sports events without adversely impacting the program's status as  x4"regularly scheduled." The Bureau considered the limited circumstances and anticipated  xlpreemption levels cited by each network, as well as each of the networks' specific proposals  xregarding the rescheduling and promotion of "core" programming for the 19971998 television  xseason, and specifically accepted their proposals to commit to certain promotional and notification  xefforts in exchange for a limited amount of preemption flexibility of children's educational and  xinformational programming. In addition to granting such flexibility, the Bureau concluded that  xcertain preemption practices would not preclude otherwise qualifying programming from being  xcounted toward a station's educational and information programming requirements, and would  xcbe consistent with the Commission's goals of maintaining scheduling continuity and predictability  xfor the children's audience. However, the Bureau also stated that it would revisit its conclusions  x<based on the 19971998 television season, and report to the Commission regarding the effect of its decision on children's educational and informational programming.  xThe Bureau fulfilled that commitment and, in November 1998, released its report to the  X4 xCommission entitled The Effect of Preemption on Children's Educational and Informational  X{4 xVProgramming, 19971998 Television Season, DA 982306. The report provides information,  xcbased on data furnished by the ABC, CBS and NBC television networks and individual stations,  xconcerning the effect of preemption on children's "core" programming and the impact of  xpromotion and other measures taken by broadcast television stations to make children's  xeducational programming a success during the 19971998 television season. Among other things,  xRthe report also includes the Bureau's conclusion that children's educational and informational  x programming efforts of ABC, CBS and NBC owned and operated stations have, overall, not been  xunduly affected by the limited preemption flexibility granted to them. Accordingly, in separate  x}letters to ABC, CBS and NBC released October 29, 1998, the Bureau afforded them continued,  xlimited preemption flexibility for the 19981999 television season. In those letters, the Bureau  xalso advised the networks that any requests for an extension of such limited preemption flexibility would be subject to public notice and comment.  xComments should be filed by September 24, 1999, and  &tL r &tL eplies should be filed by October 8,  xc1999, with the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, 445 Twelfth Street, S.W., TW x_A325, Washington, D.C. 20554. The caption should reference DA 991484. A copy of any  xcomments and replies also should be sent to Laura Gallo, Mass Media Bureau, FCC, 445 Twelfth  xStreet, S.W., Room 2A640, Washington, D.C. 20554, and to the Commission's contractor for  x_public service records duplication: International Transcription Services, Inc. (ITS), 1231 20th  xStreet, N.W., Ground Floor, Washington, D.C. 20036. Copies of the comments will be available  xfor public inspection in the Commission's Reference Information Center, Room CYA257, 445  x/Twelfth Street, S.W., Washington, D.C., and also may be obtained from ITS at (202)8573800. For further information, please contact Laura Gallo at (2024181600).