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Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).  gy:  dddhy  K:d  U 1  1  Figure 1  Figure 1 y!HHhh@Uddfcclogo.wpgHHy! XO dd[8Q #S2pPG;# NEWS L X   # PE37:1P#` `  ,hhhppX#XR PE3Q* XP#January 15, 1999  Y2 FCC CALENDAR OF EVENTS  X2     X2  Friday, January 15  Y`2 Chairman William E. Kennard will address the luncheon meeting of the /&bspeaker at second annual conference of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition Wall Street Project, One World Trade Center,  Y22NY, NY, 12:30 pm. Monday, January 18  Y 2 The Federal Communications Commission will be closed in observance of Dr. Martin  Y 2Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday. Wednesday, January 20  Yc2 Commissioner Susan Ness will be the keynote speaker at the Federal Communications  YL2Bar Association's monthly luncheon, Capital Hilton Hotel, Washington, DC, noon.   X52  Monday, January 25  Y2 Commissioner Ness will be a panelist for the  /&b j /&b oint Association of Local Television Stations and the National Association of Television Program Executives Convention, New  Y2Orleans, LA, 11:00 am.  X2  Thursday, January 28  Yf2 The Federal Communications Commission will hold an open meeting, 445 12th Street,  YO2SW, Washington, DC, 9:30 am. Friday, February 5  Y2 Steve Broeckaert, Senior Staff Attorney, Cable Services Bureau will participate at a breakfast meeting on government issues at the New England Cable Television Association's  Y 2Annual Meeting, Killington, VT. "#,$$| | !"Ԍ /&b  /&b x /&b /&b66++++99999999  /&b ԩ2 Monday, February 8  Yv2 Chairman Kennard will take part in the "Big Tent" session of the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association's (CTIA) Annual Conference, Wireless 1999, The Complete Wireless Show, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, LA, 8:15 am 10:15 am.  Y 2 Chairman Kennard will deliver the keynote address at the CompTel 1998 Annual Meeting and Trade Exposition, Westin Peachtree Plaza, Atlanta, GA, 3:00 pm.   Y 2  Deborah Klein, Chief, Consumer Protection and Competition Division will participate on a panel, sponsored by the Women Telecommunications Industry Professionals, "FCC  Y2Matters", Watergate Hotel, Washington, DC, noon.  Xb2Tuesday, February 9 Commissioner Michael Powell will be a panelist at the CTIA Wireless '99 Show, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana, 9:30 am.  X2   X2Wednesday, February 17  X2  Y2 Commissioner Powell will speak at the Florida PSC Telecommunications Symposium, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 6:00 pm.  X|2 Thursday, February 25  YN2 Steve Broeckaert, Senior Staff Attorney, Cable Services Bureau will participate on the Washington Regulatory Panel at the Texas Cable and Telecommunications Association Annual  Y 2Show Washington Regulatory Panel, San Antonio, TX.   X2Thursday, March 4  Y 2 Deborah Lathen, Chief, Cable Services Bureau will address the Practicing Law  Y!2Institute, New York City, NY .  X"2 Saturday, March 6  YR%2 Christopher J. Wright, General Counsel will participate on the "View from the Trenches" policy panel at the Hastings Law Journal 1999 Symposium, "Mixed Signals: Academic and Industrial Perspectives on the Telecommunications Act of 1996", Hastings  Y (2College of the Law, San Francisco, CA. "*,,,d("Ԍx3  X2 Monday March 8  Yv2 Christopher J. Wright, General Counsel will participate on a panel sponsored by the National Association of Broadcasters 1999 State Leadership Conference, "The M Street  YH2Dialogue", Washington Monarch Hotel, Washington, DC 9:30 am 10:15 am.  Y 2 Deborah Lathen, Chief, Cable Services Bureau will participate on a panel at the National Association of Broadcasters State Leadership Conference, "FCC Issues", Washington  Y 2Monarch Hotel, Washington, DC.   X 2Friday, March 12  Y2 Deborah Lathen, Chief, Cable Services Bureau will participate on a panel sponsored  Yy2by the Legg Mason/The Percursor Group, "FCC Issues", Washington, DC.   Y2 Z FCC #Xz_ pi7 X#    (#(#