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WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554`(#(#  yx\ dddhy  aE#6\  P6QCP#News media information 202/4180500 FaxOnDemand 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov  X-#XP\  P6QXP#`(#R August 1, 1998 ă  #; wZs #_ pi7A#FY 1998 Common Carrier Regulatory Fees#r6X@`7:@# #r6X@`7:@#ѐ\  X-#XP\  P6QXP# à " XL- d(#v " The Federal Communications Commission issues this Public Notice in order to provide  d(#jinformation concerning the payment of regulatory fees in FY 1998. If you hold  d(# authorizations in any of the common carrier services, excluding international facilities  d(#(space stations, earth stations, bearer circuits, and international public fixed) and  d(#V"commercial wireless facilities (cellular and public mobile), you should carefully review this  d(#t"Public Notice. Separate Public Notices for international licensees and commercial wireless licensees are available.  X}-  WHO MUST PAY REGULATORY FEES IN FY 1998 ă  d(#[Most licensees and other entities regulated by the Commission must pay regulatory fees in FY  d(#1998. This Public Notice concerns only the following Common Carrier regulatees: interexchange  d(#Kcarriers (long distance companies), local exchange carriers (local telephone operating companies),  d(#competitive access providers (companies other than the traditional local telephone companies that  d(#provide interstate access services to long distance carriers and other companies), operator service  d(#=providers (carriers that enable customers to make away from home calls and to place calls with  d(#alternative billing arrangements), pay telephone operators (owners of pay telephones), resellers  d(#(companies that obtain lines from facilitiesbased carriers and sell service to others, but does not  d(#include mobile resellers governed by the commercial wireless radio services), and other interstate  X!- d(#providers (e.g., calling card providers). Governments and nonprofit entities (exempt under  d(#-Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code) are not required to pay regulatory fees and should not  XR#- d(#submit payment. The Commission requires that each exempt entity submit, or have on file with  d(#the Commission, a current IRS Determination Letter documenting its nonprofit status, a  d(#xcertification of governmental authority, or certification from a governmental authority attesting  X&- d(#to its exempt status. A regulatee will be relieved of its fee payment requirement if its total fee  d(#due, including all categories of fees for which payment is due by the entity, amounts to less than $10. (,,,}(e@w[!&hLfv vfv j\ '#k v\ hP^&G ~&  b< yWHY THE COMMISSION MUST COLLECT REGULATORY FEES ă  d(#The requirement to collect annual regulatory fees from common carriers is contained in Public  d(#Law 10366, "The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993." These regulatory fees, which  d(#[are likely to change each fiscal year, are used to offset costs associated with the Commission's  d(#=enforcement, public service, international and policy and rulemaking activities. These fees are  d(#in addition to any application processing fees associated with obtaining a license or other authorization from the Commission.  aY<  #p\  PC3P#WHEN FEES WILL BE DUE #o\  PCXP#у  XL - d(#! Fee payments must be received by the Commission during the period beginning September  X5 -14, 1998, and ending September 18, 1998, in order to avoid a 25% late payment penalty.  T ddx !ddx   "T  z  g   TYPE OF FEE   g CREGULATORY FEE PAYMENTg"" FEE CODEz e    g7  Interstate Telephone Service Providers (Interexchange Carriers, Local Exchange Carriers, Competitive Access Providers, Operator Service Providers, Resellers, and Other Interstate Providers) 7 $0.0011 per revenue dollar7"!COD8e  7  b< JFCC FORM 159ă  X-  X- d(#Regulatory fee payments must be accompanied by FCC FORM 159 ("FCC Remittance Advice").  d(#This form has been revised and you must use the version dated July 1997. A copy of this form,  d(#Mwith specific instructions, is attached to this Public Notice and may be used to submit fees.  d(#Reproduced forms are acceptable. Please see "Special Instructions for Completing FCC FORMs  d(#L159 and 159C" for detailed information on how to correctly complete these forms. Unless you  d(#are submitting your information on diskette, you must list each Call Sign separately on Forms  d(#159/159C. Written attachments are not acceptable. Failure to properly complete FCC Forms 159/159C will delay the processing of your regulatory fee payment.  d(#jOver the past years, payers have been allowed the option to pay for more than 50 call signs by  d(#.submitting the Form 159 information on diskette. That option is still available. Information on how to file electronically on diskette will be made available on a subsequent public notice.  X"-     X#-n   WHERE TO SEND REGULATORY FEE PAYMENTS Đ\  Xp%-If sending your regulatory fee payment by mail, please address your envelope as follows:  XB'-x  Federal Communications Commission T0Regulatory Fees RP.O. Box 358835  X)-->Pittsburgh, PA 152515835 "),**(-"Ԍ X- d(#ԙ\If you prefer to send your regulatory fee payment by courier to our lockbox bank, you may do  d(#so 24 hours per business day (except Federal or bank holidays). Please address your envelope and deliver it to the following address:  X- x Federal Communications Commission Sc/o Mellon Bank 2RThree Mellon Bank Center >525 William Penn Way .( 27th Floor, Room 1532713 ->Pittsburgh, PA 152590001  X - (Attention: FCC Module Supervisor) \  X -;^     METHOD OF PAYMENT \  X - d(#N Regulatory fee payments may be made by check, money order, or by credit card (Visa or  d(#jMastercard only). When paying by credit card, please make sure you complete and sign block  d(#}28 of FCC FORM 159. Payments may also be made by wire transfer or ACH Debit. Instructions are provided below.  d(#LNOTE: We encourage arrangements to consolidate regulatory fee payments either by a single  d(#entity or by different entities into a single payment instrument. Consolidated fee payments may  d(#cover any number of service categories. Multiple fee payments may be made utilizing any of  d(#the methods of payment mentioned above. Payers who will be making a single payment for a  d(#significant number of entities and wish to submit their payment information on diskette in lieu  d(#of submitting a large number of FCC FORMs 159C ("Advice Continuation Sheets") may do so.  d(#zSpecific instructions regarding diskette submission will be issued separately. No more than  d(#jtwentyfive (25) Form 159C's should be manually submitted for payment. If more than twenty d(#five (25) Form 159C's are to be submitted, we encourage the public to file the information on diskette.  XN- d(#In its FY 1996 Report and Order, the Commission amended its rule regarding the TRS Fund  d(#-administrator to permit National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) to process regulatory fees  d(#.on behalf of its pooling exchange carriers and to submit their consolidated fees to our lockbox  d(#=bank in a single payment instrument. However, we remind entities subject to the payment of a  d(#<regulatory fee that the regulatee, not an agent such as NECA, is responsible for ensuring that the  d(#/payment is made and that it is subject to penalty for failure to submit the entire fee due in a timely manner.  X"- h WIRE TRANSFER PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS ă  d(#A wire transfer is a transaction that you initiate via your bank. It authorizes your bank to wire  d(#funds from your account to our lockbox bank, the Mellon Bank in Pittsburgh, PA. All payments  d(#Lmade by wire transfer must be supported by a completed FCC Remittance Advice (FCC FORM  d(#159) and Advice Continuation Sheet (FCC FORM 159C), if required. The FCC FORM 159  d(#\must be faxed to Mellon Bank at (412) 2365702 at least one hour before the wire transfer on  d(#ythe same business day. Indicate on the top of the FCC FORM 159 "Wire Transfer Regulatory  d(#LFee Payment." In Box (1) Lockbox#, located at the upper left hand corner, indicate "358835." "),**n(-"  X- d(#  Failure to submit the completed FCC FORM 159 will result in a delay in crediting your  d(#)"account. Due to Federal Reserve regulations, wire transfers received after 6:00 p.m. (EDT)  X-will be credited the next business day. The following information should be provided to your bank to complete the wire transfer: ` ` ABA Routing Number 043000261 ` ` Receiving Bank: Mellon Pittsburgh ` ` BNF: FCC/ACV9116106 ` ` OBI Field: (Skip one space between each information item) ` `  "REGULATORYPAY" ` `  PAYER TIN (Exactly as on FCC FORM 159, Block #25) ` `  PAYER NAME (Exactly as on FCC FORM 159, Block #2)  X -` `  Phone: (Daytime Phone #, exactly as on FCC FORM 159, Block #9) ` `  LOCKBOX 358835  X - ACH DEBIT PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS ă  d(#lIf you are interested in using Mellon's Customer Initiated Payment Program (CIP), a brief  d(#application form must be completed and a personal identification number (PIN) issued by the  d(#bank. Arrangements for using this process must be completed 14 days prior to submitting  d(#Mpayment of the regulatory fee. After you have been set up for this program, you have until  d(#jSeptember 17, 1998 to submit payment to ensure processing by the deadline date of September  d(#18, 1998. Please contact Regina Dorsey, Chief, Billings & Collections Branch, Financial Operations Division at (202) 4181995 for further details.  X- Y7  COMPLIANCE \  X- d(#  Please make sure your total remittance and the amount indicated on the FCC FORM 159 are in  d(#agreement. Failure to do so will delay processing. Licensees are solely responsible for  d(#accurately accounting for all licenses and for paying proper regulatory fees. Any data omission,  d(#jerroneous or incomplete data submission, or payment deficiency may result in a 25% monetary  d(#penalty, dismissal of pending actions, and/or revocation of any authorization. You are strongly  d(#urged to submit your payment on time and accurately in order to avoid a penalty. Additionally,  d(#Lthe Commission will invoke any lawful authority it may possess under the Debt Collection Act  d(#yto collect any fees due or outstanding against any common carrier failing to meet its regulatory fee payment obligations.  X!-  WAIVERS, REDUCTIONS AND DEFERMENTS OF REGULATORY FEES ă  X#- d(#  The Commission will consider requests for waivers, reductions or deferments of regulatory fees,  Xh$- d(#in extraordinary and compelling circumstances only, upon a showing that such action overrides  d(#=the public interest in reimbursing the Commission for its regulatory costs. Your regulatory fee  d(#must be paid by the due date even if a request is made for a waiver or reduction. This will  d(#ensure efficient collection in situations where a waiver or reduction is not warranted and will  d(#allow the requestor to avoid a 25% latepayment penalty if its request is denied. The regulatory  d(#=fee will be refunded later if the request is granted. Only in exceptional or compelling instances  d(#y(where payment of the regulatory fee along with the waiver or reduction request could result in"),**n(-"  d(#>the reduction of service to a community or other financial hardship to the licensee), will the  d(#Commission accept a petition to defer payment along with a waiver or reduction request. All  X- d(#Lrequests for deferments must be received before September 18, 1998, in order to avoid the 25%  d(#.latepayment penalty. Please submit your written waiver or reduction request to the following address: 3Office of the Managing Director $Federal Communications Commission j21919 M. Street, N.W., Room 450 DWashington, D.C. 20554 E attn: Regulatory Fee Waiver/Reduction Request  a < d(#l  #p\  PC3P#However, submit your regulatory fee payment to the address on page 2 of this  a <Public Notice.#o\  PCXP#  b <  b< < ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Đ\  d(#Applicable Public Notices, and FCC FORMs 159 and 159C are available from the Commission's  d(#Office of Public Affairs, Public Service Division and can be downloaded from the Internet  X- d(#(http://www.fcc.gov or ftp@fcc.gov). Text of the Report and Order including the entire Schedule  d(#Lof Regulatory Fees can also be downloaded from the Internet. Forms may also be obtained by  d(#contacting the Forms Hotline at (800) 4183676 outside the Washington, D.C. area, or (202) 418 d(#M3676 locally. For additional information, please contact the Public Service Division at (202)  d(#M4180192, or write to: Federal Communications Commission, Office of Public Affairs, ATTN: Public Service Division, 1919 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., 20554.  b<<  bM< PAYMENT PROCEDURES FOR COMMON CARRIERS ă  X^-   XG- d(#Who Must Pay: Interexchange carriers (long distance telephone companies), local exchange  X0- d(#carriers (local telephone operating companies)0r yO- d(#,#C\  P6QP#э #C\  P6QP#We will permit the holding company of local exchange carriers to aggregate fee payments due by its operating  yOq-companies and submit a single payment to cover the fee requirements of its subsidiaries.#r6X@`7:@#ф, competitive access providers (companies other  d(#than the traditional local telephone companies that provide interstate access services to long  d(#Kdistance carriers and other companies), operator service providers (carriers that enable customers  d(#to make away from home calls and to place calls with alternative billing arrangements), pay  d(#ztelephone operators (owners of pay telephones), resellers (companies that obtain lines from  X - d(#facilitiesbased carriers and sell service to others), and other interstate service providers (e.g.,  d(#calling card providers). Governments and nonprofit entities (exempt under Section 501 of the  d(#Internal Revenue Code) are not required to pay regulatory fees and should not submit payment.  Vx#- d(#The Commission requires that each exempt entity submit, or have on file with the Commission,  d(#0a current IRS Determination Letter documenting its nonprofit status, a certification of  d(#governmental authority, or certification from a governmental authority attesting to its exempt  V3&-status."3& ,**%-"Ԍ b< v  SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING  b< FCC FORMS 159 AND 159C Đ\  d(#\FCC FORM 159 ("FCC Remittance Advice") and, as necessary, FCC FORM 159C ("Advice  d(#>Continuation Sheet") must accompany all regulatory fee payments. FCC FORM 159 allows  d(#payers to report information on one or more payment items (e.g., revenues, call signs, or a combination of any two). Use FCC FORM 159C to report additional payments.  d(#FCC FORMs 159 and 159C have been attached to this Public Notice for you to complete and  d(#remit with your payment. You may make additional copies of the forms as required. In addition  d(#to the instructions for FCC FORM 159, the following information applies specifically to common carrier regulatees:  X -Block (19) "FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID":  X-XInterstate telephone service providers should enter their TRS Fund identification number.(#  X-  X-Block (20) "PAYMENT TYPE CODES":  X_-  " X4- }" COD8 :` ` Use this code when paying for an interstate telephone service provider regulatory fee ($0.0011 per revenue dollar). (#`  X-  X-Block (21) "QUANTITY":  X]- v mXFirst complete Blocks 23 ("FCC CODE 1") and 24 ("FCC CODE 2") on the FCC FORM 159 (see instructions below).(#  X- v 0  XInterstate telephone service providers subtract the amount in Block 24 ("FCC CODE 2")  v from the amount in Block 23 ("FCC CODE 1") and enter the TRS net interstate revenue.  v _This should be the same as Line 5(b) of the Interstate Telephone Service Provider  X[-Worksheet provided below. (#  X-Block (22) "FEE DUE":  X- v ^XFor interstate telephone service provider regulatory fees (payment type code COD8),  v @multiply the amount in Block 21 ("Quantity") by $0.0011. This amount should be the  v same as Line 7(b) of the Interstate Telephone Service Provider Worksheet provided below.(#  X"-Block (23) "FCC CODE 1":  X$- v XFor interstate telephone service provider regulatory fees (payment type code COD8), enter  v the total interstate revenue as reported to the TRS Fund (line 15 of FCC Form 431, TRS  v #Fund Worksheet). This amount should be the same as Line 1(b) of the Interstate Telephone Service Provider Worksheet provided below.(# "',**(-"  X-Block (24) "FCC CODE 2":  X- v XFor interstate telephone service provider regulatory fees (payment type code COD8), enter  v ]the cost of interstate telecommunications services taken for resale (including the cost of  v access services). This amount should be the same as the amount in Line 4(b) of the  v Interstate Telephone Service Provider Worksheet provided below, and consists of the  v "amounts paid for interstate access services plus the amount paid for other interstate telecommunications services taken for resale.(#  X}-Block (25) "PAYER TIN":  X' -Enter the fee payer's nine digit Taxpayer Identification Number.  X -Block (26) "APPLICANT TIN":  X{ -If different from payer, enter the applicant's nine digit Taxpayer Identification Number.  X%-Block (27) "CERTIFICATION":  X- v XProvide the printed name and signature of an individual owner/licensee or officer attesting to the accuracy and completeness of the information supplied.(# X(#u FCC "#,**7-" `(#uAttachment  X-a  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ă  X-A.What is TRS?   d(#-Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a telephone transmission service that allows persons  d(#with hearing and/or speech impairments to use the telephone. TRS centers use special staff and  d(#equipment to relay messages between persons using text telephones and persons using traditional  X- d(#Ltelephones. Under Title IV of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), yO! -#C\  P6QP##C\  P6QP#э#C\  P6QP# Public Law No. 101336,  401, 104 Stat. 327, 36669 (codified at 47 U.S.C.  225). all common  d(#carriers providing voice communications services are required to provide TRS throughout the  d(#zareas they serve. The rates charged for TRS calls must be no higher than those charged for functionally equivalent voice telephone calls of similar duration and distance.  X -B.What is the TRS Fund?  d(#The TRS Fund is a shared funding mechanism for recovering the costs involved in providing  X%- d(#interstate TRS service. All common carriers providing interstate telecommunications service  d(#(voice or nonvoice) are required to contribute a portion of their gross interstate revenues to the  d(#TRS Fund. TRS providers receive payments from the Fund designed to compensate them for the  d(#reasonable costs incurred in providing interstate TRS. The TRS Fund is currently administered  Xy-by the National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA).   X-C.Which carriers must file TRS Fund Worksheets?   X- d(#[All common carriers providing interstate telecommunications services within the United States  Xw- d(# must file the TRS Fund Worksheet (see also paragraph E. of this Attachment). For this purpose,  d(#<the United States is defined as the conterminous United States, Alaska, Hawaii, American Samoa,  d(#>Baker Island, Guam, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway  d(#MIsland, Navassa Island, the Northern Mariana Islands, Palmyra, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin  X-Islands, and Wake Island.   Xu- d(#Z For the purpose of calculating TRS contributions, interstate telecommunications service includes,  XJ- d(#but is not limited to, the interstate portion of the following types of services: cellular telephone  d(#and paging, mobile radio, operator services, personal communications service (PCS), access  d(#(including Subscriber Line Charges), alternative access and special access, packetswitched,  d(#WATS, 800, 900, message telephone service (MTS), private line, telex, telegraph, video, satellite,  d(#<international, intraLATA, and resale services. Note: All local exchange carriers provide interstate access services, and therefore must file.  X"- d(# Each legal entity that provides interstate telecommunications service must file a separate TRS  X"- d(#KFund Worksheet.   Entities may not file worksheets aggregating revenue for more than one carrier.  X#- d(#Entities that have distinct articles of incorporation are separate legal entities. All affiliates or  d(#xsubsidiaries must identify the ultimate controlling parent or entity on their TRS Fund Worksheets. "'X,**m)-"Ԍ X- v T D.Should all carriers which file TRS Fund Worksheets also pay the common carrier  X-regulatory fee?  d(#yTNo. Satellite service providers, mobile service and paging carriers pay different regulatory fees  d(#and should not pay the common carrier fee. All other carriers that file TRS Fund Worksheets must pay the common carrier based fee.  X- E.Should a carrier file the regulatory fee if it has not filed a TRS Fund Worksheet?  XR- d(#Yes. If a common carrier provided interstate telecommunications services in 1997, then it should  d(#=have filed a TRS Fund Worksheet and must also pay the common carrier based regulatory fee.  d(#Carriers should have filed their 1998 TRS Fund Worksheet each year on or before April 26,  d(#1998. These worksheets used calendar year 1997 revenue data to calculate the TRS contribution  d(#kfor May 1, 1998 through April 30, 1999. Any carrier that did not file should contact the TRS  d(#Fund Administrator at (973) 8848173 in order to obtain a filing package and to be assigned a  d(#6 digit TRS Fund ID number. This number must be included on the regulatory fee filing. The  d(#mailing address of the TRS Fund Administrator is "NECA, FCC TRS Fund Administration, 100 South Jefferson Rd., Whippany, NJ 07981"  Xy- F.What type of revenues are reported on TRS Fund Worksheets?  d(#The TRS Fund Worksheet requires carriers to report their revenue under ten categories. Four of  X- d(#the revenue categories are for local services: (1) local exchange service; (2) local private line  d(#Nservice; (3) mobile radio, cellular, paging and PCS; and (4) other including other local  d(#exchange revenues. Six of the categories are for long distance services: (1) intrastate access  d(#service; (2) interstate access service; (3) operator service and pay telephone; (4) nonoperator  d(#switched toll service; (5) long distance private line service; and (6) all other long distance  d(#services. Carriers report total revenues and interstate revenues for each category. Carriers must include revenues from all of the different types of services listed in section C above.  d(#Gross or total revenues include revenues from regulated, detariffed, and nonregulated  d(#>telecommunications services. Gross revenues should not include nontelecommunications  d(#services, such as the lease of customer premises equipment. Gross revenues consist of total  d(#krevenues billed to customers with no allowances for uncollectibles. Billed revenues may be  d(#Mdistinct from booked revenues. For international services, gross revenues consist of gross  d(#revenues billed by U.S. carriers with no allowances for settlement payments. Gross revenues  d(#should also include any surcharges on communications services that are billed to the customer  d(#and either retained by the carrier or remitted to a nongovernment third party under contract.  d(#yGross revenues should exclude taxes and any surcharges that are not recorded as revenue, but which instead are remitted to government bodies.  X$- v  G.What kind of costs can be deducted from revenues reported on TRS Fund Worksheets in  Xq%-order to calculate the common carrier regulatory fee?  d(#<Carriers are allowed to deduct interstate access expenses that they paid to local exchange carriers  d(#in 1997, and they are allowed to deduct the interstate portion of the costs of communications  d(#services taken for resale in 1997. Carriers can use the following Interstate Telephone Service Provider Worksheet to calculate their 1998 regulatory fee.") ,**+-"Ԍ a<ԙ#p\  PC3P# INTERSTATE TELEPHONE SERVICE PROVIDER WORKSHEET #o\  PCXP#у Y !ddx   "Addx  Y e   W    u  v  1997 Data (show all amounts in whole dollars) u  (a) Total Company u K }(b) Interstate PortionW   2   uI  1}h Common carrier revenues from Line 15 of FCC Form 431, TRS Fund WorksheetRI RI 2  ]    Ih  2h Access expense paid to local exchange carriersh h ]  2  R hI  3 h Cost of telecommunications services taken for resale (not including access costs shown on Line 2) I  I 2  ]  @  Ih  4> h Sum of Lines 2(b) and 3(b)> h > h ]  @ ]  @   hh  5 h Net Interstate Revenues (Line 1(b) minus Line 4 (b)) h  h ]  @ ]  @ >  hh  6h Common carrier fee factorh h  .0011]  @   B   h  7 1998 Regulatory Fee (Line 5(b) times Line 6 (b))    B   d(#In the FCC FORMs 159 and 159C, enter the amount in Line 1(b) in Block 23"FCC CODE 1."  d(#Enter the amount in line 4(b) in Block 24"FCC CODE 2." Enter the amount in Line 5(b) in Block 21"QUANTITY." Enter the amount in Line 7(b) in Block 22"FEE DUE."