April 2, 1999 FCC SCHEDULE FOR RELOCATING PUBLIC REFERENCE FACILITIES TO PORTALS The FCC's Public Reference Room, currently located at Room 239, 1919 M St, N.W., will be implementing various temporary suspensions of public file availability from April 9, 1999, through May 7, 1999. Ultimately ALL public files will be available at the Reference Information Center (RIC) on Monday, May 10, 1999, at Portals II, CY-A257, 445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. Please be advised that part of the RIC relocation to Portals is the consolidation of all FCC public file reference rooms, which are currently scattered throughout five buildings. Specifically, the RIC will be consolidating public reference files from the following reference rooms: Tariffs, Broadcast (including MDS), Cable Services, Common Carrier (Accounting and Audits, Network Services, Industry Analysis and Formal Complaints), International and Wireless. The relocation and consolidation of all public reference rooms into a single facility has been an agency objective since 1992. Unfortunately, the Commission has been forced to relocate all of these reference facilities in a four-week period in order to vacate and return our old office space back to the lessors. Here is the schedule, which may be subject to change: Closed from April 9th and reopening on April 19th at Portals: Broadcast, including MDS; CCB Formal Complaints and CPD/IAD public reference files. Closed from April 16th and reopening at Portals on April 26th: Cable Reference Room. Closed from April 26th and reopening at Portals on May 3rd: Wireless Reference Room, CCB Network Service and ARMIS reference rooms. Closed from April 30th and reopening on May 10th at Portals: International Reference Room and any other public reference files that were missed in the earlier moves. The RIC will make the duplicate copies of daily filings, to docketed and rulemaking proceedings, available to the public during the relocation in Room CY-A257 so people may view and/or make copies. However, we cannot accept any requests for files while they are in transition. We appreciate your patience and understanding during our relocation to Portals. For additional information, contact Bill Cline, Chief, Reference Operations Division, at (202) 418-0267. -FCC