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n9B8*X6B7  PT6QP DPC2XWXP7  PT6QXP y>I=.X&I7  PT6Q&P, y>N=.X&N7  pTQ& I%,%X!J,7  PT6QJP B"(!X,(7  PT6Q,Pj n9C8*X'<C7  xTQXj y>I=.X',&I7  xTQ&Xt8[[[[qee*C`q.wR2/ y_'#&J\  P6Q&P# X    y_' Federal Communications Commission`~(#cDA 991662 ă   yx}dddy Qb Before the Federal Communications Commission  y_'&2Washington, D.C. 20554 ă In the Matter of the Application of #&J\  P6Q&P#) )  y_'CALONE CELLULAR L.P )FCC File No. 9707821 )  y_h'for Authorization in the Microwave ) Services for Modification of ) Station WMJ409, Yreka, California )  y_i 'M ORDER ON RECONSIDERATION \  y_ 'X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:l5 nZm'ԍ47 C.F.R.  101.81.> that would otherwise require the station to be authorized on a secondary basis to  y_'emerging technology (ET) systems.Xl5 nZ' xt ԍCalOne Application for Authorization in the Microwave Services (FCC File No. 9707821), Ex. A, Request for Primary Status (filed Aug. 18, 1998) (CalOne Application). For the reasons set forth below, we deny CalOne's request.  y_l' CII. BACKGROUND ă  y_' "2. On April 25, 1996, the Commission adopted regulations refining the licensing policy regarding  y_' xQFMS systems in the 2 GHz band.Xl5 nZ#' x@ ԍ47 C.F.R.  101.81; see Amendment to the Commission's Rules Regarding a Plan for Sharing the Costs of  nZ' xk Microwave Relocation, First Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making, 11 FCC Rcd 8825,  nZ '886769 (1996) (Cost Sharing First Report and Order). Under the current rules, new stations, extensions of existing networks  xtand major modifications of stations licensed prior to January 16, 1992, will be licensed on a secondary  y_m' x"basis.ml5 nZ#'ԍ47 C.F.R.  101.81; see Cost Sharing First Report and Order, 11 FCC Rcd at 8868. Primary status will be granted for a limited number of minor modifications that are termed  y_:' xtechnical changes.:` l5 nZ:&'ԍ47 C.F.R.  101.81; see Cost Sharing First Report and Order, 11 FCC Rcd at 8868. All other minor modifications will render the modified license secondary unless the": , * *,,/"  xFMS licensee justifies primary status and the modification does not add to the relocation costs to be paid  y_'by the new PCS licensees. nZ5'ԍ47 C.F.R.  101.81; see Cost Sharing First Report and Order, 11 FCC Rcd at 8868.  y_g' "3. On August 18, 1998, CalOne filed an application for authorization to modify the facilities for  y_4' x@Station WMJ409.<4X nZ,'ԍCalOne Application.< CalOne seeks to replace the current transmitters, change the modulation/emission  xdesignators, increase the transmitter output power and increase the EIRP (Equivalent Isotropic Radiated  y_' x3 Power) by 4 dB.A nZV 'ԍId. at 2, Sched. B.A In connection with that application, CalOne seeks a waiver of Section 101.81 of the  y_' xCommission's Rules,> x nZ 'ԍ47 C.F.R.  101.81.> which provides that all major modifications to existing FMS stations in the 2 GHz  y_h'band will be authorized on a secondary basis to ET systems.a h nZ'ԍCalOne Application at Ex. A, Request for Primary Status.a  y_'gF III. DISCUSSION ă  "g4. CalOne's proposed change in emission designators and its increase in EIRP by 4 dB are major  y_i ' xmodifications under the Commission's Rules.Z i  nZ'ԍSee 47 C.F.R.  1.929(d)(1)(iv), (v).Z As CalOne recognizes, without a waiver of Section  y_6 ' x101.81, its application for a modified license would be granted only on a secondary basis.H 6 (  nZ'ԍSee 47 C.F.R.  101.81.H We may grant  xa waiver of a rule (a) when the underlying purpose of the rule would not be served by application to the  xVinstant case and a grant of the waiver is in the public interest, or (b) when in view of the unique or  xgunusual circumstances of the case, application of the rule would be inequitable, unduly burdensome or  y_j'contrary to the public interest, or the applicant has no reasonable alternative.C j  nZ'ԍ47 C.F.R.  1.925(b)(3).C  y_' "5. In support of its argument for a waiver, CalOne cites a 1992 Public Notice issued by the  xDMicrowave Branch of the former Private Radio Bureau titled "Two Gigahertz Fixed Microwave Licensing  y_' xDPolicy."H  nZ ' x* ԍTwo Gigahertz Fixed Microwave Licensing Policy, Public Notice, Mimeo No. 23115 (May 14, 1992) (Public  nZN!'Notice). The Public Notice stated that modifications made to stations licensed before January 16, 1992,  y_k' xwould not be accorded secondary status.1k nZ#'ԍId.1 CalOne argues that a waiver is justified because the proposed  y_8' x^modifications would be made to a 2 GHz system existing prior to January 16, 1992.a80 nZ&'ԍCalOne Application at Ex. A, Request for Primary Status.a CalOne also states  x*Station WMJ409 is part of a widearea cellular telephone network covering the California 1 Rural Service  xgArea (RSA) and that CalOne is the wireline cellular radiotelephone service licensee for the California 1",l(l(,,"  y_' xRSA.1 nZh'ԍId.1 CalOne argues that, therefore, the Commission should grant the waiver to allow CalOne to  y_'continue to provide high quality wireline service to the public.1X nZ'ԍId.1  y_g' "d6. The licensing policy announced in the Public Notice was explicitly superseded by the  y_4' xCommission when it adopted the current rules set forth in Section 101.81 of the Commission's Rules.4 nZ'ԍ 47 C.F.R.  101.81; see Cost Sharing First Report and Order, 11 FCC Rcd at 8868.  xQTherefore, we conclude that such policy does not provide a sufficient basis for waiving the current rules.  xMoreover, we believe that the fact that CalOne might have been accorded primary status under the policy  xin effect until 1996 but is not accorded primary status under the current policy supports the conclusion  xthat applying the rule to the current cases serves the underlying purpose of Section 101.81 of the  y_5' x Commission's Rules.Z5x nZM' xg ԍ See, e.g., Redevelopment of Spectrum to Encourage Innovation in the Use of New '|Telecommuniction '| Telecommunications '|  '|s   nZ'Technologies, Notice of Proposed Rule Making, 7 FCC Rcd 1542, 1545 (1992).Z CalOne has presented no other evidence or argument that the underlying purpose  xxof Section 101.81 of the Rules would not be served by application in this case or that there are any unique  xor unusual circumstances present here that would make application of the rule inequitable, unduly  x}burdensome or contrary to the public interest. In fact, CalOne's application for modification of its  xfacilities, which proposes to change the transmitters for Station WMJ409 and make associated changes,  xdoes not appear unique or unusual. Finally,  '| we find that  '| the fact that CalOne is the wireline cellular  xlicensee for the California 1 RSA is not a factor which sufficiently bolsters CalOne's submission to provide an adequate basis upon which to grant CalOne the requested waiver.  y_j'w) IV. ORDERING CLAUSES ă  "7. Based on the record established in this proceeding, we conclude that CalOne has failed to  x!demonstrate that waiver of Section 101.81 of the Commission's Rules is warranted under the circumstances  xpresented. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that pursuant to Section 4(i) of the Communications Act of  x31934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.  154(i), and Sections 1.925 and 101.69 of the Commission's Rules, 47  xC.F.R. 1.925, 101.69, the request for a waiver filed by CalOne Cellular L.P. on August 18, 1998, is  x*DENIED and the application for authorization to modify the facilities for Station WMJ409 will be granted on a secondary basis.  "8. This action is taken under delegated authority pursuant to Sections 0.131 and 0.331 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.131, 0.331. `B(#FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION  @ D'wana R. Terry  @ Chief, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division  @ Wireless Telecommunications Bureau