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In 1995, Wells modified one of the stations in its system (WNEX332) and received a new  y_h' xlicense with an expiration date of February 27, 2001.;hx nZ 'ԍId. at 3 n.2.; The licenses for the remaining six stations retained  xtheir original expiration date of April 28, 1994. Wells inadvertently failed to renew the licenses for these  y_' xsix stations and thus the authorizations expired.J nZ'ԍSee 47 C.F.R. 101.65(a).J Over two years later, on August 29, 1996, Wells filed  y_' x applications to reinstate the licenses for the six stations. nZ' x* ԍWells Applications for Station Authorization in the Private Operational Fixed Microwave Radio Service for Stations WNEX331, WNEX333, WNEX334, WNEX335, WNEX336, WNEX337 (filed Aug. 29, 1996). Wells was then issued new licenses and new  y_ ' xQcall signs for the stations, effective July 25, 1997.  nZ,' x ԍWireless Telecommunications Bureau Weekly Receipts and Disposals, Public Notice, Report No. 1947 (July 29, 1997). In accordance with the Commission's rules, the new  y_i ' xlicenses contained a condition that the stations' operations were secondary to ET licensees.]i H  nZQ'ԍSee 47 C.F.R.  101.81, 101.147(a) n.20.] On August  xD22, 1997, Wells timely filed a petition seeking reconsideration of the action imposing the secondary status  y_ ' xcondition.7  nZ{'ԍWells Petition.7 Wells argues that secondary status is inappropriate because the new licenses do not constitute  x&an extension of Wells' system but rather the return to licensed status of previously authorized stations  y_ ' x^whose licenses had inadvertently been allowed to expire.9 h nZ'ԍId. at 45.9 Wells also argues that secondary status should  x@not be imposed because it may require Wells (rather than an ET licensee) to pay the cost of relocating  y_7'Wells' operations to another frequency band.97 nZ"'ԍId. at 56.9 ",l(l(,,"Ԍ y_'YF III. DISCUSSION ă  y_' "6. Licenses for stations in the 2 GHz band are automatically forfeited without further notice upon  y_g' xtheir expiration unless an application for renewal has been filed with the FCC.Ag nZ'ԍ47 C.F.R.  101.65(a).A It is undisputed that  x Wells did not timely file Yrenewal applications for the six stations at issue; and, as a result, the licenses  xZexpired. At the time Wells applied for reinstatement of the expired licenses, requests for reinstatement  y_' xhad to be filed within thirty days of the licenses' expiration.MX nZ'ԍ47 C.F.R.  101.65(b)(1) (1998). M Wells' request, made over two years after  xthe licenses had expired, was therefore untimely. Thus, we conclude that Wells' licenses were properly  xnot reinstated and the Branch correctly issued new licenses for the subject stations. Pursuant to Section  xx101.81 of the Commission's Rules, all new stations in the 2 GHz band are authorized on a secondary basis  y_' xto ET systems.S nZ 'ԍ47 C.F.R.  101.81, 101.147(a) n.20.S Consequently, we conclude that under the circumstances presented here, Wells' new station licenses were properly accorded secondary status.  y_i ' "7. Moreover, we are not persuaded by Wells' contentions that grants of primary status are  xwarranted here. Wells argues that it should not receive secondary status because its stations had  xxpreviously been authorized and that, therefore, their authorization as new stations does not really represent  xan extension of its system. The Rules, however, provide no such exception and, even were we inclined  xto find one, we believe that a lapse of two years is a factor weighing significantly against granting Wells'  x*request. Nor does the fact that the licenses' expiration was inadvertent persuade us that the new licenses  xshould be granted primary status. Rather, both of these arguments go to the question of whether the  xlicenses should have been reinstated. Having decided that the licenses were properly not reinstated and  xxwere instead correctly issued as new licenses, Section 101.81 of the Rules does not permit us to grant the  xMstations primary status. Wells also argues that secondary status might require it to pay for the cost of  xrelocating its stations to another frequency band if relocation is necessary. That, however, is exactly the  y_8' xtresult the Commission intended for new stations.8x nZP' x ԍSee Cost Sharing First Report and Order, 11 FCC Rcd at 8869 (stating that PCS licensees have no obligation to pay to relocate secondary links). Accordingly, we conclude that this contention also does not provide a sufficient basis for granting primary status to Wells' new licenses.  y_'w) IV. ORDERING CLAUSES ă  y_9' "8. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that pursuant to Section 4(i) of the Communications Act of  x1934, 47 U.S.C.  154(i), and Sections 1.106 and 101.69 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.106,  xM101.69, the petition for reconsideration filed by Wells Rural Electric Company on August 22, 1997, IS DENIED. "m,l(l(,,"Ԍ y_' " 9. This action is taken under delegated authority pursuant to Sections 0.131 and 0.331 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.131, 0.331. `B(#FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION  @ D'wana R. Terry  @ Chief, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division  @ Wireless Telecommunications Bureau