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"5^2Coddȧ8CCdr2C28ddddddddddCCrrrdzNdzoȐC8CtdCdoYoYCdo8Co8odooYNCodddYO,Oh2CCCCPCdodddddȐYYYYYN8N8N8N8oddddooooddoddddzodddYYYYYdddooPoNoNCNoddȐoNNF2ldCddddddd<d<CCoodCCddCoCddzzzzzzzzzzCCCCozdddddddYYYYY8888dddddddndddddYd6?xxxX?Xx6X@DQX@.0y.C8*XtC\  P6QP.17PC2XXP\  P6QXP.5I(!X.t,(\  P6Q,P6{,C8*X(4C*f9 xQX.4W!0(X>hh0\  P6QhPl27UC2XGWXU4  pQX35PC2X(XP*f9 xQXX.2J=.X&J\  P6Q&P l2N=.XGD&N4  pQ&2H zNA* zNA 0  #&I\  P6QU^&P#Federal Communications Commission`x(#ZDA 992001 ă   yxxdddy * [Before the 0 Federal Communications Commission  zNA%Washington, D.C. 20554 ă In the Matter ofhD ) hD )  zN4Petition for Reconsideration filed by <'   <'  )  *  zNx4Black Hills Broadcasting, L.L.C.hD )  *  zN@4 hD )  * t  zNAq ORDER Đ\  zN( A v 4X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:'Bids and Other Procedural Issues," Public Notice, DA 991346 (rel. July 9, 1999); Implementation of Section 309(j) of the Communications Act Competitive Bidding for Commercial Broadcast and Instructional Television  {O'Fixed Services Licensees, MM Docket No. 97234, First Report and Order, 13 FCC Rcd 15920 (1998), recon  {O 'denied, Memorandum, Opinion and Order, FCC 9974 (rel. April 20, 1999), modified, Memorandum Opinion  {Od!'and Order, FCC 99201 (rel. August 5, 1999).D 4. BHB relies on two public notices released in 1997 to support its contention that the Bureau was obligated to mail it a Bidder Information Package, or otherwise provide it"f 0*%%II"  X4with personal notice of the FCC Form 175 filing deadline.? = yOy'ԍPetition at 4.? These public notices, which set forth the Commission's auction schedule for 1998, encouraged parties to contact the FCC's National Call Center and request placement on the mailing list for the auction in which they  X4were interested to ensure that they would receive a Bidder Information Package.( \X= {O'ԍSee "Spectrum Auction Schedule for 1998," Public Notice, 13 FCC Rcd 5950 (rel. September 18, 1997);  {O'"FCC Announces Spectrum Auction Schedule for 1998," Public Notice, 12 FCC Rcd 19726 (rel. November 25, 1997).( Nothing, however, in the Commission's rules requires that the Bureau compile or mail out Bidder Information Packages to individual auction applicants or otherwise make personal notifications of upcoming auctionsrelated deadlines. To the contrary, these notices strongly urge applicants to regularly visit the Commission's internet web site to keep apprised of the  XH4FCC's auction schedule and relevant documents.+ \H|= {Ou'ԍ"Spectrum Auction Schedule for 1998," Public Notice, 13 FCC Rcd 5950, 5951 (rel. September 18,  {O?'1997); "FCC Announces Spectrum Auction Schedule for 1998," Public Notice, 12 FCC Rcd 19726, 19729 (rel. November 25, 1997).+ Further, the Public Notice released on November 25, 1997 stated that the auction for broadcast licenses would take place in the  X 4fourth quarter of 1998. = {Ok'ԍ"FCC Announces Spectrum Auction Schedule for 1998," Public Notice, 12 FCC Rcd 19726, 19728 (rel. November 25, 1997). In light of the fact that the auction did not take place in 1998, an interested party, in the exercise of due diligence, should have made inquiries about the scheduling of the broadcast auction prior to this time. It is incumbent upon interested parties to assume responsibility for keeping abreast of all developments and information regarding auctions in which they have an interest. 5. Moreover, the Bidder Information Package is but one tool the Bureau utilizes to provide important information to auction participants. It can provide such information through other means, such as public notices and other publicly released documents. In fact, the public notices issued for Auction No. 25 contain all the information needed by bidders to participate in the auction. The decision whether or not to issue a Bidder Information Package  X4in connection with any specific auction is squarely within the Bureau's delegated authority.P = {O'ԍSee 47 C.F.R.  0.331.P While the Bureau must, of course, notify interested parties of the terms and conditions of an auction, it is not under any obligation, whatsoever, to provide such notification specifically through a Bidder Information Package. Thus, BHB is simply incorrect in asserting that the Bureau is under a Commission directive to mail Bidder Information Packages to individual" 0*%%IIX"  X4applicants.L= {Oy'ԍSee Petition at 710.L Although BHB cites Gardner v. FCC, 530 F.2d 1086 (D.C. Cir. 1976), to support its argument that it was entitled to receive personal notice of the requirements for  X4participation in Auction No. 25, that case is inapposite. In Gardner, the court found that personal notice of a Commission decision was required in the case of adjudicatory opinions  X4and orders pursuant to Section 0.445 of the Commission's Rules.PZ= {O'ԍSee 47 C.F.R.  0.445.P Establishment of a preauction deadline is not an adjudicatory action under Section 0.445. Thus, the Bureau was not required by Commission rules to mail BHB notice of auctionrelated deadlines. Finally, by not issuing a Bidder Information Package, the Bureau did not violate the Administrative  XL4Procedure Act.TL= {O 'ԍ5 U.S.C.  551 et seq.T That Act requires the Commission to seek notice and comment when amending a rule or creating a new rule, but not when modifying an internal Commission  X 4procedure.F ~= yOM'ԍ5 U.S.C.  553(b).F 6. For the reasons discussed above, BHB's Petition for Reconsideration IS DENIED. In light of this finding, BHB's request to postpone Auction No. 25 IS DENIED. This action  X 4is taken under delegated authority pursuant to Section 0.331 of the Commission's Rules.F = yO'ԍ47 C.F.R.  0.331.F pD   X84DV VV}Sincerely, VV}Amy J. Zoslov VVVV}Chief, Auctions and Industry Analysis Division VV}Wireless Telecommunications Bureau