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LL2L"",,2d""A.SSxSSJJSJS+SSSSS8SSSSSSSSS.xJxJxJxJxJorJiJiJiJiJ8.8.8.8.{SxSxSxSxS{S{S{S{SxSxJ{SxSxSxS{S`SxIxSxIqIqIrSrS{dgIiSiSgIxSxSxSxSxS{S{S8.SSSS8Sz]SSuSg/g><q*"xxxxWWxxxWWkkxxx(-((((((((((---#J:55:2-:::2F::-:5-2::K::2%(#(#(#(((>((((((:((#&&++%((:#:#:#:#:#F45#2#2#2#2#:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:#:(:':(:(:(-(:#:#:#5#5#5+5#:22#2#2#2#:(:(:(:+:(:+:(((8-++:(22 222:(/:(:(:(:(F:555----+2"22%:(:(:(:(:(:(K::+2#2#2#:(2:(-2:(2((W888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxN00%(#((((M(==(==(=##(P0P((N0=PP00/BB--P#(CP"5555==JPP(=P0.+(-N00P(2o X4_ X'.  #Xj\  P6G;ynXP# Federal Communications Commission FCC 99189   (#\yxdddy_#XP\  P6QynXP#   xxX  X4+` #Xj\  P6G;ynXP#Before the ăpp  *#XP\  P6QynXP#xxX #XP\  P6QynXP#  X4[   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ă  X4+ Washington, D.C. 20554 #XP\  P6QynXP#у  X4  X4#Xj\  P6G;ynXP# (#҇In the Matter of TWO WAY RADIO OF CAROLINA, INC. Request for Waiver of 47 C.F.R.  1.2105(b)(2) " 0*o(o(qq " ) ) ) ) ) ) H 0*o(o(qq $   o(o(qqHԯ X 4=rQ yO' yxdddxy#Xj\  P6G;ynXP# \#X\  P6G;ɒP#=r  MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER ă Adopted: July 20, 1999 "0*o(o(qq/"  X4  Released: July 22, 1999 H0*o(o(qq$/o(o(qqHԯX` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:0*&&qq6"Ԍ X4]M III. Discussion ă  X48. After carefully reviewing the record, we find no justification to overturn the  X4Bureau Order. Two Way Radio's request for waiver sought a change that would require the Commission to afford Two Way Radio postauction benefits different from those initially elected on its FCC Form 175. We agree with the Bureau that modification of an applicant's small business status does not constitute a minor change under our competitive bidding rules, and that providing Two Way Radio with more favorable financial benefits after the close of the auction, based on information not available to other bidders during the auction, would  X34adversely affect the integrity of the auction process.[3 {O ' " #X\  P6G;ɒP#э See, e.g., Letter to Linda Feldmann, Esq. from Kathleen O'Brien Ham, Chief, Auctions & Industry Analysis  yOv 'Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, DA972261 (October 24, 1997).#Xj\  P6G;ynXP#[ The cases upon which Two Way Radio relies to argue that the Bureau applied an incorrect standard are plainly distinguishable.  X 49. In its pleading, Two Way Radio first argues that in deciding whether to grant relief, the Commission has not held auction applicants to a "letterperfect" standard, but that such a standard was nevertheless applied to its request. In support of its position, Two Way  X 4Radio cites decisions in NextWave Personal Communications " yO|' "< #X\  P6G;ɒP#эApplications of NextWave Personal Communications, Inc. for Various CBlock Broadband PCS Licenses,  {OD' x Memorandum Opinion and Order, 12 FCC Rcd 2030 (WTB 1997) ("NextWave"). The Bureau found that NextWave  xk exceeded the foreign ownership benchmark of Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,  x; but nonetheless determined that it was in the public interest to grant NextWave the 63 licenses it won in the C block  x; broadband PCS auction, conditioned on NextWave's restructuring to conform its foreign ownership to the statutory  yOf'benchmark within six months from the date of the Public Notice granting the licenses.#Xj\  P6G;ynXP#ц and PCS 2000,dB  yO' " #X\  P6G;ɒP#эApplications of PCS 2000, L.P. For Broadband Block C Personal Communications Systems Facilities,  {O' x Memorandum Opinion and Order, 12 FCC Rcd 1681 (1997) ("PCS 2000"). An officer and registered bidding agent  x of PCS 2000 had misrepresented facts and submitted false documents to the Commission in an attempt to cover up  x a mistaken bid ten times greater than intended. PCS 2000 removed those persons responsible for the  xx misrepresentations from ownership and control and filed an amendment to its application reflecting the change in  x its ownership structure. The Commission permitted the major amendment to PCS 2000's application pursuant to  x Section 24.823(g)(3) of the Commission's rules, which allows major amendments reflecting only changes in  yOp'ownership or control that the Commission finds to be in the public interest. #X\  P6G;ɒP#d that permitted auction participants to cure defects that could have resulted in dismissal of their applications and prevented them from obtaining the licenses they won at auction. although Two Way is correct that the Commission has previously declined to adopt a "letterperfect" standard for its  XO4review of shortform applications,kO {O"' "/ #X\  P6G;ɒP#эSee In the Matter of Implementation of Section 309(j) of the Communications Act Competitive Bidding,  {Op#'Competitive Bidding Fifth Report and Order, 9 FCC Rcd 5532, 5559   6364 (1994).#x6X@`7X@#k TwoWay Radio's interpretation of these decisions is  X84overly broad. In the Competitive Bidding Fifth Report and Order, we explained that our purpose in not utilizing a "letterperfect" standard was to provide applicants with an"#0*&&qq"  X4opportunity to correct minor defects in their shortform applications. {Oy'#X\  P6G;ɒP#эSee id. at 5559  63.#x6X@`7X@#ѣ However, as the Bureau correctly decided, modification of an applicant's small business status to obtain more favorable benefits after the conclusion of the auction is not a minor change within the  X4meaning of Sections 1.2105(b)(2) and 90.164 of our rules.Z yO'#X\  P6G;ɒP#э47 C.F.R.   1.2105(b)(2), 90.164.#X\  P6G;ɒP#Ѩ During the 900 MHz SMR auction, other bidders placed bids based upon their understanding of the specific bidding credit and the type of installment payment plan to which Two Way Radio, as well as other bidders, were entitled. Thus, we agree with the Bureau's determination that a change in Two Way Radio's small business status constitutes a major change.  XH4   10. Two Way Radio asserts that the Bureau's interpretation of Section 90.164 is unreasonable and inconsistent with Commission rules or practice. It argues that the more favorable financial benefits it seeks would no more adversely affect the integrity of the auction process than the foreign capital contributions of NextWave that were in excess of the  X 4statutory benchmark.  yOp'#X\  P6G;ɒP#эApplication for Review at 68.#X\  P6G;ɒP#ѝ We disagree. NextWave and PCS 2000 are inapposite as both cases involved the issue of an applicant's qualifications for the licenses at the longform stage. In both cases, the Bureau allowed changes that permitted them to qualify as licensees. These matters did not directly affect their own bidding strategies or the information about license  X{4values that would affect other bidders' strategies. Moreover, our decision in PCS 2000 must be distinguished, because the amendment PCS 2000 requested was specifically addressed by a regulation that exempts applications with major amendments from being treated as "newly filed" if the amendment reflects a change in ownership or control that the Commission finds  X!4to serve the public interest.!z {OL'#X\  P6G;ɒP#эSee 47 C.F.R.  24.823(g)(3).#x6X@`7X@#ѥ Additionally, although Two Way Radio claims that its request to cure the "defect" in its application has been held to a more stringent standard than PCS 2000, we note that in the latter case, our decision to allow the application amendment was accompanied by the Commission's imposition of a $1 million forfeiture for bid withdrawal  X4during the auction.V  {O' "/ #X\  P6G;ɒP#эSee Applications of PCS 2000, L.P., For Broadband Block C Personal Communications Systems Facilities,  {OL 'Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, 12 FCC Rcd 1703 (1997). #X\  P6G;ɒP#V  11. Two Way Radio also relies on a group of Bureau holdings referred to as the  X4Default Waiver Orders in which the Bureau granted requests for waiver of down payment deadlines submitted by winning bidders in the 900 MHz SMR and C block broadband"kh 0*&&qq"  X4Personal Communications Service auctions.}X  yOy' "V #X\  P6G;ɒP#э #X\  P6G;ɒP#Two Way Radio cites Bureau orders addressing waiver requests of winning bidders in the 900 MHz SMR  {OA' x and C block broadband Personal Communications Services ("PCS") auctions, as follows: AMK International, Inc.,  {O ' xy 12 FCC Rcd 1511 (WTB 1997); Cenkan Towers, L.L.C., 12 FCC Rcd 1516 (WTB 1997); Electronic SMR  {O' x Communication Services, 12 FCC Rcd 1520 (WTB 1997); Independence Excavating, Inc., 12 FCC Rcd 1524 (WTB  {O' x3 1997); Hickory Telephone Company, Inc., 12 FCC Rcd 1528 (WTB 1997); The Wireless, Inc, 12 FCC Rcd 1821  {Oi' x@ (WTB 1997); RobertsRoberts & Associates, LLC, 12 FCC Rcd 1825 (WTB 1997); Southern Communications  {O3' x Systems, Inc., 12 FCC Rcd 1532 (WTB 1997); RFW, Inc., 12 FCC Rcd 1536 (WTB 1997); MFRI, Inc., 12 FCC Rcd  {O' x 1540 (WTB 1997); Wireless Telecommunications Company, 12 FCC Rcd 1544 (WTB 1997); CSS Communications,  {O' xQ Co., 12 FCC Rcd 1507 (WTB 1997); and Longstreet Communications International, Inc., 12 FCC Rcd 1549 (WTB  x 1997). It quotes language from paragraph six of each case referencing Section 90.151 (for those 900 MHz SMR cases) and from Section 24.819 (for those Broadband C Block PCS cases):   X[A] waiver request must demonstrate either "that the underlying purpose of the rule will not be    served, or would be frustrated, by its application in a particular case, and that grant of the waiver   is otherwise in the public interest," or "that the unique facts and circumstances in a particular case  ' render application of the rule inequitable, unduly burdensome or otherwise contrary to the public  yO 'interest."#Xj\  P6G;ynXP# } Two Way Radio contends that the administrative errors in making timely second down payments are similar to its miscalculation  X4of its gross revenues. yOk'#X\  P6G;ɒP#эApplication for Review at 1011.#X\  P6G;ɒP#ѥ We are unpersuaded by Two Way's argument. The various waivers  X4in the Default Waiver Orders were sought for simple miscalculations, inadvertence, administrative errors, or similar complications involving the making of second down payments  X4or installment payments. In #Xj\  P6G;ynXP#none of those cases did the applicant seek to effect a change that  Xx4would result in granting the applicant a different status or affording the applicant greater  Xa4financial benefits than it had requested in its application. #Xj\  P6G;ynXP#The waivers granted to the  XJ4applicants in the Default Waiver Orders also did not affect the other bidders in tha#Xj\  P6G;ynXP#t auction. Thus, grant of those waivers was based on determinations that the waivers would not undermine the integrity of the auction process. Consequently, we agree with the Bureau that allowing Two Way Radio to change its small business status after the close of the auction would be a major change that would have an impact upon the other bidders in that auction, and consequently undermine the integrity of the auction itself.  X 4#Xj\  P6G;ynXP#  12. Two Way Radio further argues that the Bureau considered a "good faith"  X4compliance standard in granting relief in NextWave and the Default Waiver Orders, but that  X4Two Way Radio was not given such consideration.x yO!'#X\  P6G;ɒP#эApplication for Review at 89, 11.#Xj\  P6G;ynXP#ѡ It claims there is no evidence that its error was other than a "goodfaith" miscalculation based on misunderstanding the definition of "revenues," similar to NextWave's misunderstanding of the definitions of "equity" and"Q0*&&qq"  X4"debt."  Xy4#X\  P6G;ɒP##X\  P6G;ɒP#э #X\  P6G;ɒP#Id. at 89#Xj\  P6G;ynXP#. We reject this argument that it is entitled to change its small business status based  X4on its record of "good faith" compliance. An applicant's good faith is merely one factor, to be balanced against others, when evaluating a request for relief. In this case, we find that any good faith efforts on the part of Two Way Radio do not override our primary concern for maintaining the integrity of the competitive bidding process.  Xv4#Xj\  P6G;ynXP# 13. We also reject Two Way Radio's argument that it should be allowed to change its small business classification after the close of the auction because the Bidder Information Package for the 900 MHz SMR auction did not explicitly prohibit it. Prospective bidders in the 900 MHz SMR auction received the same notice of small business eligibility criteria, and  X 4all were on notice of the restrictions in our rules on making major changes to applications.! y {OD '#X\  P6G;ɒP#эSee Public Notice, Report No. AUC9507, Auction No. 7, released September 15, 1996.#Xj\  P6G;ynXP# Moreover, the Bureau has stated in prior orders that applicants are responsible for maintaining current information regarding Commission rules, which may be obtained from several sources,  X 4including public notices."  {O'#X\  P6G;ɒP#эAMK International, 12 FCC Rcd at 1514  9.#x6X@`7X@#Ѳ Two Way is not entitled to rely upon the Bidder Information Package solely as its source for interpretation of the Commission's auction rules and procedures.  Xy4 14. Finally, Two Way Radio argues that it should have been granted its alternative request, under which it proposed to forgo the additional five percent bidding credit that it would receive if it were classified as an entity having average gross revenues of less than $3 million, in exchange for receipt of the more favorable installment payment plan that is  X4afforded such entities.# yOk'#X\  P6G;ɒP#эApplication for Review at 12.#x6X@`7X@#ќ It equates its relinquishing of the additional five percent bidding credit to a penalty that would be equal to the five percent late fee assessed the petitioners in  X4the Default Waiver Orders.$- {O'#X\  P6G;ɒP#эId.#x6X@`7X@#ш We decline to grant Two Way Radio's alternative request, because we disagree with Two Way Radio that such a result can be equated to the five  X4percent late fee we imposed in the Default Waiver Orders. We do not view our decision to require Two Way Radio to retain its original small business classification as a payment that the Commission imposes on the applicant.  Xi415. We are not persuaded that in denying Two Way Radio's waiver request, the Bureau has applied a different standard to Two Way Radio than it has to other license  X;4winners. Two Way Radio has not shown the existence of unique facts or circumstances in its";$0*&&qq"  X4case that would warrant a waiver of Section 1.2105(b)(2) of our rules.% {Oy'#X\  P6G;ɒP#эSee 47 C.F.R.  90.151.#x6X@`7X@#џ Two Way Radio has demonstrated neither that the underlying purpose of the rule would be frustrated if it were not permitted to amend its application, nor that the requested amendment would serve the public interest. To the contrary, the circumstances in this case constitute those that the Commission  X4intended to avoid when it required applicants to specify their designated entity status on their  X4shortform applications. Were we to allow winning bidders to amend their applications to  Xv4obtain more favorable small business treatment after the close of an auction, it would be possible for a bidder to use the amendment process as a mechanism to gain unfair advantage over other bidders in the auction. Accordingly, we affirm the Bureau's finding that ensuring the integrity of the competitive bidding process outweighs any financial burden that Two Way Radio may bear as a result of its own filing error.  X 4 *5 #Xj\  P6G;ynXP#IV. Ordering Clauses ă  X 416. Two Way Radio has failed to make any of the showings necessary to warrant  X 4reversal under Section 1.115 of the Commission's Rules.& Z yO'#X\  P6G;ɒP#э47 C.F.R.  1.115.#X\  P6G;ɒP#є Accordingly, it is ORDERED that  X4 Two Way's Application for Review IS DENIED.   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Magalie Roman Salas Secretary