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Sd'WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554`~(#c DA 982683 ă  1 yx dddhy  aE@#5\  P6QޱP#News media information 202/4180500 FaxOnDemand 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov  S'#&J\  P6Qm&P#`;(# Released: December 29, 1998  S' Wireless Telecommunications Bureau  S~ 'Releases List of Current Grandfathered Multilateration LMS Licensees ă  S 'On February 6, 1995, the Commission released the LMS Report and Order which, inter alia, reallocated bands for multilateration and nonmultilateration Location and Monitoring Service (LMS %@ ) %@   S 'operations.o F {ON' " ԍSee In re Amendment of Part 90 of the Commission's Rules to Adopt Regulations for Automatic Vehicle  {O' x Monitoring Systems, Report and Order, PR Docket No. 9361, 10 FCC Rcd. 4695, 4721  46 (1995) (LMS Report  {O' x and Order). Multilateration systems are those systems that are designed to locate vehicles or other objects by  x measuring the difference of time of arrival, or difference in phase, of signals transmitted from a unit to a number  x of fixed points or from a number of fixed points to the unit to be located. Nonmultilateration systems are those  x systems that employ any technology other than multilateration technology to transmit information to and from vehicles.o To ensure that this reallocation scheme would not impose undue hardships for existing multilateration licensees, the Commission adopted certain grandfathering provisions that permitted  SM'existing licensees who had constructed to continue operating their systems.jMAF {O.'ԍLMS Report and Order, 10 FCC Rcd. at 4728,  62.j The Commission also adopted grandfathering provisions for multilateration licensees who had not constructed their systems  S'so that these licensees could construct and operate their licensed stations under the new rules.LF {OZ'ԍId. at 4729,  64.L In order to attain grandfathered status, existing multilateration licensees were required to file, by May 22, 1995, applications to modify their station licenses to comply with the new band plan and to identify  SN'the subband or subbands in which they intended to operate.iNe F {OS'ԍId. at 472829,  63; 47 C.F.R.  90.363(a).i Licensees were permitted to select the  S'particular subband or subbands that best met their future LMS requirements.m F {O'ԍLMS Report and Order, 10 FCC Rcd. at 472829,  63.m  S'Pursuant to the LMS Report and Order, multilateration licensees that constructed and commenced operations prior to February 3, 1995, were required to convert to the spectrum identified  SP'in their modified LMS system licenses by April1, 1998.:P F {Oy$'ԍId.: Multilateration LMS licensees who had not constructed their facilities prior to February 3, 1995, were required to construct and put their systems  S'into operation on the frequencies identified in their modified LMS licenses by January 1, 1997.F {O'' " ԍSee Extension of Construction Deadline for Grandfathered Multilateration Licensees in the Location and  {Oo('Monitoring Service, Order, 11 FCC Rcd. 13986 (Wireless Telecom. Bur. 1996). In light of the multilateration LMS auction that will begin on February 23, 1999, it became necessary for the Commission to determine whether multilateration LMS licensees, who filed timely modification applications %@ , %@  constructed their facilities and put them in operation as required by thew,,,Ve@d;[!,L   '#   h   S'Commission's rules.n {Oh'ԍSee LMS Report and Order, 10 FCC Rcd. at 4728,  62.n This information was deemed necessary in order to provide prospective participants in the auction sufficient information to evaluate the likely value of the spectrum upon which they may bid. On December 8, 1998, the Commercial Wireless Division of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, issued letters to all multilateration LMS licensees who had filed timely modifications of their  S'licenses. Z yO' "@ ԍThe Commercial Wireless Division sent these letters to the addresses contained in the licensees' most recent  x@ application pursuant to sections 1.5(a) and 90.147 of the Commission's rules. 47 C.F.R.  1.5(a), 90.147. The  x Commercial Wireless Division was unable to serve licensee Roger D. Linquist dba Location Services at the address  x listed in its most recent application. The Commercial Wireless Division was unsuccessful in its attempts to contact the licensee and the licensee's counsel of record to obtain an alternate address.  The grandfathered multilateration LMS licensees were directed to notify the Commercial Wireless Division in writing, no later than December 18, 1998, whether their grandfathered multilateration LMS stations (1) were constructed or converted and put into operation by the deadline, and (2) are currently operating on the frequencies identified in their modified licenses. The Commercial Wireless Division stated that any licensee failing to respond to the inquiry with respect to all of their grandfathered stations by December 18, 1998 would be deemed to have failed to construct or convert their facilities by the prescribed deadline. The Commercial Wireless Division further stated that the results of the inquiry would be released prior to the deadline for filing applications to participate in the multilateration LMS auction. Attachment A of this public notice lists the grandfathered multilateration LMS licensees who  S 'failed to respond to the Division's inquiry by December 18, 1998.   yOG' " ԍWe note that, although Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems, Inc. (SBMS) responded to the Commercial  x Wireless Division's December 8, 1998 letter, the Commercial Wireless Division subsequently denied the company's  x request for waiver of the LMS spectrum conversion deadline, and found that call signs WPDM682 and WPDM686  xx had expired due to the failure of SBMS to convert its system to the frequencies identified on its modified licenses  {Og'by April 1, 1998. See Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems, Inc., Order, DA 982615 (rel. Dec. 23, 1998). Due to their failure to respond to the Commercial Wireless Division's December 8, 1998, inquiry, we find that the grandfathered licensees listed in Attachment A failed to construct or convert their stations by the required deadline. For further information: Commercial Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau: Linda Chang or Michael Rosenthal at (202) 4180620.