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X4WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554`(#d DA 99745 ă   yxdddhy  aE#6\  PQ|P#News media information 202/4180500 FaxOnDemand 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov  `4  #^\  PQϏP#WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU j WAIVES LIMITATIONS ON PAYMENTS IN |SETTLEMENT AGREEMENTS AMONG PARTIES IN  CONTESTED LICENSING CASES  S0 '\#&J\  PQ '&P# ` `  hhCqppReleased April 16, 1999  S ' "A Pursuant to sections 1.3 and 0.331 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.3, 0.331, the  xWireless Telecommunications Bureau (Bureau) issues a limited waiver of sections 1.935(a) and 1.935(b)  Sh' xof the Commission's rules. 47 C.F.R.  1.935(a), 1.935(b).hm" yO' " "#XP\  PQ_XP##C\  PQo^P#э Section 1.935 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.935, consolidated the previous servicespecific rules  {O'in sections 22.129, 24.429, 27.319, 90.162, and 101.41. See 47 C.F.R.  22.129, 24.429, 27.319, 90.162, 101.41.  These rules place limitations on settlements  xMthat are reached among parties in contested cases in order to prevent "greenmail." The Bureau waives  xtthese rules, to the extent specified herein, for a 90day period, effective upon publication of this Public  xNotice in the Federal Register. The Bureau waives these rules to permit parties to resolve certain  S' x"contested proceedings by seeking dismissal or withdrawal of pending applications, petitions, other  xpleadings (including finder's preference requests), and informal objections filed with the Commission  xbefore the release date of this Public Notice without limitation on the consideration promised, paid, or  SP'received for such dismissal or withdrawal.JP"m" yOv' " "#XP\  PQ_XP##C\  PQo^P#эOn September 15, 1995, the Commission announced a 90day period for universal settlements of  {O>' xk comparative broadcast pending cases without limitation on payments to dismissing applicants. See FCC Waives  x Limitations On Payments To Dismissing Applicants in Universal Settlements of Cases Subject To Comparative  {O' x} Freeze Policy, Public Notice, FCC 95391 (rel. September 15, 1995). The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 also  xH required the Commission to waive its regulations to facilitate settlements among comparative broadcast applications  {Ob' x that were executed by February 1, 1998.  See Implementation of Section 309(j) of the Communications Act  {O,' xg Competitive Bidding for Commercial Broadcast and Instructional Television Fixed Service Licenses, Notice of  {O'Proposed Rulemaking, 12 FCC Rcd. 22363, 22374 (1997).  "EThis Public Notice also permits third parties to contribute to the settlement of certain contested  xproceedings without limitation on the consideration promised or paid. Third parties that may contribute  xto the settlement of contested proceedings include, but are not limited to, geographic area licensees who  xZhave an interest in resolving disputes in their geographic areas, persons who have contractual rights to  xacquire stations that are in the midst of contested proceedings, and persons who have an interest in helping  xto resolve disputes involving spectrum that would be subject to an upcoming auction. The Bureau does  xnot, however, (1) waive the Commission's policy that prohibits settlements involving the award of licenses  S' xto persons who were not parties to the proceeding, m {O)'#XP\  PQ_XP##C\  PQo^P#эSee Rebecca Radio of Marco, 5 FCC Rcd 937 (1990). or (2) waive the greenmail rules for any applications  S'that are in hearing status. m {OR,'#XP\  PQ_XP##C\  PQo^P#эSee 47 C.F.R.  0.331(a)(1).  " Parties are still required to seek Commission approval of the withdrawal or dismissal ofp...XXe@d;[!,L'#h  xDapplications, petitions, other pleadings, or informal objections but, during this 90day period, they will not  S' xbe required to certify that they have not received or will not receive consideration in excess of legitimate  S' xand prudent expenses in exchange for seeking a withdrawal or dismissal. They also will not be required  S' xMto provide an itemized accounting or disclose the amount of consideration received or promised as the  S`' xgresult of any settlement agreement. Similarly, the other parties to the settlement will not be required to  S8' xZcertify that they have not paid or will not pay money or other consideration in excess of legitimate and  S'prudent expenses.  S' "The Bureau underscores its continuing strong support, however, for the rule limiting payments in  S' xsettlement cases. We are taking this action because of the many cases currently pending before the  Sp' xBureau, some of which are more than five years old. Providing for a settlement period, and a limited  SH ' x3waiver of the "greenmail" rules will facilitate the resolution of these cases and serve the public interest  xVby removing uncertainty that surrounds unresolved, pending applications and licensing matters. In  xgaddition, a limited settlement window will allow parties to resolve disputes where the cost and delay of  xprotracted litigation will further hamper the provision of wireless service to the public. The Commission  xrecently adopted rules placing limits on settlement of contested wireless licensing cases to decrease the  xpotential for parties to abuse the Commission's processes by filing speculative applications and frivolous  xpleadings for the sole purpose of obtaining money or other consideration from other parties in exchange  S0' xfor withdrawing or seeking dismissal of applications and pleadings.{0 X4 " ԍ#C\  P6Qo^P#See Amendment of Parts 0, 1, 13, 22, 24 26, 27, 80, 87, 90, 95, 97, and 101 of the Commission's Rules to  x; Facilitate the Development and Use of the Universal Licensing System in the Wireless Telecommunications Service,  {OI'WT Docket No. 9820, Report and Order, 13 FCC Rcd. 21027 (1998) (ULS Report and Order).#XP\  P6Q_XP# Most cases pending before the  xBureau were filed before the adoption of these rules, and the parties who filed applications or pleadings  xin these cases had no reasonable expectation of profiting from their filings. Accordingly, it does not  xappear that this limited waiver of the rules imposed on settlement agreements would either reward improper speculation or encourage the filing of abusive pleadings in the future.  "The parties to any settlement agreement must receive approval of the settlement before it can take  xeffect. The parties must file a request for approval of the settlement agreement no later than 90 days after  x*publication of this Public Notice in the Federal Register. No latefiled settlements will be accepted. Each  xrequest for approval of a settlement agreement must contain a copy of all written agreements related to  S' xthe settlement.` " {O' " "#XP\  PQ_XP##C\  PQo^P#эSee 47 C.F.R. 1.935(b). The parties may file, however, a redacted copy of the settlement agreement that does not disclose the amount of consideration promised, paid, or received.` All such settlement agreements must be properly executed, contain all supporting  xdocumentation, and demonstrate that the settlement constitutes a complete resolution of the case. In  x*addition, the first page of each request for approval of a settlement agreement must contain the following  xinformation: (1) a caption at the top of the page stating the following: "Settlement Request Pursuant to  xDA 99745;" (2) a list of the parties to the contested proceeding for which settlement is being proposed;  x(3) a statement indicating the radio service(s) to which the settlement relates; (4) a list of all the FCC file  x*numbers related to the settlement; and (5) a list of all the station call signs related to the settlement. Each  x<request for approval of a settlement agreement also must include either a list of all applications and  x@pleadings that were filed in the contested case or copies of the applications and pleadings. Further, all  xrequests for approval of a settlement agreement must include a brief summary of the contested case that  xis being settled. Finally, if a settlement agreement concerns a contested case which requires a waiver of  x7the Commission's rules (apart from those rules waived by this Public Notice), the request for approval of the settlement agreement also must include a request for a waiver at the time of filing.  " No settlement agreement is effective until the Bureau releases a public notice approving the  xproposed settlement. We therefore reserve the right to deny a request for approval of a settlement, if we find that a settlement in a particular case would not serve the public interest. " %./-/-XX#"Ԍ "ԙThis Public Notice waives only the greenmail limitations on the settlement of pending matters;  xgit does not waive any other Commission prohibitions or limitations on settlements. Thus, for example,  xthis Public Notice does not permit parties to "settle" mutually exclusive applications that were dismissed  S' xpursuant to the Paging Second Report and OrderwF!" yO' x8 "#XP\  PQ_XP##C\  PQo^P#эRevision of Part 22 and Part 90 of the Commission's Rules to Facilitate Future Development of Paging  {O' ! Systems, Second Report and Order, 12 FCC Rcd. 2732 (1997) (Paging Second Report and Order). Pursuant to the  {O' ! Paging Second Report and Order, the Commercial Wireless Division of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau  !o dismissed, without prejudice, all pending mutually exclusive paging applications and all pending paging applications  {O' ! (other than applications for nationwide and shared channels) filed after July 31, 1996. See  Revision of Part 22 and  ! Part 90 of the Commission's Rules to Facilitate Future Development of Paging Systems, WT Docket No. 9618, DA  ! 982534, Order (Wireless Telecomm. Bur. December 14, 1998). Petitions for reconsideration of both of these orders are pending. w and the 39 GHz Report and Order." yOb ' "< "#XP\  PQ_XP##C\  PQo^P#эAmendment of the Commission's Rules Regarding the 37.038.6 GHz and 38.640.0 GHz Bands, ET Docket  {O* ' x No. 95183, Report and Order and Second Notice of Proposed Rule Making, 12 FCC Rcd 18600 (1997) (39 Ghz  {O ' x Report and Order). In this order, the Commission dismissed (1) all applications for which the 60day filing window  {O' x was not completed as of the date of the Freeze Order, released on November 13, 1995; (2) all major amendments  {O' xx filed on or after the release of the Freeze Order; and (3) all mutually exclusive applications that were not cured by  {OR' x an amendmentofright filed on or before the release of the 39 GHz Report and Order, released December 15, 1995.  In those orders,  xthe Commission decided to implement transitions to auctions and geographic area licensing. As part of  xythose transitions, it dismissed, rather than allowed the possible settlement of, mutually exclusive  xapplications before moving forward to auctions and geographic area licensing. Unless the Commission  xZmodifies those decisions, parties may not "settle" these applications or the petitions for reconsideration pending with respect thereto.  "Notwithstanding this 90day waiver, the Commission will continue to take action on pending  xcases. Accordingly, parties are encouraged to reach settlements and file requests for approval of settlement agreements as expeditiously as possible.  "No later than 90 days following publication of this Public Notice in the Federal Register, an  xoriginal and four copies of all proposed settlement agreements must be filed with the Commissions  xSecretary, Magalie Roman Salas, 445 Twelfth Street, S.W., TWA325, Washington, D.C. 20554, in  xDaccordance with Section 1.51(c) of the Commissions rules. 47 C.F.R.  1.51(c). In addition, one copy  xof each pleading should be delivered to (1) Policy and Rules Branch, Commercial Wireless Division,  xWireless Telecommunications Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, 445 Twelfth Street, S.W.  x4A207, Washington, D.C. 20554; and (4) Policy and Rules Branch, Public Safety and Private Wireless  S' xkDivision, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, 445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20554; Z" yOB"' " "#XP\  PQ_XP##C\  PQo^P#эParties seeking approval of settlement agreements should provide copies of their requests to the Public  x Safety and Private Wireless Division when the settlement agreements pertain to Parts 80, 90 (excluding Commercial  {O#'Mobile Radio Service), 95 and 101. See 47 C.F.R.  80, 90, 95, and 101. and  x(5) Public Reference Room, Federal Communications Commission, 445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20554.  "Because items in this Public Notice pertain to the collection of information, we will seek approval  xfrom the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for the proposed collection as required by the"  ./-/-XX:"  S' xPaperwork Reduction Act of 1995.  Xh4ԍ#C\  P6Qo^P#See 44 U.S.C.  3507 (1995).  XQ4#XP\  P6Q_XP# Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, members of the public  xare not required to respond to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the  xgovernment may not conduct or sponsor a collection, unless the information collection contains a currently valid OMB control number.  "cFor further information, contact Suzan Friedman, Dan Abeyta, or Don Johnson of the Commercial  S'Wireless Division at (202) 4187240. &Ab  Action by Chief, Wireless Telecommunications  &Ab B &Ab  &Abu  &Ab u &Ab  &Abr  &Ab r &Ab  &Abe  &Ab e &Ab  &Aba  &Ab a &Ab  &Abu  &Ab u &Ab