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X4WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554`*(#[ DA 991431 #G\  P6G;P#у   yx\ dddhy  aE#G\  P6G;P#News media information 202/4180500 FaxOnDemand 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov  S'(##C\  P6Q/P#X01Í ÍX01Í Í#&J\  P6Qg!&P#  S'  Released: July 21, 1999 (#  S '(# (#FWIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU INCORPORATES NEXTEL yCOMMUNICATIONS, INC. WAIVER RECORD INTO WT DOCKET NO. 9987   R 45 Seeks Comment on Licensing of PMRS Channels in the 800 MHz Band for  R 4Use In Commercial SMR Systems   S'\  S(' WT DOCKET NO. 9987 Comment Deadline: August 2, 1999  S' WT DOCKET NO. 9987 Reply Comment Deadline: September 16, 1999  I. A. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a) 1 A. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a)  S'On July 21, 1999, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (Bureau) issued an Order conditionally granting in part and denying in part 50 Requests for Waiver submitted by Nextel Communications, Inc. (Nextel) in conjunction with applications seeking the Commission's consent to assignment of Part 90 Private Mobile Radio Service (PMRS) Business channels from various entities  S'to Nextel.& yOR'ЍApplications of Nextel Communications, Inc. and Associated Rule Waiver Request of 47 C.F.R.   {O'90.617(c) and 90.619(b), Order, DA 991404 (rel. July 21, 1999) ("Nextel Order").& In its waiver requests, Nextel indicated that it desired to utilize these PMRS frequencies for Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) operation in its 800 MHz Specialized Mobile Radio  S'(SMR) systems.^" {O\' "@ ЍSee Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Seeks Comment on Nextel Communications, Inc. Waiver Requests  {O&' x Associated With Its Proposed Acquisition of Private Mobile Radio Service Business Channels, Public Notice, DA  {O'982206 (Oct. 28, 1998) ("Nextel Waiver Public Notice").  Nextel sought waiver of Sections 90.617 and/or 90.619 of the Commission's rules,SH yO!'ԍ47 C.F.R.  90.617, 90.619.S because these rules do not permit the authorization of SMR systems on Business Radio Category and Industrial/Land Transportation Category channels.  S'In the Nextel Order, the Bureau conditionally granted Nextel's waiver requests to the extent that Nextel will use the PMRS frequencies predominantly to relocate incumbent licensees on the upper  S'200 channels of the 800 MHz band.W {O$('ԍNextel Order at  26, 30.W However, the Bureau denied Nextel's waiver requests to the extent that Nextel sought a waiver for the purpose of incorporating PMRS Business channels in its  S\ 'CMRS system.F\ j  {Of+'ԍId. at  27.F \  ,,, e@d;[!(T,Lk (TT)Comic Sans \ '#k an\ h(TT) Impact (TT) VԌ S'ԙIn the Nextel Order, the Bureau concluded that the practical effect of granting Nextel's waiver requests would have been to establish a policy of general applicability for all Private Land Mobile  S'Radio (PLMR) channels.FJ {O'ԍId. at  31.F Thus, the Bureau determined that the issue of incorporating PMRS channels into CMRS systems was better addressed in a rulemaking proceeding than in a rule waiver  Sb'proceeding.:bZJ {O\'ԍId.: The Bureau noted that the Commission recently adopted a Notice of Proposed Rule  S<'MakingS^<J {O ' " ԍSee Implementation of Sections 309(j) and 337 of the Communications Act of 1934 as Amended, WT  {O ' x Docket No. 9987, Notice of Proposed Rule Making, FCC 9952 (rel. March 25, 1999) ("Balanced Budget Act  {O\ 'Notice").S seeking comment on the impact of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997k <J yO 'ԍPub. L. No. 10533, Title III, 111 Stat. 251 (1997).k on the Commission's  S' licensing schemes for private radio services.O J {OX'ԍNextel Order at  32.O In light of the ongoing proceeding examining licensing issues concerning private spectrum in the 800 MHz band, as well as other bands, the Bureau decided  S'that it would not grant a broad waiver of existing licensing rules for the 800 MHz band.: 4 J {O'ԍId.:  Sv'In the Balanced Budget Act Notice, the Commission noted Nextel's pending waiver requests in seeking comment on whether it should consider the purpose for which spectrum is used or allocated in  S( 'deciding whether to implement geographic area licensing.j ( J {O'ԍSee Balanced Budget Act Notice at  69 n.201. j The Bureau issues this Public Notice as a  S 'supplement to the Balanced Budget Act Notice. We specifically incorporate the record gathered in  S 'response to Nextel's waiver requests into WT Docket No. 9987 X J yO'ԍA list of the submissions filed in response to Nextel's waiver requests is provided in Appendix A. and seek comment on the underlying issues raised by Nextel's waiver requests. Specifically, the Bureau seeks comment on whether the Commission should amend its licensing rules for the 800 MHz band to allow the incorporation of  Sb'PMRS channels into a CMRS system. The Bureau seeks comment on whether the licensing of PMRS frequencies in the 800 MHz band for commercial SMR use would serve the public interest. If parties believe it would be in the public interest to allow PMRS channels in the 800 MHz band to be incorporated into a CMRS system, but only under certain conditions, they should describe these conditions and address how they should be implemented and enforced. Comments and reply comments submitted in response to this Public Notice will be incorporated as part of the record in WT Docket No. 9987, and addressed by the Commission in that proceeding. Interested parties may file comments on or before August 2, 1999. Parties interested in submitting reply comments must do so on or before September 16, 1999. Parties should limit their comments to the issue of licensing PMRS spectrum in the 800 MHz band for commercial SMR use. All comments should reference WT Docket No. 9987 and should be filed with the Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, 445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Room TW-A325, Washington, DC 20554. In addition, courtesy copies of each filing should be sent to Gary D. Michaels, Auctions and Industry Analysis Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, and"  ,**[" Ramona Melson, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, 445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20554. A copy of each filing should also be sent to International Transcription Services, Inc., 445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Room CYB400, Washington, DC 20554.  Copies of comments and reply comments will be available for inspection and duplication during regular business hours in the FCC Reference Information Center, Room CYA257, 445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20554. Copies also may be obtained from International Transcription Services, Inc., 445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Room CYB400, Washington, DC 20554, (202) 314-3070.  SH 'This is a permitbutdisclose proceeding. Exparte presentations are permitted provided that  S" 'they are disclosed as specified in the Commission's rules.t" J {O 'ԍSee generally, 47 C.F.R.  1.1202, 1.1203, and 1.1206.t For further information, contact Gary D. Michaels of the Auctions and Industry Analysis Division, (202) 4180660, or Ramona Melson of the Public Safety and Private Wireless Division, (202) 4180680, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. By the Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. vԩFCC   \"BZ,**"  S' Y APPENDIX A Đ\  S'  S'COMMENTS , REPLY COMMENTS AND EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS   S8'COMMENTS Ad Hoc 800 MHz Licensees' Committee Aeronautical Radio Inc. (ARINC) American Mobile Telecommunications, Inc. American Petroleum Institute Auto Warehousing Company  SH 'The Boeing Company EDW. C. Levy Co. Alan Hansel Industrial Telecommunications Associations  S 'MFRAC, Inc. Majestic Communications  SX'Mobex Communications, Inc. Motorola, Inc. Nextel Communications, Inc.  S'PCIA Pfieffer Electronics Corp. Radio Link Communications Ray's Electronics Repeater Communications Corp. Saia Communication, Inc. Small Business in Telecommunications Sound Systems, Inc. Joyce Syverson TJ Communications  SP'UTC VASU Systems Waste Management, Inc. Yellow Services, Inc.  S'REPLY COMMENTS Ad Hoc 800 MHz Licensees' Committee American Mobile Telecommunications, Inc. Auto Warehousing Company Chadmore Wireless Group ITA  S"'MFRAC, Inc. Majestic Communications Pfieffer Electronics Corp. Ray's Electronics Repeater Communications Corp. Sound System, Inc. TJ Communications Yellow Services, Inc. Waste Management, Inc."X),**'"Ԍ S'ԙEX PARTE PRESENTATIONS  S'The Boeing Company July 2, 1999  S'ITA` `  June 28, 1999  S'Nextel Communications, Inc.June 14, 1999  S`'MFRAC, Inc.` `  May 26, 1999  S8'Equistar Chemicals, LPMay 20, 1999  S'ITA` `  May 17, 1999  S'Nextel Communications, Inc.April 30, 1999  S'Nextel Communications, Inc.April 15, 1999  S'Nextel Communications, Inc.March 23, 1999  Sp'Nextel Communications, Inc.March 18, 1999