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(OGC, released 2/13 and 2/23).(#r  X -2.rrnPublic Notice requesting nominations for Telecommunications Development Fund Board. (OGC and OCBO, released 2/13).(#r  Xi-3.rrnNotice of Proposed Rulemaking to allow Bell Operating Companies (BOC) offering outofregion interLATA service to be treated as nondominant under certain conditions. (CCB, released 2/14).(#r  X -4.rrnSupplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Order extending comment date for LECCMRS Interconnection proceedings. (WTB, released 2/16).(#r  X-5.rrnDismissal of 19 pending Section 214 applications filed by carriers planning to provide video programming. (CCB, released 2/16).(#r  X-6.rrnTransfer of $780 million in auction upfront payments into an interest bearing account to earn interest for the Telecommunications Development Fund, after consultation with the Department of Treasury. (OCBO, OGC, OMD, 2/20).(#r  X'-7.rrnNotice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing to eliminate 13 common carrier reporting requirements, and reduce the frequency of 6 other reports. (CCB, released 2/27).(#r  X-8.rrnExtension of the comment period for the Notice of Inquiry on closed captioning and video description, so that parties have an opportunity to comment on the Telecommunications Act provisions affecting these issues. (CCB, released 2/27).(#r  X#-9.rrnPublic Notice announcing that cable operators should no longer inform subscribers that the may file complaints concerning rate changes for cable service programming tiers directly with the FCC. The Telecommunications Act permits franchising authorities, not subscribers, to file complaints for CPS tiers with the FCC. (CCB, released 2/27)(#r "*',((&"  X- X 10.rrnOrder extending time for cable operators to file their annual equipment forms, because Telecommunications Act permits cable operators to aggregate equipment costs, and requires the FCC to modify its rules and forms within 120 days of enactment (CSB, released 2/27).(#r  X-11.rrnOrder Streamlining Amateur Radio Examination Procedures. (WTB, adopted 2/27).(#r  X_-12.rrnOrder eliminating 30 day public notice requirement for private microwave license applications. (WTB, released 2/29).(#r  X - MARCH  X -13.rrnPublic Notice announcing streamlined procedures for rulemaking proceedings. (OGC, released 3/1).(#r  X -14.rrnNotice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing dispute resolution process for standards for telecommunications equipment. (OGC, released 3/5).(#r  Xb-15.rrnLetter from Chairman appointing Interim Chairman of Telecommunications Development Fund. (OCBO, OGC, released 3/8).(#r  X-16.rrnOrder eliminating the national broadcast radio ownership limits, and relaxing local radio ownership limits. (MMB, released 3/8, effective 3/15).(#r  X-17.rrnOrder eliminating numerical limits on national broadcast television ownership and raising national audience reach cap to 35 percent and changing the dual network rule. (MMB, released 3/8, effective 3/15).(#r  X|-18.rrnOrder expediting processing of ITFS applications. (MMB, released 3/8, effective 3/15).(#r  XN-19.rrnOrder and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding scrambling of sexually explicit adult video service programming, and Public Notice announcing that commission will not enforce or implement Section 505 of the 1996 Act (scrambling of sexually explicit programming) as a result of a court order. (CSB, released 3/8 and 3/13).(#r  X-20.rrnOrder repealing video dialtone rules, crossownership rules, and Section 214 requirements and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding Open Video Systems (CSB, released 3/11).(#r  X#-21.rrnOrder the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding preemption of local zoning regulation of satellite earth stations. (IB, released 3/11).(#r "Q%0*(( $"Ԍ X-22.rrnPublic Notice seeking additional comment on the effect of the passage of the 1996 Act on the issues raised in the July 1995 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on number portability. (CCB, released 3/14).(#r  X-23.rrnOrder amending cable television ownership rules. (CSB, released 3/18).(#r  Xv-24.rrnNotice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding aggregation of equipment costs by cable operators. (CSB, released 3/20).(#r  X1-25.rrnOrder reducing the filing requirements for ARMIS service quality reports by changing from quarterly to annual reports. (CCB, released 3/20).(#r  X -26.rrnNotice of Proposed Rulemaking proposed that nondominant long distance companies be relieved of tariff filing requirement as it begins review of regulatory regime for interstate interexchange telecommunications services. (CCB, released 3/25).(#r  X-27.rrnTerminated inquiry into whether commercial mobile radio service providers should be required to afford equal access to long distance carriers for the provision of telephone toll services. (WTB, released 3/22).(#r  X4-28.rrnNotice of Proposed Rulemaking to allow broadcast stations to implement certain types of minor modification of their facilities and licenses without a construction permit. (MMB, released 3/22).(#r  X-29.rrnEstablished pleading cycle for petitions for preemption of local entry barriers pursuant to Section 253. (CCB, Classic Telephone, released 3/26 and New England Public Communications Council, released 3/26).(#r  X|- APRIL  XN-30.rrnNotice of Proposed Rulemaking on implementation of Section 207 of the Telecommunications Act, to prohibit state and local regulations that restrict a viewer's use of receiving devices for television broadcast signals and multichannel multipoint distributions services. (CSB, released 4/4).(#r  X-31.rrnOrders granting first three Telecommunications Act applications for utility companies to enter telecommunications. (CSW Communications, Inc., released 4/4; Entergy Technology Co., 4/12; and Entergy Technology Holding Co., 4/12 all OGC).(#r  X#-32.rrnOrder denying petitions for rulemaking concerning interlata telecommunications services, finding the issues raised are moot because of the Telecommunications Act. (CCB, released 4/5).(#r ":&0*(($"Ԍ X-33.rrnSet pleading cycle for various applications seeking Commission determination of "Exempt Telecommunications Company" status under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996. (NU/MODE I Communications, released 4/8; Southern Information Holding Co., 4/17; Southern Information 1, Inc., 4/17; Southern Information 2, Inc.,, 4/17; Souther Telecom Holding Co., 4/17; Souther Telecom 1, Inc., 4/17; Southern Telecom 2, Inc., 4/17; and Allegheny Communications Connect, Inc., 4/19 all by OGC)(#r  XH-34.rrnOrder and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking implementing cable reform section of Telecommunications Act, including effective competition, subscriber notification and small cable system relief. (CSB, released 4/9).(#r  X -35.rrnConvened FederalState Joint Board meeting on universal service on April 12, including panel discussion.(#r  X -36.rrnCommissioner Rachelle B. Chong appointed to Joint Board on Universal Service. (CCB, released 4/12).(#r  Xb-37.rrnOrder removing radiotelegraph requirement for global maritime distress and safety system equipped vessels. (WTB, released 4/12).(#r  X-38.rrnAnnounced intention to form telemedicine advisory committee to assist in implementation of the Telecommunications Act. (OPP, released 4/12).(#r  X-39.rrnNotice of Proposed Rulemaking to extend the license term of most television and radio [broadcast] stations to eight years. (MMB, released 4/12).(#r  X-40.rrnOrder implementing amended broadcast license renewal procedures under the Telecommunications Act and eliminating comparative license renewal procedures and hearings. (MMB, released 4/12).(#r  X7-41.rrnNotice of Proposed Rulemaking to amend Parts 80 and 87 of the Commission's Rules to permit operation of certain domestic ship and aircraft radio stations without individual licenses. (WTB, released 4/12).(#r  X-42.rrnNamed NYNEX CEO Ivan Seidenberg to head new Network Reliability and Interoperability Council. (CCB, released 4/18).(#r  X"-43.rrnNotice of Proposed Rulemaking to establish regulations to implement Section 251 of the Act, dealing with interconnection requirements. (CCB, released 4/19).(#r  XQ%-44.rrnNotice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing amendments to rules concerning inspection of radio installations on large cargo and small passenger ships. (CIB, released 4/25).(#r "#'0*((%"Ԍ X-45.rrnNotice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing simple procedure for utility companies to enter telecommunications. (OGC, released 4/25). (#r  X-46.rrnAccepted nominations for the Telecommunications and Health Care Advisory Committee and named appointments to the Committee. (OPP, released 4/25 and 6/5).(#r  Xv- MAY  XH-47.rrnReport and Order adopting rules for dispute resolution process to be used if technical disputes arise between nonaccredited standards development organizations and their funders. (OGC, released 5/7). (#r  X -48.rrnNotice of Proposed Rulemaking in the matter of Allocation of Costs Associated with Local Exchange Carrier Provision of Video Programming Services. (CCB, released 5/10).(#r  X- X 49.rrnOrder stating that parties may file proposed language for rules in certain proceedings implementing the local competition provisions of the Telecommunications Act. (CCB, released 5/14).(#r  X4- 50.rrnOrder enabling manufacturers to selfauthorize personal computer equipment based on tests performed by private sector laboratories meeting certain criteria. (OET, released 5/14). (#r  X-51.rrnNotice of Proposed Rulemaking initiating proceeding to clarify customer proprietary network information provisions of Telecommunications Act. (CCB, released 5/16).(#r  X-52.rrnOrder implementing rules regarding silent broadcast stations pursuant to the Telecommunications Act. (MMB, released 5/17).(#r  XN-53.rrnFifth Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the matter of advanced televison systems and their impact upon the existing television broadcast service. (MMB, released 5/20).(#r  X-54.rrnNotice of Inquiry implementing mandate under Telecommunications Act to identify and eliminate market entry barriers for small businesses. (OGC, OCBO, released 5/21).(#r  X!- 55.rrnPublic Notice announcing procedures for expedited processing of applications filed by silent stations. (MMB and IB, released 5/22).(#r  Xh$-56.rrnReport and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the matter of Definition of Markets for Purposes of the Cable Television Mandatory Television Broadcast Signal Carriage Rules Implementation of Section 301(d) of the Act Market Determinations. (CSB, released 5/24).(#r"#'0*((%"Ԍ X-ԙ57.rrnOrder granting Telecom Act application for utility company to enter telecommunications. (NU/Mode 1 Communications, Inc., released 5/30 OGC).(#r  X-58.rrnMemorandum Opinion and Order dismissing as moot applications for review of subsidiary accounting requirements concerning video dialtone costs and revenues for LECs. (CCB, released 5/30).(#r  X_- JUNE  X1-59.rrnOrder deleting Part 66 of the Commission's Rules, concerning consolidation, acquisition, or control of telephone companies. (CCB, released 6/4). (#r  X -60.rrnNews Release regarding Cable Services Bureau completed action on ADI and Must Carry cases subject to 120day deadline set by Telecommunications Act. (CSB, released 5/31).(#r  X-61.rrnReport and Order on Open Video Systems, providing a new opportunity for entry into the video programming distribution market. (CSB, released 6/3). (#r  XK-62.rrnTransferred $310,528.83 in interest to the Telecommunications Development Fund's account representing interest earned from upfront payments submitted to participate in the MDS and SMR auctions fortyfive days later. (OCBO, 6/3). (#r  X-63.rrnNotice of Proposed Rulemaking on Payphone provisions of Telecommunications Act, Section 276. (CCB, released 6/6). (#r  X-64.rrnConvened meeting of FederalState Joint Board on Universal Service, June 5.(#r  X|-65.rrnReport and Order allowing cable operators to aggregate equipment costs. (CSB, released 6/7).(#r  X7-66.rrnHeld the first meeting of the Telecommunications and Health Care Advisory Committee on June 12, 1996. (#r  X-67.rrnOrders granting Telecom Act applications for utility companies to enter telecommunications. (Southern Information Holding Company, Inc., Southern Information 1, Inc., and Southern Information 2, Inc., released 6/14; Southern Telecom Holding Company, Inc., Southern Telecom 1, Inc., and Southern Telecom 2, Inc., released 6/14; and Allegheny Communications Connect, Inc., released 6/14 all OGC).(#r  Xh$-68.rrnLetter from the Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, to Mayor Richard Hurt of Bedford, Texas, re: clarification of Federal preemption provisions of Section 704 of the Act on moratorium on local zoning permits based on the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions. (WTB, released 6/14)(#r  X(-69.rrnHeld meeting of FederalState Joint Board on Universal Service, 6/19.(#r ")-,,n("Ԍ X-70.rrnTransferred interest from the C Block Auction upfront payments to the Telecommunications Development Fund's account. The current balance in the Fund's account is $5,906,666.64. (OCBO, 6/20). (#r  X-71.rrnRecommended Decision of the Federal-State Joint Board Extending the Indexed Cap on the Universal Service Fund. Report and Order Extending the Indexed Cap on the Universal Service Fund. (CCB, released 6/26).(#r  XH- JULY   X -72.rrnReport and Order adopting interim rules relaxing the regulatory treatment for BOCs that provide domestic, outofregion, longdistance services through an affiliate that complies with certain safeguards. (CCB, released 7/1).(#r  X -73.rrnReport and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking adopting rules that will permit both residential and business consumers to retain their telephone numbers when switching from one local service provider to another. (CCB, released 7/2).(#r  Xb-74.rrnReport and Order adopting rules to ensure telephone access by persons with hearing disabilities. (CCB, released 7/5).(#r  X-75.rrnPublic Notice seeking further comment on specific questions in Universal Service Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. (CCB, released 7/5).(#r  X-76.rrnConvened second meeting of the Telecommunications and Health Care Advisory Committee on July 11, 1996. (OPA)(#r  X-77.rrnOrder and Notice of Proposed Rulemakinng adopting measures to protect consumers from deceptive tollfree call practices and proposing additional minor modifications to maximize consumers' protection from confusing or deceptive practices relating to the provision of interstate information services. (CCB, released 7/11). (#r  b < )X  FACILITATING PUBLIC INFORMATION   X- FEBRUARY  X -1.rrnPublic Forums with CCB, WTB and CSB to discuss schedule for Telecommunications Act items. We received excellent feedback from the people who attended the forums that helped us further organize our process. (WTB, 2/13; CCB, 2/23; and CSB, 2/27).(#r  X$-2.rrnNew Daily Digest format to assist in tracking items that implement the new Telecommunications Act. (OPA, 2/28).(#r  XK'-3.rrnEstablishment of Telecommunications Act home page at FCC web site (www.fcc.gov) to provide a central location for all public information regarding FCC actions to implement the new law. (OPA, 2/27). We have already had 68 hits on the home page and 1,849 hits on the Telecommunications Act implementation schedule that had previously been posted at the FCC's web site.(#r"*-,,)"Ԍ X-ԙ MARCH  X-4.rrnCSB senior staff members attended FCBA cable practice committee luncheon to discuss implementation of Telecommunications Act of 1996. (CSB, 3/13).(#r  X-5.rrnCSB staff conducted public briefing on Open Video Systems Notice. (CSB, 3/13).(#r  X_-6.rrnPublic Forum with OGC to discuss legal issues relating to Sections 251 and 252 (interconnection provisions) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. (OGC, 3/15).(#r  X -7.rrnOrganized campaign to provide information through a variety of methods to state and local governments with questions about making property, easements and rights of way available for the placement of spectrumbased facilities (tower siting) and FCC rules on RF emissions. (WTB, ongoing).(#r  X -8.rrnOn average, every day there have been 38,000 visits to out Internet site. There have been about 5,000 visits to our page of information on the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and more than 1,000 people have accessed our implementation schedule on line.(#r  XK-9.rrnCommission staff request additional copies of public comments for rulemaking and docketed proceedings implementing Telecommunications Act. (OPA, 3/22).(#r  X-10.rrnIssued new Telecommunications Act implementation scheduled. (OLIA, 3/27).(#r  X- APRIL  X-11.rrnIssued Public Notice announcing the FederalState Joint Board on Universal Service to convene at open meeting, Friday, April 12. (CCB, 4/10).(#r  Xe-12.rrnIssued a "Fact Sheet" and organized additional efforts to provide information to state and local governments with questions about making property, easements and rights of way available for the placement of spectrumbased facilities (tower siting) and FCC rules on RF emissions. (WTB, ongoing).(#r  X-13.rrnIn April, we averaged 39,000 visits per day to our Internet site. There have been more than 6,500 visits to our information page on the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and more than 1,554 people have accessed our implementation schedule on line. The Interconnection Notice of Proposed Rulemaking was posted on the afternoon of 4/19. Within 4 days, it already had received 800 visits. (OPA, ongoing).(#r  Xh$-14.rrnWTB held a consumer outreach forum (attended by about a dozen consumer groups) to discuss a variety of consumer concerns raised by the Telecommunications Act. (WTB, 4/23).(#r  X (-15.rrnThe Commission placed on the Cable Services Bureau's Internet home page the initial comments received in the Open Video Systems proceeding which had voluntarily been filed on disk by commenters. Reply comments will be placed on the home page as well. (CSB, ongoing).(#r"*-,,O)"Ԍ X-ԙ16.rrnWireless Bureau releases fact sheet on new national wireless tower siting policies. (WTB, released 4/25). (#r  X- MAY  X-17.rrnConducted a round table discussion with representatives of local governments to facilitate their participation in proceedings under the Act. (OLIA, 5/16).(#r  XH-18.rrnConvened economics forum on interconnection with top economists and FCC's Chief Economist, 5/20.(#r  X -19.rrnPublic Notice asking for suggestions of forbearance. (CCB, released 5/20).(#r  X -20.rrnOPA held a forum to educate the public on how to participate in FCC proceedings. (OPA, 5/31).(#r  X- JUNE   Xb-21.rrnConducted open forum on how to find FCC information on the Internet on June 24, 1996. (OPA, 6/13). (#r  X- JULY   X-22.rrnCommon Carrier Bureau and the Office of General Counsel held a public forum on July9, 1996 to discuss the implementation of Section 271 (BOC entry into InterLATA services) of the Telecom Act. (OGC, CCB, 7/9).