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                           Before the
                     Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                 )
ENOGEX, INC.                     )    Acct. No.  200132080028
                                )    File No. EB-00-IH-0243
and                              )
TRANSOK, LLC                     )
Licensee of Various Land Mobile 
and Microwave Stations 


     Adopted:  April 5, 2001            Released:  April 6, 2001  

By the Chief, Enforcement Bureau: 

1.   By this Memorandum Opinion and  Order we adopt the  attached 
Consent Decree entered  into by the  Enforcement Bureau,  Enogex, 
Inc. (``Enogex''), and Transok, LLC (``Transok'').  We find  that 
the Consent Decree provides for an appropriate resolution of  the 
Bureau's investigation regarding compliance by Enogex and Transok 
with Section  310(d)  of  the  Communications  Act  of  1934,  as 
amended,1 and conclude that adoption of the Consent Decree is  in 
the public interest.

2.   Among other things, the Consent Decree provides that Enogex, 
which holds a controlling interest  in Transok, will implement  a 
program to  ensure its  future compliance  with the  Act and  the 
Commission's rules and policies.  In addition, the Consent Decree 
provides that Enogex  will make a  voluntary contribution to  the 
United States Treasury in the amount of $10,000.2
3.   We have  reviewed  the  Consent  Decree  and  evaluated  the 
circumstances underlying the investigation.  We believe that  the 
public interest would  be served by  adopting the Consent  Decree 
and terminating the investigatory proceeding.  

4.   ACCORDINGLY, IT IS ORDERED  that, pursuant to Sections  4(i) 
and 4(j)  of the  Communications Act  of 1934,  as amended,3  and 
Section 0.111  of the  Commission's  rules,4 the  Consent  Decree 
attached hereto IS ADOPTED.5.   IT   IS   FURTHER   ORDERED,   that   the    above-captioned 
investigatory proceeding IS TERMINATED.  


                         David H. Solomon 
                         Chief, Enforcement Bureau


1  47 U.S.C. § 310(d).

2 Payment may be made by mailing a check or similar instrument, 
payable to the order of the Federal Communications Commission, to 
the Forfeiture Collection Section, Finance Branch, Federal 
Communications Commission, P.O. Box 73482, Chicago, Illinois 
60673-7482.  The payment must note the Acct. No. referenced 

3  47 U.S.C. §§ 4(i) and 4(j).

4   47 C.F.R. § 0.111