DAILY DIGESTVol. 13, No. 112 June 17, 1994 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS RELEASES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOWNDES COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS CONDITIONALLY GRANTED CONSTRUCTION PERMIT AND LICENSE FOR ITFS CHANNELS C1-C4 AT MONTGOMERY, AL (Report No. MM-840, Mass Media Action) Action by the Commission June 13 by MO&O (FCC 94-166). News Media contact: Patricia A. Chew at (202) 418-0500; Mass Media Bureau contact: Jennifer A. Johns at (202) 632-3894. [Internet file name: nrmm4040.txt] FCC ADOPTS CONSENT DECREE TERMINATING FORFEITURE ACTION AGAINST AT&T; AT&T TO CONTRIBUTE $464,000 TO U.S. TREASURY (Report No. CC-575, Common Carrier Action) Action by the Commission June 13 by Order and Consent Decree (FCC 94-157). News Media contact: Rosemary Kimball at (202) 418-0500; Common Carrier Bureau contact: Thomas D. Wyatt at (202) 632-4887. [Internet file name: nrcc4031.txt] CANCELLATION OF CP FOR KTFJ(TV), HUTCHINSON, KS, UPHELD (Report No. MM-841, Mass Media Action) The Commission has denied the application of Way of the Cross of Hutchinson, Inc., for review of a staff ruling denying Way's application to replace its expired construction permit for KTFJ(TV), Channel 36, Hutchinson, KS. Action by the Commission June 10 by Order (FCC 94-153). News Media contact: Rosemary Kimball at (202) 418-0500; Mass Media Bureau contact: Mark Berlin at (202) 632-6357. [Internet file name: nrmm4041.txt] GRANT OF STRUCTURAL RELIEF TO BOCS UPHELD - CC DOCKETS 90-623, 88-2, PHASE I (Report No. DC- 2618, Action in Docket Case) The Commission has upheld the Common Carrier Bureau's action granting petition by the Bell Operating Companies (BOCs) for removal of the structural separation requirement pursuant to the BOC Safeguards Order. Action by the Commission June 13 by MO&O (FCC 94-163). News Media contact: Rosemary Kimball at (202) 418-0500; Common Carrier Bureau contacts: Peggy Reitzel at (202) 632-1300, Gary Phillips at (202) 632-4048 and Jim Schlichting at (202) 632-9342. [Internet file name:nrcc4030.txt] FCC AMENDS MARITIME AND AVIATION SERVICES RULES TO REQUIRE REGISTRATION OF 406 MHZ RADIOBEACONS WITH THE NOAA - PR DOCKET NO. 93-143 (Report No. DC-2617, Action in Docket Case) The Commission has amended Parts 80 and 87 of the rules to require registration of emergency position indicating radiobeacons (EPIRBs) that are carried on ships, and emergency locator transmitters (ELTs) that are carried on aircraft, operating on the frequency 406.025 MHz with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Action by the Commission June 13 by R&O (FCC 94-170). News Media contact: Patricia A. Chew at (202) 418-0500; Private Radio Bureau contact: James A. Shaffer at (202) 632-7197. [Internet file name: nrpr4008.txt] FCC CALENDAR OF EVENTS [Internet file name: evts4002.txt] FCC FILINGS [Internet file name nrmc4007.txt] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC NOTICES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMISSION SEEKS COMMENT ON REQUESTS OF FEDERAL AGENCIES AND OTHERS FOR THE ASSIGNMENT OF N11 CODES IAD FILE NO. 94-101 - Comments are due August 19, replies September 23 - Contact: Mary Green at (202) 632-1363 [DA 94-644] NOTICE OF PROHIBITED PRESENTATION RECEIVED DURING SUNSHINE PERIOD - PP DOCKET NO. 93-21 - INQUIRY INTO SPORTS PROGRAMMING MIGRATION NOTICE OF PROHIBITED PRESENTATIONS RECEIVED DURING SUNSHINE PERIOD - GN DOCKET NO. 90-314 - NEW PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PART 68 PLUG/JACK & WIRING ATTESTATION LISTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADVANCED TELEVISION SERVICE SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG: June 16 TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG NON-DOMINANT CARRIERS: June 15 Report No. 232 - MASS MEDIA BUREAU CALL SIGN ACTIONS Report No. 992 - CABLE TELEVISION SERVICE REGISTRATIONS; SPECIAL RELIEF AND SHOW CAUSE PETITIONS Reports No. 15830 and 15832 - BROADCAST APPLICATIONS [Two Public Notices] Report No. 21908 - BROADCAST ACTIONS Report No. 1748 - PRIVATE RADIO BUREAU ACTIONS - JUNE 6 THROUGH JUNE 10 Report No. 2019 - ASSOCIATED MANAGING DIRECTOR PUBLIC INFORMATION AND REFERENCE SERVICES PETITIONS FOR RULEMAKING FILED --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLAYTON, LA. Denied petition for rulemaking filed by PDB Broadcasting which proposed to substitute Channel 299C3 for Channel 299A and modify PDB's permit accordingly. (MM Docket 93-284 by R&O [DA 94-604] adopted June 8 by the Acting Chief, Allocations Branch, Mass Media Bureau) CAMBRIDGE AND ST. MICHAELS, MD. Dismissed petition for rulemaking filed by C.W.A. Broadcasting for the reallotment of Channel 232A from Cambridge to St. Michaels, MD. (MM Docket No. 92-291 by R&O [DA 94- 603] adopted June 8 by the Acting Chief, Allocations Branch) PINE TREE MEDIA, INC. Granted appeal filed by Praise Media, Inc. and remanded proceeding to renew the license of KARW, Longview, TX, to the presiding officer. (MM Docket NO. 93-265 by MO&O [FCC 94R-8] adopted June 7 by the Review Board) BELL ATLANTIC TELEPHONE COMPANIES. Suspended revisions to Bell Atlantic's Tariff FCC No. 1, Transmittal No. 656, scheduled to take effect on June 20; ordered Bell Atlantic to file tariff revisions. (CC Docket No. 93-162 by MO&O [DA 94-626] adopted June 10 by the Acting Chief, Tariff Division, Common Carrier Bureau) AT&T COMMUNICATIONS. Denied petitions to suspend and investigate AT&T's Tairff FCC No. 2, Transmittal No. 6508, which establishes AT&T Customer Specific Term Plan II customers seeking to upgrade to a new, higher commitment term plan must either satisfy the pro-rated annual commitment of the CSTP II plan being terminated or else must pay the difference between their actual billed net usage revenue and the pro-rated annual commitment., scheduled to take effect on June 17. (By Order [DA 94- 650] adopted June 16 by the Deputy Chief, Tariff Division, Common Carrier Bureau) ERRATUM to Order DA 94-552, released June 6 regarding MCI Telecommunications Corporation, et al., v. GTE Alaska Incorporated, et al. (DA 94-622) ************************** ADDENDA: The following items released June 16 were not listed on Digest 111: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC NOTICE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FCC INREASES PROCESSING FEES - Contact: Regina Dorsey at (202) 632-0241; Martha Contee or Mickey Williams on theFees Hotline: 202-632-FEES [Internet file name:pnmc4005.txt] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPEECH --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMARKS BY COMMISSIONER JAMES H. QUELLO BEFORE THE FCBA-NEW YORK, JUNE 16, 1994