DAILY DIGESTVol. 13, No. 124 July 6, 1994 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS RELEASES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIELD OPERATIONS BUREAU ACTIVITIES FOR THE WEEK OF JUNE 28 [Internet file name: nrmc4089.txt] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC NOTICES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG: July 5 PUBLIC INFORMATION COLLECTION REQUIREMENT SUBMITTED TO OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET FOR REVIEW - Contact: Judy Boley at (202) 632-0276 PUBLIC INFORMATION COLLECTION REQUIREMENT SUBMITTED TO OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET FOR REVIEW - Contact: Judy Boley at (202) 632-0276 Report 1166 - CABLE TELEVISION RELAY SERVICE (CARS) APPLICATIONS RE: APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING Report 15845 - BROADCAST APPLICATIONS Report 21920 - BROADCAST ACTIONS Report DS-1437 - COMMON CARRIER SERVICES INFORMATION RE: SATELLITE RADIO APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING Report DS-1438 - DOMESTIC FIXED SATELLLITE SERVICE Report I-6997 - INTERNATIONAL AND SATELLITE APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING Report I-6998 - OVERSEAS COMMON CARRIER SECTION 214 APPLICATIONS ACTIONS TAKEN Report PMS-94-41-A - COMMON CARRIER PUBLIC MOBILE RADIO SERVICE INFORMATION Report 1090 - PRIVATE RADIO BUREAU - June 22 thru June 29 Report 87 - TYPE ACCEPTANCE/NOTIFICATION ACTIONS Report 87 - CERTIFICATION/NOTIFICATION ACTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAY MINETTE, ET AL., AL. AND BAY SPRINGS, ET AL., MS. Effective August 19, substituted Channel 232A for Channel 228A at Bay Springs, MS, and modified the license WIZK-FM accordingly; substituted Channel 228C2 for Channel 228A at Butler, AL, and modified the license WQGL accordingly; substituted Channel 227C1 for Channel 227C2 at Evergreen and modified the license WPGG accordingly; substituted Channel 233C2 for Channel 233C3 at Jackson and modified the construction permit WHOD accordingly. Terminated proceeding. (MM Docket 91-303 by R&O [DA 94-699] adopted June 23 by the Acting Chief, Allocations Branch, Mass Media Bureau) AULT, ET AL., CO. Denied the ITFS applications of Platte Valley School District RE-7; Weld County School District RE-5J, 10J and RE-4; Eaton RE-2 School District and the Board of Trustees for the University of Northern Colorado for various channels and locations in Colorado; granted the applications of Front Range Community College and Poudre School District R-1 for construction permit and licenses in the Instructional Fixed Television Service on Channels Al-A4 and B1-B4, respectively, at Greeley. (By MO&O [FCC 94-139] adopted June 3 by the Commission) ST. PETERSBURG, FL. See first item under "Addenda: New Release." (over) HUTCHINSON, KS. Denied application for review filed by Way of the Cross of Hutchinson, Inc. seeking reconsideration of the cancellation of its expired construction permit for station KTFJ(TV), Channel 36, at Hutchinson. (By Order [FCC 94-153] adopted June 10 by the Commission) CHESTNUT BROADCASTING CO. Notified Chestnut Broadcasting Company, licensee of station KBER(FM), Chicago, of it apparent liability of forfeiture in the amount of $5,000 for recording and broadcasting a conversation without informing the party that the conversation was intended for broadcast. (By Letter [DA 94-446] adopted May 5 by the Chief, Mass Media Bureau) COLLEGEVILLE, MN. Proposed allotment of Channel 260A at Collegeville, MN, and its reservation for noncommercial educational use. Comments are due August 27; replies September 13. (MM Docket 94-67 by NPRM [DA 94-696] adopted June 23 by the Acting Chief, Allocations Branch) CLARKSDALE, MS. Proposed allotment of Channel 221A at Clarksdale as that community's fourth local service. Comments ar due August 27; replies September 13. (MM Docket 94-73 by NPRM [DA 94-708] adopted June 23 by the Acting Chief, Allocations Branch) GRENADA, MS. Proposed allotment of Channel 295A at Grenada as that community's second local service. Comments are due August 27; replies September 13. (MM Docket 94-69 by NPRM [DA 94-698] adopted June 23 by the Acting Chief, Allocations Branch) BILLINGS, MT. Proposed allotment of Channel 286A at Billings as that community's seventh local service. Comments are due August 27; replies September 13. (MM Docket 94-68 by NPRM [DA 94-695] adopted June 23 by the Acting Chief, Allocations Branch) AMENIA AND WALCOTT, ND. Granted application of Dakota School District #3 for a construction permit and license on Channels A1-A4 in the ITFS at Amenia; denied competing application of Richland Public Schools for ITFS facilities at Walcott. (By MO&O [FCC 94-138] adopted June 3 by the Commission) ROSCOE AND SNYDER, TX. Granted application of Roby Consolidated Independent School District for a construction permit and license on Channels A1-A4 in the ITFS at Snyder; denied competing application of Highland Independent School District for ITFS facilities at Roscoe. (By MO&O [FCC 94-142] adopted June 6 by the Commission) INSTRUCTIONAL TELEVISION FIXED SERVICE. Modified freeze on filing of major change applications for ITFS and proposed other changes. Comments are due August 29; replies September 28. (MM Docket 93-24 by O&FNPRM [FCC 94-148] adopted June 9 by the Commission) INSTRUCTIONAL TELEVISION FIXED SERVICE. Amended ITFS rules to permit channel loading and the continued use of channel mapping. (MM Docket 93-106 by R&O [FCC 94-147] adopted June 9 by the Commission) COMMERCIAL RADIO OPERATOR LICENSE. Proposed amending Part 13 of the rules to permit persons who have passed the examinations necessary to qualify for a commercial radio operator license, but have not yet received the license, to temporarily and conditionally perform the functions of a commercial radio operator. Comments are due September 1; replies October 1. (PR Docket 94-58 by NPRM [FCC 94-169] adopted June 13 by the Commission) MARITIME SERVICE RULES. Amended parts 80 and 87 of the rules to require registration of emergency position indicating radiobeacons that are carried on ships and emergency locator transmitters that are carried on aircraft. (PR Docket 93-143 by R&O [FCC 94-170] adopted June 13 by the Commission) ******************** ADDENDA: The following items, released July 5, were not listed on Digest 123: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS RELEASE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAY TELEVISION, INC. ORDERED TO FORFEIT $10,000 FOR VIOLATIONS OF CHILDREN'S TELEVISION COMMERCIAL TIME LIMITS (Report MM-842, Mass Media Action) the FCC affirmed an action by the Mass Media Bureau which issued a forfeiture in the amount of $10,000 to Bay Television, Inc. for repeated violations of the Commission's rule which limits the amount of commercial time that may be included in children's television programming. (By MO&O [FCC 94-131] adopted May 27 by the Commission) [Internet file name: nrmm4043.txt] (over) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC NOTICES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNOUNCING THE STATUS OF APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR THE 10 NATIONWIDE NARROWBAND PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (PCS) LICENSES TO BE AUCTIONED BEGINNING JULY 25, 1994 AT THE OMNI SHOREHAM HOTEL, WASHINGTON, DC - Contact: Tradewinds International at (202) 637-3221 or fax at (202) 637-3222 CLARIFICATION OF THE REQUIREMENT ON MULTIPLE APPLICANTS BEING REPRESENTED BY THE SAME BIDDING AGENCY AT THE AUCTION OF TEN NATIONWIDE NARROWBAND PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (PCS) LICENSEES AND APPROXIMATELY 600 INTERACTIVE VIDEO AND DATA SERVICE (IVDS) LICENSES TO BE HELD BEGINNING JULY 25 AND 28, 1994 AT THE OMNI SHOREHAM HOTEL, WASHINGTON, DC - Contact: Tradewinds International at (202) 637-3221 or fax at (202) 637-3222 Report 15844 - BROADCAST APPLICATIONS [released July 5 - erroneously dated July 7] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- JENSEN BEACH AND MELBOURNE, FL. Effective August 19, substituted Channel 272C3 for Channel 272A at Jensen Beach and modified license WHLG(FM) accordingly; substituted Channel 236A for Channel 272A at Melbourne and modified license WGGD(FM) accordingly. Terminated proceeding. MM Docket 93-307 by R&O [DA 94-685] adopted June 21 by the Acting Chief, Allocations Branch) CABLEVISION OF BOSTON LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, ET AL. vs. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION COMMISSION. Granted motion filed by Massachusetts Community Antenna Television Commission seeking an extension of time to August 1 in which to file it opposition to the appeal from the rate order of the Massachusetts Commission filed by Cablevision of Boston Limited Partnership, A-R Cable Services, Inc. and CSC Acquisition - MA , Inc. (By Order [DA 94-752] adopted July 5 by the Chief, Cable Services Bureau) COLONY CABLEVISION OF SOUTHEASTERN MASSACHUSETTS, INC. AND LOWELL CABLE TELEVISION, INC. vs. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION COMMISSION. Granted motion filed by Massachusetts Community Antenna Television Commission seeking an extension of time to August 1 in which to file it opposition to an appeal from the rate order of the Massachusetts Commission filed by Colony Cablevision of Southeastern Massachusetts, Inc. and Lowell Cable Television, Inc. (By Order [DA 94-749] adopted July 5 by the Chief, Cable Services Bureau) HARRON COMMUNICATIONS CORP. vs. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION COMMISSION. Granted motion filed by Massachusetts Community Antenna Television Commission seeking an extension of time to August 1 in which to file it opposition to a stay request and appeal of the rate order of the Massachusetts Commssion filed by Harron Communications Corporation. (By Order [DA 94-750] adopted July 5 by the Chief, Cable Services Bureau) NEW ENGLAND CABLEVISION OF MASSACHUSETTS, INC. vs. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION COMMISSION. Granted motion filed by Massachusetts Community Antenna Television Commission seeking an extension of time to August 1 in which to file it opposition to the appeal from the rate order of the Massachusetts Commission filed by New England Cablevision of Massachusetts, Inc. (By Order [DA 94-751] adopted July 5 by the Chief, Cable Services Bureau) TIME WARNER ENTERTAINMENT CO., L. P. vs. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION COMMISSION. Granted motion filed by Massachusetts Community Antenna Television Commission seeking an extension of time to August 1 in which to file it opposition to the appeal from the rate order of the Massachusetts Commission filed by Time Warner Entertainment Co., L.P. (By Order [DA 94- 753] adopted July 5 by the Chief, Cable Services Bureau) -FCC-