DAILY DIGESTVol. 13, No. 189 October 6, 1994 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS RELEASES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FCC GRANTS RENEWAL APPLICATION OF WMYG(FM), BRADDOCK, PA, WITH CONDITIONS; ISSUES NAL IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,000 (Report No. MM-853, Mass Media Action) Action by the Commission September 30 by MO&O (FCC 94-253). News Media contact: Patricia A. Chew at (202) 418-0500; Mass Media Bureau contact: Pamela Szymczak at (202) 632-7069. [Internet file name: nrmm4061.txt] LICENSE OF KHSL-TV, CHICO, CA, RENEWED, SUBJECT TO REPORTING CONDITIONS (Report No. MM-854, Mass Media Action ) The Commission has granted the application of Golden Empire Broadcasting Company, for renewal of its license for KHSL-TV, Chico, CA, subject to EEO reporting conditions. Action by the Commission September 28 by MO&O (FCC 94-248). News Media contact: Rosemary Kimball at (202) 418-0500; Mass Media Bureau contact: Michael T. McMenamin at (202) 632-7069. [Internet file name: nrmm4062.txt] FCC ADOPTS REPORT TO CONGRESS ON EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICIES - MM DOCKET 94-34 (Report No. DC-2658, Action in Docket Case) In compliance with the provisions of the Cable Television and Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992, the Commission has adopted a report to Congress evaluating the Commission's cable and broadcasting equal employment opportunity policies. Action by the Commission October 5 by Report (FCC 94-255). News Media contact: Susan Lewis Sallet at (202) 418-0500; Mass Media Bureau contact: Rod Porter at (202) 418-2600 or Hope Cooper at (202) 632-7069. [Internet file name: nrmm4063.txt] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC NOTICES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG: October 5 EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILINGS IN NON-RESTRICTED PROCEEDINGS - Contact: Barbara Lowe at (202) 632- 4178. Report No. 16014 - BROADCAST APPLICATIONS Report No. 21995 - BR0ADCAST ACTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMISSION'S EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY RULES. See third item under "News Releases." CARMEL, CA. Denied Highlands Broadcasting, Inc.'s petition for extraordinary relief in the proceeding for a new FM station on Channel 238A at Carmel; authorized J&M Broadcasting to continue operation of a new FM station at Carmel pending further consideration. (MM Docket No. 90-48 by MO&O [FCC 94-245] adopted September 27 by the Commission) HERMITAGE, MO. Proposed allotting Channel 226A to Hermitage as its first broadcast service. Comments are due November 28, replies December 13. (MM Docket No. 94- 119 by NPRM [DA 94-1076] adopted September 30 by the Acting Chief, Allocations Branch, Mass Media Bureau) OCEAN ISLE BEACH, NC. Effective November 21, allotted Channel 228A to Ocean Isle Beach as its first broadcast service. The filing window opens November 22, closes December 7. (MM Docket 93-321 by R&O [DA 94- 1077] adopted September 30 by the Acting Chief, Allocations Branch) FOX TELEVISION STATIONS. Fox Television stations granted extension of STA to transmit NFL football games to three Mexican television stations, over the objections of Channel 51 of San Diego and Century Development Corp. (By Letter [FCC 94246] adopted September 30 by the Commission) ********************* ADDENDA: The following items released October 5 were not listed on Digest 188: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS RELEASES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CABLE OPERATORS AUTHORIZED TO PASS THROUGH INCREASES IN FRANCHISE FEES AND REGULATORY FEES - MM DOCKET NO. 92-266 (Report No. DC-2657, Action in Docket Case) The Commission has amended its price cap rules governing regulated cable service rates to permit cable operators to revise rates for regulated cable services to reflect increases in franchise fees without receiving prior franchising authority or Commission approval. It also amended the rules to permit externa cost treatment of Commission regulatory fees applicable to cable operators and to permit these fees to be passed through to subscribers under the same procedures as increases in franchise fees. Action by the Commission September 30 by Fourth Order on Reconsideration (FCC 94-254). Cable Services Bureau News Media contact: Morgan Broman at (202) 416-0852; Cable Services Bureau contact: Leora Hochstein at (202) 416-0980. [Internet file name: nrcb4032.txt] FIVE CARRIERS AUTHORIZED TO PROVIDE DIRECT TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES TO CUBA (Report No. CC-588, Common Carrier Action) Action by the Chief, International Facilities Division, October 4, 1994, by MOOA&C [DA 94-1098]. News Media contact: Audrey Spivack at (202) 418- 0500; Common Carrier Bureau contact: Troy Tanner at (202) 418-1470. [Internet file name: nrcc4063.txt] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC NOTICE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report No. DS-1464 - COMMON CARRIER SERVICES INFORMATION RE: SATELLITE RADIO APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPEECH --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF DR. THOMAS P. STANLEY, CHIEF ENGINEER, OFFICE OF PLANS AND POLICY, FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION, BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON INFORMATION, JUSTICE, TRANSPORTATION AND AGRICULTURE, COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS, U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY AND MEDICAL DEVICES, OCTOBER 5, 1994 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BBC LICENSE SUBSIDIARY L.P. AND SF BROADCASTING OF GREENBAY L.L.C. Extended to November 2 the deadline for filing petitions to deny the pending applications of BBC License Subsidiary L.P. and SF Broadcasting of Green Bay L.L.C. for assignment of licenses for WLUK-TV, Green Bay, WI, and W40AN, Escanaba, MI. (By Order Granting Extension of Time [DA 94-1099] adopted October 4 by the Chief, Video Services Division, Mass Media Bureau) +++++++++++++++ CORRECTION to Digest 188: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WILTEL INTERNATIONAL, INC., ET AL. Authorized Wiltel, MCI Telecommunications Corp., LDDS Communications, Inc., Sprint Communicating Company L.P., and IDB Worldcom Services, Inc. to establish channels of communication between the United States and Cuba for the provision of direct services. (By MOOA&C [DA 94-1098] adopted October 4 by the Chief, International Facilities Division, Common Carrier Bureau)