DAILY DIGESTVol. 13, No. 232 December 9, 1994 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS RELEASES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FCC FILINGS [Internet file name: nrmc4007.txt] BROADCAST STATION TOTALS AS OF NOVEMBER 30, 1994 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC NOTICES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC INFORMATION COLLECTION REQUIREMENT SUBMITTED TO OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET FOR REVIEW - Contact: Judy Boley at (202) 418-0214 Report No. 244 - MASS MEDIA BUREAU CALL SIGN ACTIONS Report No. 16061 - BROADCAST APPLICATIONS Report No. 22040 - BROADCAST ACTIONS Report No. CL-95-26 - WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC RADIO SERVICE INFORMATION Report No. CN-95-1 - NARROWBAND PCS REGIONAL AUCTION WINNERS RE: APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING - Contact: Rita Cookmeyer at (202) 418-1330 Report No. 1773 - WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU - November 28 through December 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERU AND TECUMSEH, NE. Conditionally granted the application of Beatrice City School District 15 for a construction permit and license in the Instructional Television Fixed Service (ITFS) on Channels G1-G4 in Tecumseh; denied the competing application of Rock Port R-II Schools for ITFS channels in Peru, NE. (By MO&O [FCC 94-301] adopted November 28 by the Commission) NEW YORK METROPOLITAN AREA PUBLIC SAFETY PLAN. Amended the Public Safety Radio Plan for the New York Metropolitan Area (Region 8), effective immediately. (Gen. Docket No. 88-476 by Order [DA 94-1329] adopted November 28 by the Acting Chief, Land Mobile and Microwave Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and Acting Chief, Spectrum Engineering Division, Office of Engineering and Technology) VIDEO PROGRAMMING DISTRIBUTION AND CARRIAGE. Acted on petitions to reconsider rules to prevent unfair or discriminatory practices in the sale of video programming. (MM Docket No. 92-265 by MO&O on Reconsideration of the First R&O [FCC 94-287] adopted November 10 by the Commission) ************************* ADDENDA: The following items released December 8 were not listed on Digest 231: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY. Suspended for one day and instituted an investigation of the revisions to Southwestern Bell's Tariff FCC No. 73, Transmittal No. 2406 to modify mutual collocatin tariff. (CC Docket No. 94-97 by MO&O [DA 94-1409] adopted December 7 by the Acting Chief, Tariff Division, Common Carrier Bureau) THE BELL ATLANTIC TELEPHONE COMPANIES. Granted request by the National Cable Television Association for an extension of time to file comments in the matter of Bell Atlantic's petition for an expedited waiver of the rules in order to establish a new rate structure and tariff rate elements for video dialtone service under transport categories of Part 69 of the Commission's rules. Comments are due December 14, replies December 19. (By Order [DA 94-1418] adopted December 8 by the Chief, Policy and Program Planning Division, Common Carrier Bureau)