DAILY DIGESTVol. 13, No. 236 December 15, 1994 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS RELEASE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CABLE SERVICES BUREAU GRANTS LIMITED WAIVER ON CHANNEL ADDITION NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS The Cable Services Bureau has issued a letter order addressed to E! Entertainment Television which grants flexibility with respect to subscriber notice requirements to cable operators wishing to add new programming services to their channel line-ups. Action by the Chief, Cable Services Bureau December 13, 1994 (DA 94-1474). News Media contact: Morgan Broman at (202) 416- 0852; Cable Service Bureau contact: Edward Hearst at (202) 416-0800. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC NOTICES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG: December 14 PUBLIC INFORMATION COLLECTION REQUIREMENTS SUBMITTED TO OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET FOR REVIEW - Contact: Judy Boley at (202) 418-0214 COMMISSION SEEKS COMMENT ON TELEPORT PETITION FOR DECLARATORY RULING ON PACIFIC BELL AREA CODE NUMBERING PLAN - IAD File No. 94-104 - Comments are due: January 30, 1995; replies February 27 - Industry Analysis contact: Mary Green at (202) 418-0940. Report 16066 - BROADCAST APPLICATIONS Report 22044 - BROADCAST ACTIONS Report CF-29 - WINDOW NOTICE FOR THE FILING OF FM BROADCAST APPLICATIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Granted petition filed by American Telephone and Telegraph Company for waiver of the International Settlements Policy for a change in the accounting rate for switched voice service with the United Kingdom. (By O&A [DA 94-1414] adopted December 6 by the Chief, Telecommunications Division, International Bureau) GLOBAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. Granted the application filed by Global Telecommunications, Inc. for authority to establish channels of communication between the United States and various international points via the INTELSAT, Pan American Satellite, TDRSS, Solidaridad and Anik satellite systems for the provision of international data, voice, video, audio and television services and transborder services. (By OA&C [DA 94-1412] adopted November 18 by the Chief, Telecommunications Division) K&S INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Granted the application filed by K&S International Communications, Inc. for authority to acquire and operate facilities for provision of communications services between the United States and various overseas. (By OA&C [DA 94- 1413] adopted December 7 by the Chief, Telecommunications Division) IDB COMMUNICATIONS GROUP, INC. AND SOUTHWEST COMMUNICATIONS, INC./LDDS METROMEDIA. Granted the application filed by IDB Communications Group, Inc. and Southwest Communications, Inc. and LDDS Communications, Inc. d/b/a LDDSMETROMEDIA for authority to transfer control of cable landing licenses, and to transfer control and assign Title II authorizations and Title III licenses. (By MO&O [DA 94-1487] adopted November 30 by the Chief, International Bureau) (over) %*%*%*%*%*%*% ADDENDA: The following items, released December 13, were not listed on Digest 234: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMCAST CABLE OF TALLAHASSEE, INC. Granted, in part, complaint filed about the price Comcast Cablevision of Tallahassee, Inc. was charging for its cable programming service. (By MO&O [DA 94-1480] adopted December 12 by the Chief, Cable Services Bureau) %*%*%*%*%*%*%* ADDENDA: The following items, released December 14, were not listed on Digest 235: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS RELEASE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FCC AUCTION WILL ADVANCE TO THE NEXT STAGE The FCC announced today that the auction for licenses to provide broadband personal communications services will move to Stage II. News Media contact: Stacey Reuben Mesa at the auction site: (202) 414-1245 or FCC's press office: (202) 418-0500 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC NOTICES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report 22045 - BROADCAST ACTIONS Report D-778-A - COMMON CARRIER BUREAU DOMESTIC FACILITIES Report DS-1489 - DOMESTIC FIXED SATELLITE SERVICE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- E! ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION, INC. See first item under "News Releases" released December 15. TCI CABLE OF NORTH CENTRAL KENTUCKY, INC. Remanded to the local franchising authority for resolution an appeal filed by TCI Cablevision of North Central Kentucky, Inc. regarding the local rate order of the city of Mount Washington, KY. (By Order [DA 94-1479] adopted December 13 by the Chief, Cable Services Bureau) AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Suspended for one day and set for investigation American Telephone and Telegraph Company F.C.C. Tariff Nos. 1 and 13 - Transmittal No. 7848 which increased dial station rates for calls within the U.S. mainland, from the U.S. to Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, from Puerto Rico and the U.S.Virgin Islands to the U.S. mainland, and between Puerto Rico and the U.S.Virgin Islands. (By MO&O [DA 94-1486] adopted December 14 by the Acting Chief, Tariff Division, Common Carrier Bureau) -FCC-