DAILY DIGESTVol. 13, No. 242 December 23, 1994 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS RELEASES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAVID B. POPKIN DENIED RECONSIDERATION OF FCC ORDER REGARDING TYPEFACE AND HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS OF FCC FILINGS (Report GN-169, General Action) Action by the Commission December 16 by Order (FCC 94-329). News Media contact: Patricia A. Chew at (202) 418-0500. [Internet file name: nrmc4139.txt] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC NOTICES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEADING CYCLE ESTABLISHED FOR COMMENTS ON BELLSOUTH'S AMENDMENT TO ITS SECTION 214 APPLICATION - FILE NUMBER W-P-C-6977 - Comments are due January 10; replies January 20 - Contact: Peggy Reitzel at (202) 418-1579 Report 245 - MASS MEDIA BUREAU CALL SIGN ACTIONS Report 22052 - BROADCAST ACTIONS Report 1775 - WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU - Week of December 12 thru December 16 Report I-7088 - OVERSEAS SECTION 214 APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CABLE ACT OF 1992. Affirmed program access rule on exclusive contracts between direct broadcast satellite distributors and satellite cable programming vendors. (MM Docket 92-265 by MO&O on Reconsideration of the First R&O [FCC 94-326] adopted December 15 by the Commission) COX CABLE COMMUNICATIONS. Granted application filed by Cox Cable Communications, Inc. for authority to transfer control of CARS licenses from Times Mirror Company to Cox Cable Communications; granted request for special relief and waiver of the Commission's rules prohibiting a cable operator from owning a television broadcast station under certain conditions. (By MO&O [DA 94-1570] adopted December 21 by the Chief, Cable Services Bureau) TWIN COUNTY CABLE. Granted petition for reconsideration filed by Twin County Cable, challenging the certification of the Township of Salisbury, PA, to regulate basic cable service rates and associated equipment. (By MO&O [DA 94-1542] adopted December 19 by the Chief, Cable Services Bureau) CABLE ORDERS. Issued four (4) orders involving petitions for reconsideration of various certifications to regulate basic cable service rates filed by the following cable entities: Valley Center Cablesystems, L.P. [DA 94- 1538]; C-TEC Cable Systems of Michigan, Inc. [DA 94- 1539]; Willow Park Cable TV [Da 94-1540]; Horizon Cable I Limited Partnership [DA 94-1541]. (By MO&Os [DA 94- 1538-1541] adopted December 19 by the Chief, Cable Services Bureau) CABLE LETTERS. Issued two (2) letters involving requests for clarification of the new "going forward" rules on behalf of Cox Communications, Inc. and US Cable Corporation. (By Letters [DA 94-1508 and 1509] adopted December 19 by the Chief, Cable Services Bureau) COX COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Granted waiver requests filed by Cox Communications, Inc. regarding the quarterly rate filing limitations for the first quarter of 1995 and the notice requirements with respect to the addition of new programming channels. (By Letter [DA 94-1568] adopted December 20 by the Chief, Cable Services Bureau) (over) POLITICAL PROGRAMMING. In connection with political ads for L. Douglas Wilder and Marshall Coleman, found that lowest unit charge requirements may have been violated by WRIC-TV, Petersburg, VA; ordered parties to follow procedures and timetables for discovery, post-discovery, and election of a complaint resolution procedure. (By Order [DA 94-1483] adopted December 13 by the Chief, Mass Media Bureau) POLITICAL PROGRAMMING. Found that violation of the Commission's lowest unit charge requirements had been established by various political candiates against KCRA-TV, Sacramento, CA; ordered parties to follow procedures and timetables for discovery, post-discovery, and election of a complaint resolution procedure. (By Order [DA 94-1484] adopted December 13 by the Chief, Mass Media Bureau) ERRATUM to Order to Show Cause and Hearing Designation Order and Notice of Opportunity for Hearing for Forfeiture released December 13, 1994 (FCC 94-315) - WT Docket 94-147 in the matter of James A. Kay, Jr. *************** ADDENDA: The following items, released December 22, were not listed on Digest 241: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- VANTAGE CABLE ASSOCIATES, L.P. Remanded, for resolution, to the City of West Branch, IA, the appeal filed by Vantage Cable Assciates, L.P. regarding the local rate order. (By Order [DA 94-1578] adopted December 22 by the Chief, Cable Services Bureau) COLONY CABLEVISION OF SOUTHEASTERN MASSACHUSETTS, INC. AND LOWELL CABLE TELEVISION, INC. Remanded, in part, to the Massachusetts Community Antenna Television Commission, the appeal filed by Colony Cablevision of Southeastern Massachusetts, Inc. and Lowell Cable Television, Inc. regarding the local rate orders for various communities; denied appeal in part. (By Consolidated Order [DA 94 - 1577] adopted December 22 by the Chief, Cable Services Bureau) SPECIALIZED MOBILE RADIO. Ordered that secondary site authorization may be granted to qualified applicants in the 900 MHz SMR service. (Gen. Docket 93-252 and PR Docket 89-553 by Order Reconsideration [FCC 94-331] adopted December 21 by the Commission) TRANSPORT RATE STRUCTURE. Affirmed the interim rate structure and related pricing rules that govern the local telephone companies' provision of transport services. Comments are due February 1; replies February 16. (CC Docket 91-213 by Third MO&O on Reconsideration and Supplemental NPRM [FCC 94-325] adopted December 15 by the Commission) ERRATUM to NPRM released December 5, 1994 in the matter of Amendment of the Television Broadcast Stations table of allotments - Albion, NE - MM Docket 94-143 -FCC-