Vol. 19, No. 46                             
                March 10,2000

**Before an entry denotes that the item is part of the FCC's implementation of the 1996 Telecom Act. While we will attempt to flag all Telecom Act-related items, this marking is unofficial and informational only.




FCC APPROVES QWEST/US WEST MERGER. News Media contact: Mike Balmoris 202-418-0253; Common Carrier Bureau contact: Henry Thaggert 418-7941. by MO&O. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: March 8, 2000. Dkt No.: CC- 99-272. (FCC No. 00-91) CCB. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/News_Releases/2000/nrcc0017.html

FCC TO HOLD OPEN COMMISSION MEETING, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 2000, 9:30 A.M., COMMISSION MEETING ROOM, 445 12TH STREET., S.W., WASHINGTON, D.C.. OMD. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Miscellaneous/Public_Notices/Agenda/2000/ag000317.html

FCC CALENDAR OF EVENTS. OMR. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/calendar.html

FCC FILINGS. OMR. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Miscellaneous/Filings/fl000310.html




Released: March 10, 2000. TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG: MAR. 9. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Public_Notices/Tariffs/combined/tt030900.pdf

Report No: 3723. Released: March 10, 2000. CABLE SERVICES BUREAU ACTIONS.


Report No: TEL-00198S. Released: March 10, 2000. STREAMLINED INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING; CABLE LANDING LICENSE APPLICATIONS. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/International/Public_Notices/2000/pnin0061.pdf

Report No: 44688. Released: March 10, 2000. BROADCAST ACTIONS. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Public_Notices/Brdcst_Actions/ac000310.txt

Report No: 24688. Released: March 10, 2000. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Public_Notices/Brdcst_Applications/ap000310.txt

Report No: 151. Released: March 10, 2000. MASS MEDIA BUREAU MULTIPOINT DISTRIBUTION SERVICE. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Public_Notices/MDS_Notices/mdac0310.html

Released: March 10, 2000. NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY NATIONAL COORDINATION COMMITTEE.Contact: Michael Wilhelm 202-418-0680. (DA No. 00-546). Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Public_Notices/2000/da000546.doc

Released: March 10, 2000. PUBLIC SAFETY NATIONAL COORDINATION COMMITTEE SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING NOTICE.Contact: Michael Wilhelm 202-418-0680. (DA No. 00-545). Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Public_Notices/2000/da000545.doc

Released: March 10, 2000. FCC ANNOUNCES IT IS PREPARED TO GRANT 36 BROADCAST CONSTRUCTION PERMITS AFTER FINAL PAYMENT IS MADE.Balance of Winning Bids are due by March 24, 2000, Auction 25; contact: Shaun Maher 202-418-1600 or Lisa Scanlan 518-2700. (DA No. 00-548). Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Public_Notices/2000/da000548.doc




NEW VALLEY CORPORATION V. PACIFIC BELL. Denied New Valley's application for review regarding Bureau's denial of its second supplemental complaint for damages against Pacific Bell. Action by the Commission. Adopted: February 8, 2000. by MO&O. (FCC No. 00-42). CCB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/2000/fcc00042.doc

SBC COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Granted extention of time to April 10, for completiton date for Phase I development of uniform and enhanced operational support systems required under the SBC/Ameritech Merger Order. Action by Deputy Chief, Common Carrier Bureau. Adopted: March 10, 2000. by Letter. (DA No. 00-554). CCB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/2000/da000554.doc

REQUEST FOR REVIEW OF THE DECISION OF THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATOR. Denied Northern Arizona's appeal and affirmed Rural Health Care Division's denial of Northern Arizona' application. Dkt No.: CC- 96-45, CC- 97-21. Action by Deputy Chief, Common Carrier Bureau. Adopted: March 9, 2000. by Order. (DA No. 00-528). CCB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/2000/da000528.doc

QWEST COMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL INC. AND US WEST, INC., APPLICATIONS FOR TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL SECTIONS 214 AND 310 AUTHORIZATIONS AND APPLICATION TO TRANSFER CONTROL OF A SUBMARINE CABLE LANDING LICENSE. Approved applications to transfer control of licenses and lines from US West to Qwest Communications. Dkt No.: CC- 99-272. Action by the Commission. Adopted: March 8, 2000. by MO&O. (FCC No. 00-91). CCB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/2000/fcc00091.doc

TIME WARNER CABLE V. RCN TELECOM SERVICES OF NEW YORK, INC., ET AL. Denied motion for stay of certain Open Video system filing requirements, filed by RCN Telecom Services of New York, Inc. and RCN-BeCoCom, L.L.C. Action by Chief, Cable Services Bureau. Adopted: March 9, 2000. by MO&O. (DA No. 00-557). CSB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Cable/Orders/2000/da000557.doc

ERRATUM TO ORDER, DA 00-446 RELEASED MARCH 1 RE MCI WORLDCOM, IN. Action by Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division. Adopted: March 9, 2000. by Erratum. ENF Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Enforcement/Orders/2000/er000446.doc

SEALAND SERVICES, INC., GMDSS STATION KIRF ABOARD THE VESSEL SS SEALAND HAWAII. Reduced forfeiture to $10,000 against Sealand Services for violating required annual inspection of its Global Maritime Distress and Safety System radio station. Action by Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: March 9, 2000. by Forfeiture Order. (DA No. 00-535). ENF Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Enforcement/Orders/2000/da000535.doc

ST. JAMES & FAIRMONT, MN. Dismissed request to amend FM table of allotments for St. James and Fairmont. Dkt No.: MM- 99-298. Adopted: March 6, 2000. by R&O. (DA No. 00-540). MMB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Orders/2000/da000540.doc

EBRO, FL. Proposed amending FM table of allotments for Ebro. Comments due May 1, replies may 16. Dkt No.: MM- 00-43. Action by Chief, Allocations Branch. Adopted: March 1, 2000. by NPRM. (DA No. 00-553). MMB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Notices/2000/da000553.doc

JACKPOT, NV. Denied request to amend FM table of allotments for Jackpot. Dkt No.: MM- 99-163. Action by Chief, Allocations Branch. Adopted: March 1, 2000. by R&O. (DA No. 00-541). MMB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Orders/2000/da000541.doc

CHARLEROI AND DUQUESNE, PA. Proposed amending FM table of allotments for Charleroi and Duquesne. Comments due May 3, replies May 18. Action by Chief, Allocations Branch. Adopted: March 1, 2000. by NPRM. (DA No. 00-544). MMB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Notices/2000/da000544.doc

LUFKIN AND CORRIGAN, TX. Reversed Bureau earlier action allotting FM channel 261A to Lufkin and instead alloted Channel 261A to Corrigan. Dkt No.: MM- 98-135. Action by Chief, Allocations Branch. Adopted: March 1, 2000. by MO&O. (DA No. 00-524). MMB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Orders/2000/da000524.doc

BRECKENRIDGE AND GRAFORD, TX. Dismissed petition for rule making after withdrawal request from Big Country Radio, Inc. Dkt No.: MM- 97-251. Action by Chief, Allocations Branch. Adopted: March 1, 2000. by R&O. (DA No. 00-552). MMB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Orders/2000/da000552.doc

COBLESKILL AND SAINT JOHNSVILLE, NY. Proposed amending FM table of allotments for Cobleskill and Saint Johnsville. Comments due May 1, replies due May 16. Dkt No.: MM-00-40. Action by Chief, Allocations Branch. Adopted: March 1, 2000. by NPRM. (DA No. 00-542). MMB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Notices/2000/da000542.doc

OAKVILLE, RAYMOND, AND SOUTH BEND, WA. Proposed amending FM table of allotments for Oakville, et al. Comments due May 3, replies May 18. Dkt No.: MM- 00-41. Action by Chief, Allocations Bureau. Adopted: March 1, 2000. by NPRM. (DA No. 00-543). MMB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Notices/2000/da000543.doc

ERRATUM RE BORO TRANSIT, INC. RELEASED JAN. 6, ORDER, DA 00-5. Action by Deputy Chief, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division. by Erratum. (DA No. 00-538). WTB

AMERICAN BEEPER COMPANY OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS. Denied applications for review filed by North Sight Communications for assignment of licenses from Island Mobile Communications, L.C. to American Beeper. Action by the Commission. Adopted: March 7, 2000. by MO&O. (FCC No. 00-86). WTB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Orders/2000/fcc00086.doc

ARUNDEL TRUNKED PARTNERSHIP, ET AL, APPLICATIONS FOR MODIFICATION OF PHASE I NON-NATIONWIDE LICENSES. Granted Arundel, et al application for review and dismissed as moot petition for reconsideration of the 220 MHz MO&O. Action by the Commission. Adopted: March 6, 2000. by MO&O. (FCC No. 00-85). WTB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Orders/2000/fcc00085.doc

IMPLEMENTATION OF SECTIONS 3(N) AND 332 OF THE COMMUNICATIONS ACT; REGULATORY TREATMENT OF MOBILE SERVICES. Denied several petitions for reconsideration on the merits and dismissed remaining petitions because the issues were either moot or beyond the scope of this proceeding. Dkt No.: GN- 93-252. Action by the Commission. Adopted: February 25, 2000. by Order. (FCC No. 00-66). WTB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Orders/2000/fcc00066.doc

ADDENDA: The following items, released March 9, 2000, did not appear in Digest No. 45:




FCC ENSURES BELL ATLANTIC COMPLIANCE WITH TERMS OF LONG DISTANCE APPROVAL; BELL ATLANTIC AGREES TO PAY UP TO $27 MILLION. News Media contact: John Winston 202-418-7450; Enforcement Bureau contact: Richard Welch 418-7450. by Order. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: March 9, 2000. (FCC No. 00-92) ENF. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Enforcement/News_Releases/2000/nren0004.html

FCC ADOPTS RULES FOR GUARDBAND MANAGER AUCTION. News Media contact: Meribeth McCarrick 202-418-0654; Wireless Bureau contacts: Gary Michaels 202-418-0660 or Marty Liebman 418-1310. by R&O. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: March 8, 2000. (FCC No. 00-90) WTB. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/News_Releases/2000/nrwl0009.pdf




Report No: AUC-28-D. Released: March 9, 2000. SUPPLEMENTAL CLOSED BROADCAST AUCTION 28; 4 QUALIFIED BIDDERS. (DA No. 00-527). Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Public_Notices/2000/da000527.doc




BELL ATLANTIC-NEW YORK, AUTHORIZATION UNDER SECTION 271 TO PROVIDE IN-REGION, INTERLATA SERVICE IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Adopted Consent Decree and terminated investigation. Action by the Commission. Adopted: March 9, 2000. by Order. (FCC No. 00-92). ENF Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Enforcement/Orders/2000/fcc00092.pdf

SERVICE RULES FOR THE 746-764 AND 776-794 MHZ BANDS, AND REVISIONS TO PART 27 OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES. Adopted service rules for licensing Guard Bands that encompass six megahertz of spectrum that have been reallocated for commercial use from their previous use for the broadcasting service. Dkt No.: WT- 99-168. Action by the Commission. Adopted: March 8, 2000. by 2ndR&O. (FCC No. 00-90). WTB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Orders/2000/fcc00090.doc

ADDENDA: The following items, released March 8, 2000, did not appear in Digest No. 44:




Report No: 472. Released: March 8, 2000. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU SITE-BY-SITE ACTION. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Public_Notices/2000/pnwl0056.pdf

Report No: 471. Released: March 8, 2000. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU SITE-BY-SITE ACCEPTED FOR FILING. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Public_Notices/2000/pnwl0057.pdf

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