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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 20 No. 154 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 August 7, 2001 |
Released: 08/07/2001. TARIFF TRANSMITTALS PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG Public Reference Log: 8/2/01. CCB  DOC-215150A1.pdf  DOC-215150A1.txt Released: 08/07/2001. ENERGY EAST CORPORATION SEEKS COMMISSION DETERMINATION OF "EXEMPT TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY" STATUS UNDER THE PUBLIC UTILITY HOLDING COMPANY ACT FOR ITS AFFILIATE, NEON COMMUNICATIONS, INC.. (DA No. 01-1880). Comments Due: 08/22/2001. Reply Comments Due: 08/29/2001. CCB. Contact: Jon Minkoff at (202) 418-2353  DA-01-1880A1.doc  DA-01-1880A1.pdf  DA-01-1880A1.txt Report No: SAT-00078 Released: 08/07/2001. SATELLITE POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. IB  DOC-215157A1.pdf  DOC-215157A1.txt Report No: 45043 Released: 08/07/2001. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MMB  DOC-215140A1.txt Report No: 25043 Released: 08/07/2001. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MMB  DOC-215141A1.txt Report No: 464 Released: 08/07/2001. INSTRUCTIONAL TELEVISION FIXED SERVICE AND MULTIPOINT DISTRIBUTION SERVICE ACTIONS. MMB  DOC-215117A1.pdf  DOC-215117A1.txt Released: 08/07/2001. ERRATUM Public Notice, Report No. 45039, released August 1, 2001, which reported the dismissal of the following applications, was in error. These applications remain pending:. MMB  DOC-215118A1.doc  DOC-215118A1.pdf  DOC-215118A1.txt Released: 08/07/2001. FY 2001 MASS MEDIA REGULATORY FEES. OMD  DOC-215166A1.doc  DOC-215166A1.pdf  DOC-215166A1.txt Released: 08/07/2001. FY 2001 COMMERCIAL WIRELESS REGULATORY FEES. OMD  DOC-215165A1.doc  DOC-215165A1.pdf  DOC-215165A1.txt Released: 08/07/2001. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILINGS. OMD. Contact: Barbara Lowe at (202) 418-0310  DOC-215149A1.doc  DOC-215149A1.pdf  DOC-215149A1.txt Released: 08/07/2001. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU GRANTES CONSENT TO ASSIGN 218-219 MHZ SERVICE LICENSES. (DA No. 01-1873). WTB. Contact: Yolanda Lee at (202) 418-0660  DA-01-1873A1.doc  DA-01-1873A1.pdf  DA-01-1873A1.txt Released: 08/07/2001. WTB SEEKS COMMENT ON WIRELESS LNP FORBEARANCE PETITION FILED BY VERIZON WIRELESS. (DA No. 01-1872). (Dkt No 01-184). Comments Due: 09/21/2001. Reply Comments Due: 10/22/2001. WTB. Contact: Jennifer Salhus at (202) 418-1310  DA-01-1872A1.doc  DA-01-1872A1.pdf  DA-01-1872A1.txt CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY, SIOUX FALLS, SOUTH DAKOTA, ET. AL:. Extended for 30 days the deadline for resolution of the captioned Requests for Review. (Dkt No. 96-45, 97-21). Action by: Deputy Chief, Accounting Policy Division. Adopted: 08/06/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-1882). CCB  DA-01-1882A1.doc  DA-01-1882A1.pdf  DA-01-1882A1.txt CHAPEL HILL INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, TYLER, TX. Denied the Request for Review to consider application as timely filed within the filing window. (Dkt No. 96-45, 97-21). Action by: Deputy Chief, Accounting Policy Division. Adopted: 08/06/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-1881). CCB  DA-01-1881A1.doc  DA-01-1881A1.pdf  DA-01-1881A1.txt MERCER COUNTY AREA VOCATIONAL - TECHNICAL SCHOOL, MERCER, PA. Reconsidered order and Clarified on APD's own motion for the order it released on July 23, 2001, which inter alia granted the Request for Review filed by Mercer County. (Dkt No. 96-45, 97-21). Action by: Deputy Chief, Accounting Policy Division. Adopted: 08/06/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-1883). CCB  DA-01-1883A1.doc  DA-01-1883A1.pdf  DA-01-1883A1.txt FAMILY BROADCASTING, INC.. Granted the Enforcement Bureau's Motion for Summary Decision, denied the Motion for Summary Decision filed by Family Broadcasting, Inc. Revoked the licenses for Stations WSTX(AM) and WSTX(FM), Christiansted, U.S. Virgin Islands. (Dkt No. 01-39). Action by: Adminstrative Law Judge Richard L. Sippel. Adopted: 08/03/2001 by Summary Decision. (FCC No. 01D-2). OALJ  FCC-01D-2A1.doc  FCC-01D-2A1.pdf  FCC-01D-2A1.txt STATEMENT OF FCC CHAIRMAN MICHAEL POWELL ON APPEAL TO U.S. SUPREME COURT ON NEXTWAVE. News Release. News Media Contact: David Fiske, (202)418-0513 CMMR  DOC-215084A1.doc  DOC-215084A1.pdf  DOC-215084A1.txt COMMISSIONER COPPS NAMES PAUL MARGIE AS LEGAL ADVISOR. Commissioner Michael J. Copps has announced that Paul Margie will join the Commissioner's staff as Spectrum and International Legal Advisor effective August 20, 2001. News Release. News Media Contact: Jordan Goldstein at 202-418-2000 CMMR  DOC-215144A1.doc  DOC-215144A1.pdf  DOC-215144A1.txt Released: 08/06/2001. KLT TELECOM, INC., DTI HOLDINGS, DIGITAL TELEPORT OF VIRGINIA, INC, DIGITAL TELEPORT AND SIGNAL SITES, INC.. (DA No. 01-1875). Comments Due: 08/09/2001. Reply Comments Due: 08/10/2001. CCB. Contact: Jon Minkoff at (202) 418-2353  DA-01-1875A1.doc  DA-01-1875A1.pdf  DA-01-1875A1.txt Released: 08/06/2001. WIRELESS TELECOM ACTION - REGION 10 (GEORGIA) 700 MHZ PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING COMMITTEE ANNOUNCES FIRST MEETING. (DA No. 01-1874). WTB  DA-01-1874A1.doc  DA-01-1874A1.pdf  DA-01-1874A1.txt