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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 20 No. 186 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 September 24, 2001 |
OPEN PROCEEDINGS. Open Proceedings CIB. Contact Marilyn Abraham at (202) 418-2374  DOC-216265A1.doc  DOC-216265A1.pdf  DOC-216265A1.txt FCC ADDS MOBILE ALLOCATION TO 2500-2690 MHZ BAND AND DOES NOT RELOCATE EXISTING LICENSEES. News Release. News Media Contact: Maureen Peratino at (202) 418-0506 OET. Contact Rodney Small at (202) 418-2452 or Geraldine Matise at (202) 418-2322  DOC-216311A1.doc  DOC-216311A1.pdf  DOC-216311A1.txt Released: 09/24/2001. TARIFF TRANSMITTALS PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG. CCB. Contact: Reference Information Center at (202) 418-0270  DOC-216281A1.pdf  DOC-216281A1.txt Report No: NCD-556 Released: 09/24/2001. COMMON CARRIER BUREAU NETWORK CHANGE NOTIFICATION FILED BY BELLSOUTH. CCB. Contact: Carmell Weathers at (202) 418-2325, email: cweather@fcc.gov, TTY: (202) 418-0484 Report No: 45076 Released: 09/24/2001. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MMB  DOC-216327A1.txt Report No: 25076 Released: 09/24/2001. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MMB  DOC-216297A1.txt Report No: 519 Released: 09/24/2001. INSTRUCTIONAL TELEVISION FIXED SERVICE AND MULTIPOINT DISTRIBUTION SERVICE ACTIONS. MMB  DOC-216256A1.pdf  DOC-216256A1.txt Report No: 519A Released: 09/24/2001. INSTRUCTIONAL TELEVISION FIXED SERVICE AND MULTIPOINT DISTRIBUTION SERVICE ACTIONS. MMB  DOC-216328A1.doc  DOC-216328A1.pdf  DOC-216328A1.txt Report No: 518 Released: 09/24/2001. INSTRUCTIONAL TELEVISION FIXED SERVICE AND MULTIPOINT DISTRIBUTION SERVICE APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. MMB  DOC-216255A1.pdf  DOC-216255A1.txt Released: 09/24/2001. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILINGS EX PARTE PN BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 12 AND SEPTEMBER 14, 2001. (1OF 2). OMD. Contact: Barbara Lowe at (202) 418-0310  DOC-216317A1.doc  DOC-216317A1.pdf  DOC-216317A1.txt Released: 09/24/2001. EX PARTE PN RELEASED 24, 2001 ( 2 OF 2 ) EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILINGS BETWEEN AUGUST 4 and September 17, 2001.. OMD. Contact: Barbara Lowe at (202) 418-0310  DOC-216321A1.doc  DOC-216321A1.pdf  DOC-216321A1.txt WASHINGTON LOCAL SCHOOLS, TOLEDO, OHIO. Denied Request for Review and Affirmed SLD's decision to deny funding for discounted services. (Dkt No. 96-45, 97-21). Action by: the Deputy Chief, Accounting Policy Division. Adopted: 09/21/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-2219). CCB  DA-01-2219A1.doc  DA-01-2219A1.pdf  DA-01-2219A1.txt RYTHMS LINKS INC.. Granted the application of Rhythms Links to discontinue domestic telecommunications services in all geographic areas effective September 24, 2001. Action by: Chief, Common Carrier Bureau. Adopted: 09/24/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-2223). CCB  DA-01-2223A1.doc  DA-01-2223A1.pdf  DA-01-2223A1.txt AMENDMENT OF PART 2 OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES TO ALLOCATE SPECTRUM BELOW 3 GHZ FOR MOBILE AND FIXED SERVICES TO SUPPORT THE INTRODUCTION OF NEW ADVANCED WIRELESS SERVICES, INCLUDING THIRD GENERATION WIRELESS SYSTEMS. Added mobile allocation to 2500-2690 MHz band and did not relocate existing licensees [Petition for Reconsideration of Notice of Proposed Rulemaking; 66 FR 53973 (10/25/01)]. (Dkt No. 00-258, 9911). Action by: The Commission. Adopted: 09/06/2001 by R&O. (FCC No. 01-256). OET  FCC-01-256A1.doc  FCC-01-256A1.pdf  FCC-01-256A1.txt IN THE MATTER OF BILL MCCONNELL ON REQUEST FOR INSPECTION OF RECORDS, FOIA CONTROL NO. 21-118.. Denied the Application for Review. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 09/18/2001 by MO&O. (FCC No. 01-267). OGC. Contact Laurence schecker  FCC-01-267A1.doc  FCC-01-267A1.pdf  FCC-01-267A1.txt IN THE MATTER OF PATRICK A. LINSTRUTH ON REQUEST FOR INSPECTION OF DOCUMENTS, FOIA CONTRON NO. 21-067. Denied Mr. Linstruth's Application for Review. Action by: The Commission. Adopted: 09/18/2001 by MO&O. (FCC No. 01-266). OGC  FCC-01-266A1.doc  FCC-01-266A1.pdf  FCC-01-266A1.txt Report No: AUC-35 Released: 09/21/2001. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU GRANTS THREE C AND F BLOCK BROADBAND PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (PCS) LICENSES. (DA No. 01-2217). WTB. Contact: Gary Oshinsky, Erin McGrath or Amal Abdallh at (202) 418-7240. News Media Contact: Meribeth McCarrick at (202) 418-0654  DA-01-2217A1.doc  DA-01-2217A4.doc  DA-01-2217A5.doc  DA-01-2217A6.doc  DA-01-2217A1.pdf  DA-01-2217A2.pdf  DA-01-2217A3.pdf  DA-01-2217A4.pdf  DA-01-2217A5.pdf  DA-01-2217A6.pdf  DA-01-2217A1.txt  DA-01-2217A2.txt  DA-01-2217A3.txt  DA-01-2217A4.txt  DA-01-2217A5.txt  DA-01-2217A6.txt Report No: AUC-35 Released: 09/21/2001. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU ANNOUNCES IT IS PREPARED TO GRANT FORTY-FIVE C AND F BLOCK BROADBAND PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (PCS) LICENSES UPON FULL AND TIMELY PAYMENT. (DA No. 01-2216). WTB. Contact: Gary A. Oshinsky, Erin McGrath or Amal Abdallah at (202) 418-7240, Office of the Managing Director re: FCC Form 159: Gail Glasser or Tim Dates at (202) 418-1995  DA-01-2216A1.doc  DA-01-2216A4.doc  DA-01-2216A5.doc  DA-01-2216A1.pdf  DA-01-2216A2.pdf  DA-01-2216A3.pdf  DA-01-2216A4.pdf  DA-01-2216A5.pdf  DA-01-2216A1.txt  DA-01-2216A2.txt  DA-01-2216A3.txt  DA-01-2216A4.txt  DA-01-2216A5.txt VISIONSTAR, INC., SHANG HOVNANIAN AND ECOHOSTAR VISIONSTAR CORP.. Required Visionstar, Inc. to provide Pegasus Development Corporation, TRW, Inc. and/or DirectCom Networks, Inc. to disclose information pursuant to the Protective Order included as Attachment A to this Order. Action by: Chief, International Bureau. Adopted: 09/21/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-2215). IB  DA-01-2215A1.pdf  DA-01-2215A1.txt REPLACING COPY OF THE FCC CALENDAR DATED 09/21/2001. This FCC Calendar of Events corrects the FCC Calendar, released 09/21/2001. Corrected the FCC Calendar is dated 09/24/2001  DOC-216339A1.doc  DOC-216339A1.pdf  DOC-216339A1.txt