fcclogoDaily Digest

Federal Communications Commission
445 12th St., SW
Washington, D.C. 20554

Vol. 22 No. 222
News media information 202 / 418-0500
Internet: http://www.fcc.gov
TTY: 202/418-2555

November 21, 2003





FCC CALENDAR OF EVENTS. News Release OMR. Contact Sharon Hurd at (202) 418-0504  DOC-241507A1.doc  DOC-241507A1.pdf  DOC-241507A1.txt




Report No: TEL-00734S Released: 11/21/2003. STREAMLINED INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. IB. Contact: (202) 418-0270  DOC-241492A1.pdf  DOC-241492A1.txt

Report No: 325-00056 Released: 11/21/2003. PERMIT TO DELIVER PROGRAMS TO FOREIGN BROADCAST STATIONS Re: Applications Accepted for Filing. IB. Contact: Tom Albers at (202) 418-2145, TTY: (202) 418-2555  DOC-241493A1.pdf  DOC-241493A1.txt

Report No: 45617 Released: 11/21/2003. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB  DOC-241538A1.txt  DOC-241538A1.pdf

Report No: 25617 Released: 11/21/2003. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB  DOC-241539A1.txt  DOC-241539A1.pdf

Released: 11/21/2003. SPECIAL RELIEF AND SHOW CAUSE PETITIONS. MB. Contact: (202) 418-7200  DOC-241482A1.doc  DOC-241482A1.pdf  DOC-241482A1.txt

Released: 11/21/2003. MEDIA BUREAU ANNOUNCES EXTENSION OF CERTAIN FILING DEADLINES. (DA No. 03-3739). MB. Contact: (202) 418-2700 or (202) 418-1600  DA-03-3739A1.doc  DA-03-3739A1.pdf  DA-03-3739A1.txt

Released: 11/21/2003. NETWORK RELIABILITY AND INTEROPERABILITY COUNCIL TO HOLD MEETING ON DECEMBER 5, 2003. (DA No. 03-3747). OET. Contact: Jeffery Goldthorp at (202) 418-1096, TTY: (202) 418-2989, Jefferey Goldthorp@fcc.gov  DA-03-3747A1.doc  DA-03-3747A1.pdf  DA-03-3747A1.txt


Released: 11/21/2003. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILINGS IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSE PROCEEDINGS. OMD. Contact: Helen Abraham @ (202) 418-1864  DOC-241498A1.doc  DOC-241498A1.pdf  DOC-241498A1.txt

Released: 11/21/2003. TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG. WCB. Contact: Reference Information Center at (202) 418-0270  DOC-241494A1.pdf  DOC-241494A1.txt

Report No: CWS-04-06 Released: 11/21/2003. ANTENNA STRUCTURE REGISTRATION SERVICE INFORMATION. WTB  DOC-241504A1.pdf  DOC-241504A1.txt

Released: 11/21/2003. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU ANNOUNCES IT IS PREPARED TO GRANT LOWER 700 MHZ BAND LICENSES UPON FULL AND TIMELY PAYMENT. (DA No. 03-3737) Auction No. 44. WTB. Contact: Evan Baranoff at (202) 418-7412  DA-03-3737A1.doc  DA-03-3737A2.xls  DA-03-3737A3.doc  DA-03-3737A4.doc  DA-03-3737A1.pdf  DA-03-3737A2.pdf  DA-03-3737A3.pdf  DA-03-3737A4.pdf  DA-03-3737A1.txt  DA-03-3737A2.txt  DA-03-3737A3.txt  DA-03-3737A4.txt




WORLDCOM, INC. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/18/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3515). CGB  DA-03-3515A1.doc  DA-03-3515A1.pdf  DA-03-3515A1.txt

WORLDCOM, INC. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/18/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3679). CGB  DA-03-3679A1.doc  DA-03-3679A1.pdf  DA-03-3679A1.txt

WORLDCOM, INC. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/18/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3678). CGB  DA-03-3678A1.doc  DA-03-3678A1.pdf  DA-03-3678A1.txt

WORLDCOM, INC. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/18/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3680). CGB  DA-03-3680A1.doc  DA-03-3680A1.pdf  DA-03-3680A1.txt

DISCOUNT PLUS. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/17/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3706). CGB  DA-03-3706A1.doc  DA-03-3706A1.pdf  DA-03-3706A1.txt

VARTEC TELECOM. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/17/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3712). CGB  DA-03-3712A1.doc  DA-03-3712A1.pdf  DA-03-3712A1.txt

IDT CORPORATION. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/17/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3702). CGB  DA-03-3702A1.doc  DA-03-3702A1.pdf  DA-03-3702A1.txt

POWERNET GLOBAL. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/17/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3713). CGB  DA-03-3713A1.doc  DA-03-3713A1.pdf  DA-03-3713A1.txt

THE FREE NETWORK. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/17/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3719). CGB  DA-03-3719A1.doc  DA-03-3719A1.pdf  DA-03-3719A1.txt

AT&T CORPORATION. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/19/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3733). CGB  DA-03-3733A1.doc  DA-03-3733A1.pdf  DA-03-3733A1.txt

AT&T CORPORATION. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/19/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3734). CGB  DA-03-3734A1.doc  DA-03-3734A1.pdf  DA-03-3734A1.txt

AT&T CORPORATION. Denied the complaints regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/19/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3735). CGB  DA-03-3735A1.doc  DA-03-3735A1.pdf  DA-03-3735A1.txt

PREFERRED BILLING. Resolved the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/17/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3703). CGB  DA-03-3703A1.doc  DA-03-3703A1.pdf  DA-03-3703A1.txt

LOCAL LONG DISTANCE. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/17/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3707). CGB  DA-03-3707A1.doc  DA-03-3707A1.pdf  DA-03-3707A1.txt

QWEST COMMUNICATIONS. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/17/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3709). CGB  DA-03-3709A1.doc  DA-03-3709A1.pdf  DA-03-3709A1.txt

CIMCO COMMUNICATIONS. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/17/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3704). CGB  DA-03-3704A1.doc  DA-03-3704A1.pdf  DA-03-3704A1.txt

QWEST COMMUNICATIONS. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/17/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3710). CGB  DA-03-3710A1.doc  DA-03-3710A1.pdf  DA-03-3710A1.txt

QWEST COMMUNICATIONS. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/17/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3717). CGB  DA-03-3717A1.doc  DA-03-3717A1.pdf  DA-03-3717A1.txt

CONNECT AMERICA, INC. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/17/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3718). CGB  DA-03-3718A1.doc  DA-03-3718A1.pdf  DA-03-3718A1.txt

ILAB TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/17/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3720). CGB  DA-03-3720A1.doc  DA-03-3720A1.pdf  DA-03-3720A1.txt

SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/17/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3708). CGB  DA-03-3708A1.doc  DA-03-3708A1.pdf  DA-03-3708A1.txt

ONELINK COMMUNICATIONS. Granted the complaints regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/17/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3701). CGB  DA-03-3701A1.doc  DA-03-3701A1.pdf  DA-03-3701A1.txt

AMERICAN PHONE SERVICES. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/17/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3711). CGB  DA-03-3711A1.doc  DA-03-3711A1.pdf  DA-03-3711A1.txt

AMERICAN PHONE SERVICES. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/17/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3716). CGB  DA-03-3716A1.doc  DA-03-3716A1.pdf  DA-03-3716A1.txt

AMERICAN PHONE SERVICES. Granted the complaints regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/17/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3714). CGB  DA-03-3714A1.doc  DA-03-3714A1.pdf  DA-03-3714A1.txt

U.S. TELECOM LONG DISTANCE. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/17/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3715). CGB  DA-03-3715A1.doc  DA-03-3715A1.pdf  DA-03-3715A1.txt

MERCURY INTERNET & WIRELESS SERVICE. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/17/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3705). CGB  DA-03-3705A1.doc  DA-03-3705A1.pdf  DA-03-3705A1.txt

ROGER THOMAS SCAGGS/ADVANCED CLASS AMATEUR RADIO OPERATOR AND LICENSEE OF AMATEUR RADIO STATION W5EBC. Commenced a hearing proceeding before a FCC administrative law judge to determine whether Roger Thomas Scaggs is qualified to remain a Commission licensee in light of his 1998 felony conviction for murder and whether his authorization should be revoked. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 11/20/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-3738). EB  DA-03-3738A1.doc  DA-03-3738A1.pdf  DA-03-3738A1.txt





TELEPHONE NUMBER PORTABILITY; UNITED STATES TELECOM ASSOCIATION AND CENTURYTEL OF COLORADO, INC. JOINT PETITION FOR STAY PENDING JUDICIAL REVIEW. Denied the Joint Petition for Stay Pending Judicial Review, filed by the United States Telecom Association (USTA) and CenturyTel of Colorado, Inc. (collectively, "petitioners"). (Dkt No. 95-116). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 11/20/2003 by ORDER. (FCC No. 03-298). WTB  FCC-03-298A1.doc  FCC-03-298A1.pdf  FCC-03-298A1.txt