fcclogoDaily Digest

Federal Communications Commission
445 12th St., SW
Washington, D.C. 20554

Vol. 28 No. 153
News media information 202 / 418-0500
Internet: http://www.fcc.gov
TTY: 202/418-2555

August 03, 2009





Released: 08/03/2009. WRC-11 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETINGS OF THE INFORMAL WORKING GROUPS. (DA No. 09-1717). (Dkt No 04-286 ). IB . Contact: Donna Christianson at (202) 418-7326  DA-09-1717A1.doc  DA-09-1717A1.pdf  DA-09-1717A1.txt  

Report No: 47040 Released: 08/03/2009. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB   DOC-292479A1.pdf  DOC-292479A2.txt  

Report No: 27040 Released: 08/03/2009. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB   DOC-292506A1.pdf  DOC-292506A2.txt  




LIGTEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Adopted a Consent Decree in this proceeding. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 08/03/2009 by Order/Consent Decree. (DA No. 09-1606). EB   DA-09-1606A1.doc  DA-09-1606A1.pdf  DA-09-1606A1.txt  

SOUTHWEST TEXAS LONG DISTANCE COMPANY. Adopted a Consent Decree in this proceeding. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 07/28/2009 by Order/Consent Decree. (DA No. 09-1607). EB   DA-09-1607A1.doc  DA-09-1607A1.pdf  DA-09-1607A1.txt  

PONTIFICAL CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO SERVICE ASSOCIATION, INC. Adopted a Consent Decree in this proceeding. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 07/31/2009 by Order/Consent Decree. (DA No. 09-1577). EB   DA-09-1577A1.doc  DA-09-1577A1.pdf  DA-09-1577A1.txt  

MAUPIN, OREGON. Amended the FM Table of Allotments for the listed community. Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Comments Due: 09/24/2009. Reply Comments Due: 10/09/2009. Adopted: 07/30/2009 by NPRM. (DA No. 09-1727). MB   DA-09-1727A1.doc  DA-09-1727A1.pdf  DA-09-1727A1.txt  

DULAC, LOUISIANA. Amended the FM Table of Allotments for the listed community. (Dkt No. 09-18 RM-11513 ). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 07/30/2009 by R&O. (DA No. 09-1732). MB   DA-09-1732A1.doc  DA-09-1732A1.pdf  DA-09-1732A1.txt  

TEN SLEEP, WYOMING. Amended the FM Table of Allotments for the listed community. Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 07/30/2009 by R&O. (DA No. 09-1726). MB   DA-09-1726A1.doc  DA-09-1726A1.pdf  DA-09-1726A1.txt  

IMANI COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION, INC. Issued a $1,500 forfeiture to Station WBFX(FM), Selma, Alabama for failure to timely file a license renewal application for the Station. Action by: Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 07/31/2009 by Forfeiture Order. (DA No. 09-1741). MB   DA-09-1741A1.doc  DA-09-1741A1.pdf  DA-09-1741A1.txt  

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FCC CHAIRMAN JULIUS GENACHOWSKI WELCOMES MEREDITH ATTWELL BAKER TO THE FCC. News Release OCH . Contact Jen Howard at (202) 418-0506, email: Jen.Howard@fcc.gov  DOC-292493A1.doc  DOC-292493A1.pdf  DOC-292493A1.txt  

STATEMENT OF MEREDITH ATTWELL BAKER ON BEING SWORN-IN AS FCC COMMISSIONER TODAY. News Release CMMR . Contact David Fiske at (202) 418-0513, email: David.Fiske@fcc.gov  DOC-292494A1.doc  DOC-292494A1.pdf  DOC-292494A1.txt  




JONES COLLEGE. Imposed a monetary forfeiture of $4,500 against Jones College licensee of noncommercial educational Station WKTZ-FM in Jacksonville, Florida for broadcasting advertisements over the Station in violation of the rules. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 07/31/2009 by Forfeiture Order. (DA No. 09-1733). EB   DA-09-1733A1.doc  DA-09-1733A1.pdf  DA-09-1733A1.txt  

PROCEDURES TO GOVERN THE USE OF SATELLITE EARTH STATIONS ON BOARD VESSELS IN THE 5925-6425 MHZ/ 3700-4200 MHZ BANDS AND 14.0-14.5 GHZ/11.7-12.2 GHZ BANDS. Considered four petitions seeking reconsideration and/or clarification of the Commission's 2005 ESV Order. (Dkt No. 02-10 ). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 07/30/2009 by Order on Reconsideration. (FCC No. 09-63). IB   FCC-09-63A1.doc  FCC-09-63A1.pdf  FCC-09-63A1.txt  

AMENDMENT OF PARTS 2 AND 25 OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES TO ALLOCATE SPECTRUM AND ADOPT SERVICE RULES AND PROCEDURES TO GOVERN THE USE OF VEHICLE-MOUNTED EARTH STATIONS IN CERTAIN FREQUENCY BANDS ALLOCATED TO THE FIXED-SATELLITE SERVICE. Adopted allocation, technical and licensing rules to permit the domestic, U.S. licensing of Vehicle-Mounted Earth Stations as a primary application of the Fixed Satellite Service in the relevant Ku-band frequencies. (Dkt No. 07-101 ). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 07/30/2009 by R&O. (FCC No. 09-64). IB   FCC-09-64A1.doc  FCC-09-64A1.pdf  FCC-09-64A1.txt  

KPXJ(TV), MINDEN, LA. Granted request for waiver of "failing station" standard to permit co-ownership and granted application for assignment of license from Minden Television, LLC to KTBS, Inc. Action by: Chief, Media Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 09-1731). MB   DA-09-1731A1.doc  DA-09-1731A1.pdf  DA-09-1731A1.txt  

RURAL HEALTH CARE SUPPORT MECHANISM. Granted a merger request from four participants in the Rural Health Care Pilot Program, the North Carolina TeleHealth Network, Albemarle Health, Western Carolina University, and University Health Systems of Eastern Carolina. (Dkt No. 02-60 ). Action by: Acting Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 07/31/2009 by ORDER. (DA No. 09-1696). WCB   DA-09-1696A1.doc  DA-09-1696A1.pdf  DA-09-1696A1.txt  

SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES UNIVERSAL SERVICE SUPPORT MECHANISM. Carried forward $900 million in unused funds from the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism to increase E-rate disbursements for funding year 2009. (Dkt No. 02-6 ). Action by: Acting Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 07/31/2009 by ORDER. (DA No. 09-1734). WCB   DA-09-1734A1.doc  DA-09-1734A1.pdf  DA-09-1734A1.txt  

APPLE'S REJECTION OF THE GOOGLE VOICE FOR IPHONE APPLICATION. Letter to AT&T concerning Apple's rejection of the Google Voice for iPhone Application. Action by: Acting Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 09-1737). WTB   DA-09-1737A1.doc  DA-09-1737A1.pdf  DA-09-1737A1.txt  

APPLE'S REJECTION OF THE GOOGLE VOICE FOR IPHONE APPLICATION. Letter to Google concerning Apple's rejection of the Google Voice for iPhone Application. Action by: Acting Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 09-1739). WTB   DA-09-1739A1.doc  DA-09-1739A1.pdf  DA-09-1739A1.txt  

LETTER TO APPLE REGARDING GOOGLE VOICE AND RELATED IPHONE APPLICATIONS. Letter to Apple regarding Google Voice and related iPhone applications. Action by: Acting Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 09-1736). WTB   DA-09-1736A1.doc  DA-09-1736A1.pdf  DA-09-1736A1.txt