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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 31 No. 149 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 August 02, 2012 |
Released: 08/02/2012. REMINDER AND UPDATED TIME FOR THE FIRST MEETING OF THE 2015 WORLD RADIOCOMMUNICATION CONFERENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE. (DA No. 12-1251). (Dkt No 04-286 ). IB . Contact: Alexander Roytblat at (202) 418-7501 or Donna Christianson at (202) 418-7326 DA-12-1251A1.doc DA-12-1251A1.pdf DA-12-1251A1.txt Report No: 47793 Released: 08/02/2012. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB DOC-315515A1.pdf DOC-315515A2.txt Report No: 27793 Released: 08/02/2012. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB DOC-315514A1.pdf DOC-315514A2.txt Released: 08/02/2012. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILING IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSURE PROCEEDINGS RECEIVED ON 7/26/2012. OMD . Contact: Jason Lewis at (202) 418-0300 DOC-315532A1.pdf DOC-315532A1.txt Released: 08/02/2012. TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG. WCB . Contact: (202) 418-0270 DOC-315539A1.pdf DOC-315539A1.txt Report No: NCD-2192 Released: 08/02/2012. WIRELINE COMPETITION BUREAU SHORT TERM NETWORK CHANGE NOTIFICATION FILED BY ACS OF ANCHORAGE, INC. WCB . Contact: Carmell Weathers at (202) 418-2325, email: Carmell.Weathers@fcc.gov, TTY: (202) 418-0484 DOC-315536A1.doc DOC-315536A1.pdf DOC-315536A1.txt Released: 08/02/2012. AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC AND DAVID L. MILLER SEEK FCC CONSENT TO THE ASSIGNMENT OF 13 LOWER 700 MHZ BAND B BLOCK LICENSES. (DA No. 12-1248) PLEADING CYCLE ESTABLISHED; Petitions to Deny Due: 08/16/2012, Oppositions Due: 08/27/2012. Reply Comments Due: 09/04/2012. WTB . Contact: Kathy Harris at (202) 418-0609 or Kate Matraves at (202) 418-7878 DA-12-1248A1.doc DA-12-1248A1.pdf DA-12-1248A1.txt Released: 08/02/2012. AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC AND COMSOUTH TELLULAR, INC. SEEK FCC CONSENT TO THE ASSIGNMENT OF TWO LOWER 700 MHZ BAND C BLOCK LICENSES. (DA No. 12-1249) PLEADING CYCLE ESTABLISHED; Petitions to Deny Due: 08/16/2012, Oppositions Due: 08/27/2012. Reply Comments Due: 09/04/2012. WTB . Contact: Kathy Harris at (202) 418-0609 or Kate Matraves at (202) 418-7878 DA-12-1249A1.doc DA-12-1249A1.pdf DA-12-1249A1.txt Released: 08/02/2012. AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC AND MCBRIDE SPECTRUM PARTNERS, LLC SEEK FCC CONSENT TO THE ASSIGNMENT OF A LOWER 700 MHZ BAND B BLOCK LICENSE. (DA No. 12-1252) PLEADING CYCLE ESTABLISHED; Petitions to Deny Due: 08/16/2012, Oppositions Due: 08/27/2012. Reply Comments Due: 09/04/2012. WTB . Contact: Kathy Harris at (202) 418-0609 or Kate Matraves at (202) 418-7878 DA-12-1252A1.doc DA-12-1252A1.pdf DA-12-1252A1.txt Released: 08/02/2012. AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC AND FARMERS TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC. SEEK FCC CONSENT TO THE ASSIGNMENT OF A LOWER 700 MHZ BAND C BLOCK LICENSE. (DA No. 12-1250) PLEADING CYCLE ESTABLISHED; Petitions to Deny Due: 08/16/2012, Oppositions Due: 08/27/2012. Reply Comments Due: 09/04/2012. WTB . Contact: Kathy Harris at (202) 418-0609 or Kate Matraves at (202) 418-7878 DA-12-1250A1.doc DA-12-1250A1.pdf DA-12-1250A1.txt UNITED TELECOM INC. Granted the complaints regarding the unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/01/2012 by ORDER. (DA No. 12-1246). CGB DA-12-1246A1.doc DA-12-1246A1.pdf DA-12-1246A1.txt LDC TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. Granted the complaint regarding the unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/01/2012 by ORDER. (DA No. 12-1245). CGB DA-12-1245A1.doc DA-12-1245A1.pdf DA-12-1245A1.txt PREFERRED LONG DISTANCE, INC. Granted the complaint regarding the unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/01/2012 by ORDER. (DA No. 12-1241). CGB DA-12-1241A1.doc DA-12-1241A1.pdf DA-12-1241A1.txt PREFERRED LONG DISTANCE, INC. Granted the complaints regarding the unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/01/2012 by ORDER. (DA No. 12-1242). CGB DA-12-1242A1.doc DA-12-1242A1.pdf DA-12-1242A1.txt GLOBAL CROSSING TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. Granted the complaint regarding the unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/01/2012 by ORDER. (DA No. 12-1243). CGB DA-12-1243A1.doc DA-12-1243A1.pdf DA-12-1243A1.txt LUIS ERNESTO RIVAS, JR. Issued a monetary forfeiture in the amount of $15,000 to Luis Ernesto Rivas, Jr. for operating an unlicensed radio transmitter on the frequency 89.1 MHz in Miami, Florida. Action by: Regional Director, South Central Region, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 08/02/2012 by Forfeiture Order. (DA No. 12-1237). EB DA-12-1237A1.doc DA-12-1237A1.pdf DA-12-1237A1.txt Released: 08/01/2012. AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC AND TRIAD 700, LLC SEEK FCC CONSENT TO THE ASSIGNMENT OF 27 LOWER 700 MHZ BAND B BLOCK LICENSES. (DA No. 12-1244) PLEADING CYCLE ESTABLISHED; Petitions to Deny Due: 08/15/2012, Oppositions Due: 08/27/2012. Reply Comments Due: 09/04/2012. WTB . Contact: Kathy Harris at (202) 418-0609 or Kate Matraves at (202) 418-7878 DA-12-1244A1.doc DA-12-1244A1.pdf DA-12-1244A1.txt Released: 08/01/2012. AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC AND CAVALIER WIRELESS, LLC SEEK FCC CONSENT TO THE ASSIGNMENT OF TEN LOWER 700 MHZ BAND B BLOCK LICENSES AND 41 ADVANCED WIRELESS SERVICES LICENSES. (DA No. 12-1247) PLEADING CYCLE ESTABLISHED; Petitions to Deny Due: 08/15/2012, Oppositions Due: 08/27/2012. Reply Comments Due: 09/04/2012. WTB . Contact: Kathy Harris at (202) 418-0609 or Kate Matraves at (202) 418-7878 DA-12-1247A1.doc DA-12-1247A1.pdf DA-12-1247A1.txt HYE CHA KIM. Notified Hye Cha Kim of an Apparent Liability for Forfeiture in the amount of $11,000 for failure to enclose the antenna structure within an effective locked fence or other enclosure, et al. Action by: District Director, Atlanta Office, South Central Region, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 08/01/2012 by NALF. (DA No. 12-1223). EB DA-12-1223A1.doc DA-12-1223A1.pdf DA-12-1223A1.txt JULY 3, 2012 ANNUAL ACCESS TARIFF FILINGS. Reconsidered the decision in the 2012 Suspension Order to suspend and investigate the revised tariff rates for the issuing carriers and associated transmittals listed in Appendix A. Action by: Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 08/01/2012 by Order on Reconsideration. (DA No. 12-1231). WCB DA-12-1231A1.doc DA-12-1231A1.pdf DA-12-1231A1.txt NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT AUTHORITY. Granted the Request for Waiver. (Dkt No. 99-87 ). Action by: Deputy Chief, Mobility Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and Chief, Policy Division, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau. Adopted: 07/31/2012 by ORDER. (DA No. 12-1236). PSHSB WTB DA-12-1236A1.doc DA-12-1236A1.pdf DA-12-1236A1.txt