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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 31 No. 151 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 August 06, 2012 |
FCC ACCELERATES DIGITAL CABLE ROLLOUT BY MOVING TO ELIMINATE UNNECESSARY REGULATORY BARRIERS. FCC proposes rules that will permit the industry to utilize their existing spectrum more efficiently while ensuring good quality signals for digital cable customers and will protect against digital signal leakage. News Release. Adopted: 08/03/2012. News Media Contact: Janice Wise at (202) 418-8165, email: Janice.Wise@fcc.gov MB . Contact Jeffrey Neumann at (202) 418-7000, email: Jeffrey.Neumann@fcc.gov DOC-315574A1.doc DOC-315574A1.pdf DOC-315574A1.txt FCC CONTINUES WIRELESS BACKHAUL REFORM. The FCC adopted measures promoting further deployment of mobile broadband service, continuing its reform of rules governing use of microwave frequencies for wireless backhaul as part of the FCC's Broadband Acceleration Initiative. News Release. (Dkt No 10-153 ). Adopted: 08/03/2012. News Media Contact: Cecilia Sulhoff at (202) 418-0587, email: Cecilia.Sulhoff@fcc.gov WTB . Contact John Schauble at (202) 418-0797, email: John.Schauble@fcc.gov, or Charles Oliver at (202) 418-1325, email: Charles.Oliver@fcc.gov DOC-315567A1.doc DOC-315567A1.pdf DOC-315567A1.txt Report No: 47795 Released: 08/06/2012. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB DOC-315586A1.pdf DOC-315586A2.txt Report No: 27795 Released: 08/06/2012. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB DOC-315584A1.pdf DOC-315584A2.txt Released: 08/06/2012. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILING IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSURE PROCEEDINGS RECEIVED ON 7/30/2012. OMD . Contact: Jason Lewis at (202) 418-0300 DOC-315582A1.pdf DOC-315582A1.txt EDITORIAL AMENDMENT OF LIST OF OMB APPROVED INFORMATION COLLECTION REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN PART 0 OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES. List of OMB approved information collections for the FCC. Action by: Managing Director. Adopted: 08/03/2012 by ORDER. (DA No. 12-1263). OMD DA-12-1263A1.doc DA-12-1263A2.doc DA-12-1263A1.pdf DA-12-1263A2.pdf DA-12-1263A1.txt DA-12-1263A2.txt FCC CHAIRMAN GENACHOWSKI APPOINTS CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR TO THE 2015 WORLD RADIOCOMMUNICATION CONFERENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE. News Release. News Media Contact: Neil Grace at (202) 418-0506, email: Neil.Grace@fcc.gov OCHJG DOC-315581A1.doc DOC-315581A1.pdf DOC-315581A1.txt STATEMENT FROM FCC CHAIRMAN JULIUS GENACHOWSKI ON THE U.S. SUBMISSION OF INITIAL INPUT INTO THE INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION'S WORLD CONFERENCE ON INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS. STMT. News Media Contact: Neil Grace at (202) 418-0506, email: Neil.Grace@fcc.gov OCHJG DOC-315583A1.doc DOC-315583A1.pdf DOC-315583A1.txt Released: 08/03/2012. PUBLIC SAFETY AND HOMELAND SECURITY BUREAU ANNOUNCES COMMENT AND REPLY COMMENT DATES FOR THE FIFTH FURTHER NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULEMAKING ON THE 4.9 GHZ BAND. (DA No. 12-1268). (Dkt No 06-229 07-100 06-150 ). Comments Due: 10/01/2012. Reply Comments Due: 10/30/2012. PSHSB . Contact: Thomas Eng at (202) 418-0019, email: Thomas.Eng@fcc.gov DA-12-1268A1.doc DA-12-1268A1.pdf DA-12-1268A1.txt Released: 08/03/2012. APPLICATIONS FILED FOR THE TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF WAVECOM SOLUTIONS CORPORATION TO HAWAIIAN TELCOM, INC. (DA No. 12-1264). (Dkt No 12-206 ) PLEADING CYCLE ESTABLISHED; Petitions Due: 09/04/2012. Comments Due: 09/04/2012. Reply Comments Due: 09/19/2012. WCB . Contact: Jodie May at (202) 418-0913, David Krech at (202) 418-7443, Wayne McKee at (202) 418-2355 or Linda Ray at (202) 418-0257 DA-12-1264A1.doc DA-12-1264A1.pdf DA-12-1264A1.txt Released: 08/03/2012. WIRELINE COMPETITION BUREAU SEEKS COMMENT ON CHILLICOTHE TELEPHONE COMPANY PETITION FOR WAIVER OF CONNECT AMERICA FUND INTERCARRIER COMPENSATION SUPPORT DEADLINE. (DA No. 12-1239). (Dkt No 10-90 01-92 96-45 ). Comments Due: 08/17/2012. Reply Comments Due: 08/24/2012. WCB . Contact: Christopher S. Koves at (202) 418-1520, email: Christopher.Koves@fcc.gov DA-12-1239A1.doc DA-12-1239A1.pdf DA-12-1239A1.txt Released: 08/03/2012. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU CONSOLIDATES REVIEW OF VERIZON WIRELESS - SPECTRUMCO - COX, VERIZON WIRELESS - LEAP WIRELESS, AND T-MOBILE - VERIZON WIRELESS TRANSACTIONS. (DA No. 12-1266). (Dkt No 12-4 12-175 ) The Bureau consolidates its review of the four sets of applications. WTB . Contact: Joel Taubenblatt at (202) 418-1513, Sandra Danner at (202) 418-0916, or Kathy Harris at (202) 418-0609 DA-12-1266A1.doc DA-12-1266A1.pdf DA-12-1266A1.txt TESLA EXPLORATION INC. Notified Tesla Exploration, Inc. of its Apparent Liability for Forfeiture in the amount of $66,000 for operating radio transmitting equipment without a license on eleven unauthorized frequencies. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 08/02/2012 by NALF. (FCC No. 12-88). EB FCC-12-88A1.doc FCC-12-88A1.pdf FCC-12-88A1.txt CABLE TELEVISION TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS. FCC Accelerates Digital Cable Rollout by Moving to Eliminate Unnecessary Regulatory Barriers. (Dkt No. 12-217 ). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 08/03/2012 by NPRM. (FCC No. 12-86). MB FCC-12-86A1.doc FCC-12-86A2.doc FCC-12-86A3.doc FCC-12-86A4.doc FCC-12-86A5.doc FCC-12-86A6.doc FCC-12-86A1.pdf FCC-12-86A2.pdf FCC-12-86A3.pdf FCC-12-86A4.pdf FCC-12-86A5.pdf FCC-12-86A6.pdf FCC-12-86A1.txt FCC-12-86A2.txt FCC-12-86A3.txt FCC-12-86A4.txt FCC-12-86A5.txt FCC-12-86A6.txt GEORGE S. FLINN, JR. V. COMCAST CABLE COMMUNICATIONS, LLC, ON BEHALF OF ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES. Granted the petition for special relief filed by Comcast Cable Communications, LLC. Denied the mandatory carriage complaint of George S. Flinn, Jr., licensee of commercial broadcast television station WFBD-DT, Destin, Florida. (Dkt No. 12-114 12-87 ). Action by: Senior Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 08/02/2012 by MO&O. (DA No. 12-1265). MB DA-12-1265A1.doc DA-12-1265A1.pdf DA-12-1265A1.txt THE COMMERCIAL MOBILE ALERT SYSTEM. Granted the petitions of MetroPCS, Element, Panhandle, CBW, Cricket, Clear Talk, and nTelos to the extent indicated. Denied the petitions of RCA and RTG. Denied without prejudice to refile the American Petition. Dismissed as moot the Cricket Petition. (Dkt No. 07-287 08-146 ). Action by: Chief, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau. Adopted: 08/03/2012 by ORDER. (DA No. 12-1267). PSHSB DA-12-1267A1.doc DA-12-1267A1.pdf DA-12-1267A1.txt BALTIMORE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS, TOWSON, MD, ET AL. Denied the requests for review and/or requests for waiver filed by the petitioners listed in Appendix A. Denied the petition for reconsideration. (Dkt No. 02-6 ). Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 08/03/2012 by ORDER. (DA No. 12-1261). WCB DA-12-1261A1.doc DA-12-1261A1.pdf DA-12-1261A1.txt AMENDMENT OF PART 101 OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES TO FACILITATE THE USE OF MICROWAVE FOR WIRELESS BACKHAUL AND OTHER USES AND TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL FLEXIBILITY TO BROADCAST AUXILIARY SERVICE AND OPERATIONAL FIXED MICROWAVE LICENSEES, ET AL. Adopted measures promoting further deployment of mobile broadband service, continuing its reform of rules governing use of microwave frequencies for wireless backhaul as part of the FCC's Broadband Acceleration Initiative. (Dkt No. RM-11602 10-153 ). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 08/03/2012 by R&O/NPRM. (FCC No. 12-87). WTB FCC-12-87A1.doc FCC-12-87A2.doc FCC-12-87A3.doc FCC-12-87A4.doc FCC-12-87A5.doc FCC-12-87A6.doc FCC-12-87A1.pdf FCC-12-87A2.pdf FCC-12-87A3.pdf FCC-12-87A4.pdf FCC-12-87A5.pdf FCC-12-87A6.pdf FCC-12-87A1.txt FCC-12-87A2.txt FCC-12-87A3.txt FCC-12-87A4.txt FCC-12-87A5.txt FCC-12-87A6.txt