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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 31 No. 222 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 November 20, 2012 |
Report No: 2969 Released: 11/20/2012. CONSUMER AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS BUREAU REFERENCE INFORMATION CENTER PETITION FOR RULEMAKING FILED. (Dkt No RM-11684 ). CGB DOC-317492A1.doc Released: 11/20/2012. EMERGENCY ACCESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENT OF DECEMBER 14, 2012 MEETING. (DA No. 12-1875). CGB . Contact: Cheryl King at (202) 418-2284, email: Cheryl.King@fcc.gov; Patrick Donovan at (202) 418-2413, email: Patrick.Donovan@fcc.gov; TTY: (202) 418-0416 DA-12-1875A1.doc DA-12-1875A1.pdf DA-12-1875A1.txt Report No: 47868 Released: 11/20/2012. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB DOC-317445A1.pdf DOC-317445A2.txt Report No: 27868 Released: 11/20/2012. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB DOC-317444A1.pdf DOC-317444A2.txt Released: 11/20/2012. FCC ANNOUNCES TECHNOLOGICAL ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING ON DECEMBER 10, 2012. (DA No. 12-1854). OET DA-12-1854A1.doc DA-12-1854A1.pdf DA-12-1854A1.txt Released: 11/20/2012. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILING IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSURE PROCEEDINGS RECEIVED ON 11/14/2012. OMD . Contact: Jason Lewis at (202) 418-0300 DOC-317486A1.pdf DOC-317486A1.txt WAUBONSEE COMMUNITY COLLEGE. Notified Waubonsee Community College of its Apparent Liability for Forfeiture in the amount of $13,000 for willful and repeated violations of Section 73.3526(e)(11)(iii) of the Commission's Rules. Action by: Chief, Video Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 11/19/2012 by NALF. (DA No. 12-1870). MB DA-12-1870A1.doc DA-12-1870A1.pdf DA-12-1870A1.txt REQUESTS FOR REVIEW OF DECISION OF THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATOR BY EUCLID CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT. Granted Euclid City School District's and Shannon County School District's E-rate appeals after finding that their vendor selection processes were consistent with the Commissions' competitive bidding policy goals. (Dkt No. 02-6 ). Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 11/20/2012 by ORDER. (DA No. 12-1843). WCB DA-12-1843A1.doc DA-12-1843A1.pdf DA-12-1843A1.txt REQUEST FOR WAIVER AND REVIEW OF A DECISION OF THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATOR BY CONNECTICUT EDUCATORS' NETWORK. Denied in part and granted in part appeal and request for waiver with regard to E-rate rules requiring consortiums to collect CIPA certification forms from consortium members and to file certification information. (Dkt No. 02-6 ). Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 11/20/2012 by ORDER. (DA No. 12-1790). WCB DA-12-1790A1.doc DA-12-1790A1.pdf DA-12-1790A1.txt Released: 11/19/2012. ERRATUM - WTB SEEKS COMMENT ON LL LICENSE HOLDINGS, LLC REQUEST FOR ONE ADDITIONAL YEAR TO MEET TRIBAL LANDS CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENT. (Dkt No 12-339 ) Issued an Erratum correcting Public Notice, DA 12-1862, released November 16, 2012. WTB DA-12-1862A1.docx DOC-317481A1.doc DOC-317481A1.pdf DOC-317481A1.txt REVISION OF THE COMMISSION'S PROGRAM ACCESS RULES. Extended Comment Date: December 14, 2012;
Extended Reply Comment Date: January 14, 2013. (Dkt No. 12-68 ). Action by: Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 11/19/2012 by ORDER. (DA No. 12-1871). MB DA-12-1871A1.doc DA-12-1871A1.pdf DA-12-1871A1.txt ACCESSIBLE EMERGENCY INFORMATION, AND APPARATUS REQUIREMENTS FOR EMERGENCY INFORMATION AND VIDEO DESCRIPTION: IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY COMMUNICATIONS AND VIDEO ACCESSIBILITY ACT OF 2010. Seeks comment on implementing provisions of the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 pertaining to accessible emergency information, and apparatus requirements for emergency information and video description. (Dkt No. 12-107 ). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 11/16/2012 by NPRM. (FCC No. 12-142). MB FCC-12-142A1.doc FCC-12-142A1.pdf FCC-12-142A1.txt AMENDMENT OF PARTS 1, 2, 15, 74, 78, 87, 90, AND 97 OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES REGARDING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FINAL ACTS OF THE WORLD RADIOCOMMUNICATION CONFERENCE (GENEVA, 2007) (WRC-07), OTHER ALLOCATION ISSUES, AND RELATED RULE UPDATES. Proposed to amend Parts 1, 2, 74, 78, 87, 90, and 97 of the Commission's rules to implement allocation decisions from the WRC-07 concerning portions of the radio frequency spectrum between 108 MHz and 20.2 GHz and to make certain updates to FCC rules. (Dkt No. 12-338 ). Action by: The Commission. Adopted: 11/15/2012 by NPRM. (FCC No. 12-140). OET FCC-12-140A1.doc FCC-12-140A1.pdf FCC-12-140A1.txt ERRATUM - CENTRAL TECHNOLOGY CENTER, DRUMRIGHT, OKLAHOMA, ET AL. Issued a Second Erratum correcting an Order, DA 12-732, released May 9, 2012. (Dkt No. 02-6 ). Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau by ERRATUM. (DA No. 12-1874). WCB DOC-317485A1.doc DOC-317485A1.pdf DOC-317485A1.txt CONNECT AMERICA FUND. Sought comment on two alternative approaches to advancing broadband objectives in price cap territories using the remaining 2012 Connect America Phase I funding. Proposed measures to strengthen oversight and transparency of Phase I incremental support. (Dkt No. 10-90 ). Action by: The Commission. Adopted: 11/14/2012 by FNPRM. (FCC No. 12-138). WCB FCC-12-138A1.doc FCC-12-138A1.pdf FCC-12-138A1.txt REQUESTS FOR REVIEW OF DECISIONS OF THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATOR BY BLOOM HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 206. Denied 8 requests for review of USAC decisions requiring E-Rate funding applicants to submit their requests to either the FCC or to USAC within 60 days. Also, addressed 2 petitions for reconsideration. (Dkt No. 02-6 ). Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 11/19/2012 by Order on Reconsideration. (DA No. 12-1820). WCB DA-12-1820A1.doc DA-12-1820A1.pdf DA-12-1820A1.txt