fcclogoDaily Digest

Federal Communications Commission
445 12th St., SW
Washington, D.C. 20554

Vol. 32 No. 202
News media information 202 / 418-0500
Internet: http://www.fcc.gov
TTY: 202/418-2555

November 04, 2013





FCC CHAIRMAN TOM WHEELER ANNOUNCES STAFF APPOINTMENTS. News Release. News Media Contact: Mark Wigfield at (202) 418-0253, email: Mark.Wigfield@fcc.gov OCHTW   DOC-323962A1.docx  DOC-323962A1.pdf  DOC-323962A1.txt  




Report No: TEL-01640NS Released: 11/04/2013. NON STREAMLINED INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS/PETITIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. IB . Contact: (202) 418-0270.  DOC-323849A1.pdf  DOC-323849A1.txt  

Report No: 48108 Released: 11/04/2013. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB   DOC-323855A1.pdf  DOC-323855A2.txt  

Report No: 28108 Released: 11/04/2013. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB   DOC-323853A1.pdf  DOC-323853A2.txt  

Released: 11/04/2013. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILING IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSURE PROCEEDINGS RECEIVED ON 10/29/2013. OMD . Contact: Jason Lewis at (202) 418-0300  DOC-323831A1.pdf  DOC-323831A1.txt  

Released: 11/04/2013. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILING IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSURE PROCEEDINGS RECEIVED ON 10/30/2013. OMD . Contact: Jason Lewis at (202) 418-0300  DOC-323832A1.pdf  DOC-323832A1.txt  

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ACTING FCC CHAIRWOMAN CLYBURN STATEMENT ON TAKING ACTION TO ADDRESS THE AGENCY'S SPORTS BLACKOUT RULES. STMT. News Media Contact: Justin Cole at (202) 418-0611, email: Justin.Cole@fcc.gov OCMC OCMC   DOC-323842A1.doc  DOC-323842A1.pdf  DOC-323842A1.txt  

FCC PROPOSES OVER $33 MILLION IN PENALTIES AGAINSTS THREE LIFELINE PROVIDERS THAT SOUGHT DUPLICATE PAYMENTS FOR INELIGIBLE SUBSCRIBERS. News Release. News Media Contact: Mark Wigfield at (202) 418-0253, email: Mark.Wigfield@fcc.gov EB   DOC-323852A1.docx  DOC-323852A1.pdf  DOC-323852A1.txt  




Report No: 2977 Released: 11/01/2013. CONSUMER & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS BUREAU REFERENCE INFORMATION CENTER PETITION FOR RULEMAKING FILED. (Dkt No RM-11697 ). CGB   DOC-323840A1.doc  DOC-323840A1.pdf  DOC-323840A1.txt  

Released: 11/01/2013. THE OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANNOUNCES MARKET FOR CRITICAL INFORMATION NEEDS RESEARCH FIELD TEST. (DA No. 13-2126). (Dkt No 12-30 ) The FCC's Office of Communications Business Opportunities has selected Columbia, South Carolina to field-test the Research Design for its Multi-Market Study of Critical Information Needs. OCBO . Contact: Daniel Margolis at (202) 418-1377, email: Daniel.Margolis@fcc.gov  DA-13-2126A1.docx  DA-13-2126A1.pdf  DA-13-2126A1.txt  

Released: 11/01/2013. ERRATUM - OET PETITION FOR DECLARATORY RULING FILED. (Dkt No 13-259 ) Issued an Erratum correcting Public Notice, DA 13-2113, released October 31, 2013. OET   DA-13-2113A1.docx  DOC-323836A1.docx  DOC-323836A1.pdf  DOC-323836A1.txt  

Report No: AUC-95 (Auction 95) Released: 11/01/2013. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU GRANTS LOWER AND UPPER PAGING BAND LICENSES. (DA No. 13-2109). WTB   DA-13-2109A1.pdf  DA-13-2109A1.txt  

Released: 11/01/2013. COMMISSION SEEKS COMMENT ON LICENSING MODELS AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS IN THE 3550-3650 MHZ BAND. (Dkt No 12-354 ). Comments Due: 12/05/2013. Reply Comments Due: 12/20/2013. (FCC No. 13-144). WTB . Contact: Paul Powell at (202) 418-1613; email: Paul.Powell@fcc.gov. Action by: the Commission  FCC-13-144A1.docx  FCC-13-144A1.pdf  FCC-13-144A1.txt  

Released: 11/01/2013. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND WIRELINE COMPETITION BUREAUS SEEK COMMENT ON NTUA WIRELESS, LLC'S PETITION FOR FORBEARANCE FROM ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER SERVICE AREA REQUIREMENT. (DA No. 13-2111). (Dkt No 10-208 09-197 ). Comments Due: 11/15/2013. Reply Comments Due: 11/22/2013. WCB WTB . Contact: Sayuri Rajapakse at (202) 418-0660  DA-13-2111A1.docx  DA-13-2111A1.pdf  DA-13-2111A1.txt  




CONEXIONS, LLC. FCC Releases an NAL Addressing Apparent Violations of the Lifeline Rules and Violations of Enforcement Bureau Directive To Respond to Letter of Inquiry. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 11/01/2013 by NALF. (FCC No. 13-145). EB   FCC-13-145A1.doc  FCC-13-145A1.pdf  FCC-13-145A1.txt  

I-WIRELESS, LLC. FCC Released an NAL Addressing Apparent Violations of the Lifeline Rules. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 11/01/2013 by NALF. (FCC No. 13-148). EB   FCC-13-148A1.docx  FCC-13-148A1.pdf  FCC-13-148A1.txt  

TRUE WIRELESS, LLC. FCC Releases an NAL Addressing Apparent Violations of the Lifeline Rules. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 11/01/2013 by NALF. (FCC No. 13-149). EB   FCC-13-149A1.docx  FCC-13-149A1.pdf  FCC-13-149A1.txt  

RICHFIELD ELECTRONICS (CHINA) LTD. Issued a monetary forfeiture in the amount of $18,000 for equipment marketing violations. Action by: Acting Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 11/01/2013 by Forfeiture Order. (DA No. 13-2122). EB   DA-13-2122A1.docx  DA-13-2122A1.pdf  DA-13-2122A1.txt  

TERRESTRIAL USE OF THE 2473-2495 MHZ BAND FOR LOW-POWER MOBILE BROADBAND NETWORKS; AMENDMENTS TO RULES FOR THE ANCILLARY TERRESTRIAL COMPONENT OF MOBILE SATELLITE SERVICE SYSTEMS. Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to enable operation of a terrestrial broadband network in certain licensed mobile satellite service spectrum. (Dkt No. 13-213 RM-11685 ). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 11/01/2013 by NPRM. (FCC No. 13-147). IB OET WTB   FCC-13-147A1.docx  FCC-13-147A1.pdf  FCC-13-147A1.txt  

IMPLEMENTATION OF THE COMMERCIAL ADVERTISEMENT LOUDNESS MITIGATION (CALM) ACT. Propose to incorporate into the rules the ATSC "successor" document to its July 25, 2011 A/85:2011 Recommended Practice and seeks comment on an appropriate implementation deadline. Order allows parties to follow the Successor RP immediately. (Dkt No. 11-93 ). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 10/31/2013 by ORDER. (FCC No. 13-141). MB   FCC-13-141A1.docx  FCC-13-141A2.docx  FCC-13-141A1.pdf  FCC-13-141A2.pdf  FCC-13-141A1.txt  FCC-13-141A2.txt  

WILLIAM J. KIRSCH ON REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION OF RECORDS. Denied reconsideration of prior FOIA and Privacy Applications for Review and dismissed in part and denied in part additional FOIA applications for review. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 11/01/2013 by Order on Reconsideration. (FCC No. 13-143). OGC   FCC-13-143A1.docx  FCC-13-143A1.pdf  FCC-13-143A1.txt  

ERRATUM - PROMOTING INTEROPERABILITY IN THE 700 MHZ COMMERCIAL SPECTRUM; REQUESTS FOR WAIVER AND EXTENSION OF LOWER 700 MHZ BAND INTERIM CONSTRUCTION BENCHMARK DEADLINES. Issued an Erratum correcting a Report and Order and Order of Proposed Modification, FCC 13-136, released October 29, 2013. (Dkt No. 12-332 12-69 ). Action by: Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau by ERRATUM. WTB   FCC-13-136A1.docx  FCC-13-136A2.docx  FCC-13-136A3.docx  DOC-323846A1.docx  DOC-323846A1.pdf  DOC-323846A1.txt  

TOLL FREE SERVICE ACCESS CODES PETITION TO CHANGE THE COMPOSITION OF SMS/800, INC. Approved SMS/800, Inc. request to assume tariffing authority and responsibility for SMS services, to change its membership and governance structure, and to make other changes to the administration of the SMS. (Dkt No. 95-155 12-260 ). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 11/01/2013 by ORDER. (FCC No. 13-146). WCB   FCC-13-146A1.docx  FCC-13-146A2.docx  FCC-13-146A3.docx  FCC-13-146A1.pdf  FCC-13-146A2.pdf  FCC-13-146A3.pdf  FCC-13-146A1.txt  FCC-13-146A2.txt  FCC-13-146A3.txt  

PETITION OF TIME WARNER CABLE INC. PURSUANT TO SECTION 252(E)(5) OF THE COMMUNICATIONS ACT FOR PREEMPTION OF THE JURISDICTION OF THE NCREA REGARDING ARBITRATION OF AN INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT WITH STAR TELEPHONE MEMBERSHIP CORPORATION. Granted Time Warner Cable's section 252(e)(5) Petition for Preemption of the jurisdiction of the North Carolina Rural Electrification Authority (NCREA) regarding arbitration with Star Telephone Membership Corporation. (Dkt No. 13-204 ). Action by: Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 11/01/2013 by MO&O. (DA No. 13-2117). WCB   DA-13-2117A1.docx  DA-13-2117A1.pdf  DA-13-2117A1.txt