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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 33 No. 35 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 February 25, 2014 |
FCC RECOGNIZES NATIONAL CONSUMER PROTECTION WEEK WITH CONSUMER INFORMATION EXPO. News Release. News Media Contact: Mike Snyder at (202) 418-0997, email: Michael.Snyder@fcc.gov CGB . Contact Celeste McCray at (202) 418-2117, email: Celeste.McCray@fcc.gov DOC-325761A1.docx DOC-325761A1.pdf DOC-325761A1.txt Report No: 48183 Released: 02/25/2014. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB DOC-325734A1.pdf DOC-325734A2.txt Report No: 28183 Released: 02/25/2014. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB DOC-325732A1.pdf DOC-325732A2.txt Released: 02/25/2014. REGION 21 (MICHIGAN) PUBLIC SAFETY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEES TO HOLD 700 MHZ AND 800 MHZ NPSPAC MEETINGS. (DA No. 14-252). (Dkt No 90-221 ). PSHSB DA-14-252A1.docx DA-14-252A1.pdf DA-14-252A1.txt LETTER TO KAREN MAJCHER, USAC RE; TULAROSA BASIN AND SOUTHWEST TEXAS ELIGIBLE RECOVERY CORRECTION. Directed USAC to reallocate reciprocal compensation revenue to Tularosa Basin Telephone Company, Inc. to correct a data submission error. (Dkt No. 10-92 01-92 ). Action by: Associate Bureau Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 02/25/2014 by LETTER. (DA No. 14-240). WCB DA-14-240A1.docx DA-14-240A1.pdf DA-14-240A1.txt Report No: 3000 Released: 02/24/2014. CONSUMER & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS BUREAU REFERENCE INFORMATION CENTER PETITION FOR RULEMAKING FILED. (Dkt No 03-123 RM-11713 ). CGB DOC-325744A1.doc DOC-325744A1.pdf DOC-325744A1.txt Released: 02/24/2014. CONSUMER AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS BUREAU CLARIFIES APPLICATION OF INTERNET PROTOCOL CAPTIONED TELEPHONE SERVICE (IP CTS) RULES ON USER REGISTRATION AND CERTIFICATION. (DA No. 14-251). (Dkt No 03-123 13-0024 ). CGB . Contact: Robert Aldrich at (202) 418-0996, email: Robert.Aldrich@fcc.gov DA-14-251A1.doc DA-14-251A1.pdf DA-14-251A1.txt Released: 02/24/2014. WIRELINE COMPETITION BUREAU DISMISSES FOUR PETITIONS FOR WAIVER OF VARIOUS HIGH-COST UNIVERSAL SERVICE FILING DEADLINES. (DA No. 14-248). (Dkt No 08-71 96-45 ). WCB . Contact: Christopher Cook or Abdel Eqab at (202) 418-7400, TTY: (202) 418-0484 DA-14-248A1.doc DA-14-248A1.pdf DA-14-248A1.txt PREPARED REMARKS OF FCC CHAIRMAN TOM WHEELER, GSMA MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS. OCHTW . Barcelona, Spain DOC-325751A1.docx DOC-325751A1.pdf DOC-325751A1.txt COMMISSIONER MIGNON L. CLYBURN, HEALTH IT AND RURAL HEALTHCARE: EMBRACING OPPORTUNITIES AND OVERCOMING CHALLENGES, HIMSS PRE-CONFERENCE SYMPOSIUM, ORLANDO, FLORIDA, FEBRUARY 23, 2014. OCMC DOC-325741A1.docx DOC-325741A1.pdf DOC-325741A1.txt CLOSED CAPTIONING OF VIDEO PROGRAMMING; TELECOMMUNICATIONS FOR THE DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING, INC. Adopted captioning quality standards and technical compliance rules to ensure that video programming is fully accessible to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing through the provision of closed captioning. by R&O, DECLARATORY RULING. (Dkt No. 05-231 ). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 02/20/2014 by R&O. (FCC No. 14-12). CGB FCC-14-12A1.doc FCC-14-12A2.docx FCC-14-12A3.docx FCC-14-12A4.docx FCC-14-12A5.docx FCC-14-12A6.docx FCC-14-12A1.pdf FCC-14-12A2.pdf FCC-14-12A3.pdf FCC-14-12A4.pdf FCC-14-12A5.pdf FCC-14-12A6.pdf FCC-14-12A1.txt FCC-14-12A2.txt FCC-14-12A3.txt FCC-14-12A4.txt FCC-14-12A5.txt FCC-14-12A6.txt BRYAN J. CAHOON. Notified Bryan J. Cahoon of his suspension from participating in the E-Rate program effective upon the earlier receipt of the suspension notice or publication in the Federal Register. Action by: Chief, Investigations and Hearings Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 02/24/2014 by LETTER. (DA No. 14-249). EB DA-14-249A1.docx DA-14-249A1.pdf DA-14-249A1.txt SCOTT MALCOLM; DSM SUPPLY, LLC; SOMATICARE, LLC. Notified Scott Malcolm of their joint Apparent Liability for Forfeiture in the amount of $1.8M for delivering 115 unsolicited advertisements, or junk faxes, to the telephone facsimile machines of 26 consumers. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 02/24/2014 by NAL. (FCC No. 14-17). EB FCC-14-17A1.docx FCC-14-17A1.pdf FCC-14-17A1.txt REQUESTS FOR WAIVER AND REVIEW OF DECISIONS OF THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATOR BY BOSTON RENAISSANCE SCHOOL, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS ET AL. Granted requests of 17 applicants, and denied requests of 17 applicants, seeking review of USAC decisions, and dismissed two petitions for reconsideration of Wireline Competition Bureau orders, under the E-rate program. by ORDER. (Dkt No. 02-6 ). Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 02/24/2014 by Order on Reconsideration. (DA No. 14-250). WCB DA-14-250A1.doc DA-14-250A1.pdf DA-14-250A1.txt