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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 33 No. 46 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 March 13, 2014 |
Report No: 48195 Released: 03/13/2014. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB DOC-326012A1.pdf DOC-326012A2.txt Report No: 28195 Released: 03/13/2014. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB DOC-326010A1.pdf DOC-326010A2.txt Released: 03/13/2014. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILING IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSURE PROCEEDINGS RECEIVED ON 3/7/2014. OMD . Contact: Jason Lewis at (202) 418-0300 DOC-326034A1.pdf DOC-326034A1.txt SCI CABLE, INC. Determined that no forfeiture be imposed on SCI Cable, Inc. Action by: Regional Director, South Central Region, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 03/13/2014 by ORDER. (DA No. 14-338). EB DA-14-338A1.doc DA-14-338A1.pdf DA-14-338A1.txt LONG LINES WIRELESS, LLC. Notified Long Lines Wireless, LLC of its Apparent Liability for Forfeiture in the amount of $6,000 for violating the digital wireless handset hearing aid compatibility status report filing requirements. Action by: Chief, Spectrum Enforcement Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 03/13/2014 by NAL. (DA No. 14-346). EB DA-14-346A1.docx DA-14-346A1.pdf DA-14-346A1.txt STATEMENT OF FCC COMMISSIONER AJIT PAI ON THE MEDIA BUREAU'S NEW GUIDANCE ON SHARING ARRANGEMENTS AND CONTINGENT INTERESTS. STMT. News Media Contact: Matthew Berry at (202) 418-2005, email: Matthew.Berry@fcc.gov OCAP DOC-326037A1.docx DOC-326037A1.pdf DOC-326037A1.txt STATEMENT OF COMMISSIONER MICHAEL O'RIELLY ON THE MEDIA BUREAU'S NEW GUIDANCE ON SHARING ARRANGEMENTS AND CONTINGENT INTERESTS. STMT OCMO . Contact Courtney Reinhard at (202) 418-2013, email: Courtney Reinhard@fcc.gov DOC-326036A1.docx DOC-326036A1.pdf DOC-326036A1.txt STATEMENT OF WILLIAM LAKE, CHIEF, MEDIA BUREAU ON PROCESSING GUIDANCE FOR FUTURE PROPOSED BROADCAST TV TRANSACTIONS. STMT. News Media Contact: Janice Wise at (202) 418-8165; email: Janice.Wise@fcc.gov MB DOC-326032A1.docx DOC-326032A1.pdf DOC-326032A1.txt FCC RELEASES QUARTERLY REPORT OF CONSUMER INQUIRIES AND INFORMAL COMPLAINTS FOR 4TH QUARTER OF 2013. News Release CGB . Contact Mike Snyder at (202) 418-0997, email: Michael.Snyder@fcc.gov DOC-326031A1.docx DOC-326031A2.doc DOC-326031A3.pdf DOC-326031A4.pdf DOC-326031A1.pdf DOC-326031A2.pdf DOC-326031A1.txt DOC-326031A2.txt DOC-326031A3.txt DOC-326031A4.txt Released: 03/12/2014. FCC SEEKS NOMINATIONS FOR TRIBAL GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVES TO SERVE ON THE FCC-NATIVE NATIONS BROADBAND TASK FORCE. (DA No. 14-342). CGB . Contact: Robert Finley at (202) 418-7835, email: Robert.Finley@fcc.gov, TTY: 1-800-835-5322 DA-14-342A1.docx DA-14-342A1.pdf DA-14-342A1.txt Released: 03/12/2014. PROCESSING OF BROADCAST TELEVISION APPLICATIONS PROPOSING SHARING ARRANGEMENTS AND CONTINGENT INTERESTS. (DA No. 14-330). MB . Contact: David Brown at (202) 418-1645, email: David.Brown@fcc.gov. News Media Contact: Janice Wise at (202) 418-8165, email: Janice.Wise@fcc.gov; (202) 418-8165. Action by: Chief, Video Division, Media Bureau DA-14-330A1.doc DA-14-330A1.pdf DA-14-330A1.txt Released: 03/12/2014. PROPOSED SECOND QUARTER 2013 CONTRIBUTION FACTOR IS 16.6 PERCENT. (DA No. 14-337). (Dkt No 96-45 ) Managing Director announces proposed universal service contribution factor for the second quarter of 2014 will be 0.166 or 16.6 percent. OMD . Contact: Kim Yee at (202) 418-0805, TTY: (202) 418-0484 DA-14-337A1.doc DA-14-337A1.pdf DA-14-337A1.txt Released: 03/12/2014. WIRELINE COMPETITION BUREAU SEEKS COMMENT ON COAXIAL CABLE TELEVISION CORPORATION'S REQUEST FOR REVIEW OF A DECISION BY THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIVE COMPANY. (DA No. 14-343). (Dkt No 06-122 ). Comments Due: 04/11/2014. Reply Comments Due: 04/28/2014. WCB . Contact: Carol Pomponio at (202) 418-7400, email: Carol.Pomponio@fcc.gov. TTY: (202) 418-0484 DA-14-343A1.doc DA-14-343A1.pdf DA-14-343A1.txt REQUESTS FOR WAIVER AND REVIEW OF DECISIONS OF THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATOR BY BOULEVARD NURSERY SCHOOL, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK ET AL. Granted three and denied nine requests for waiver and review of Universal Service Administrative Company decisions under the E-rate program. (Dkt No. 02-6 ). Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 03/12/2014 by ORDER. (DA No. 14-345). WCB DA-14-345A1.doc DA-14-345A1.pdf DA-14-345A1.txt REQUESTS FOR REVIEW OF DECISIONS OF THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATOR BY CENTRAL ISLIP UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT, CENTRAL ISLIP, NY ET AL. Granted two requests for review of Universal Service Administrative Company decisions under the E-rate program. (Dkt No. 02-6 ). Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 03/12/2014 by ORDER. (DA No. 14-344). WCB DA-14-344A1.doc DA-14-344A1.pdf DA-14-344A1.txt