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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 33 No. 53 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 March 25, 2014 |
Report No: 48203 Released: 03/25/2014. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB DOC-326188A1.pdf DOC-326188A2.txt Report No: 28203 Released: 03/25/2014. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB DOC-326187A1.pdf DOC-326187A2.txt Released: 03/25/2014. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILING IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSURE PROCEEDINGS RECEIVED ON 3/19/2014. OMD . Contact: Jason Lewis at (202) 418-0300 DOC-326218A1.pdf DOC-326218A1.txt AMENDMENT OF THE SCHEDULE OF APPLICATION FEES SET FORTH IN SECTIONS 1.1102 THROUGH 1.1109 OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES. Application fees are revised to reflect new rates based on CPI Index. (Dkt No. 86-285 ). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 03/24/2014 by ORDER. (FCC No. 14-24). OMD FCC-14-24A1.docx FCC-14-24A1.pdf FCC-14-24A1.txt FCC TO HOLD OPEN COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 31, 2014 DOC-326220A1.docx DOC-326220A1.pdf DOC-326220A1.txt PREPARED REMARKS OF FCC CHAIRMAN TOM WHEELER, "WIRELESS SPECTRUM AND THE FUTURE OF TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION" FORUM, THE BROOKINGS INSTITUTION. OCHTW . WASHINGTON, D.C. DOC-326215A1.docx DOC-326215A1.pdf DOC-326215A1.txt REMARKS OF COMMISSIONER AJIT PAI AT THE 9-1-1 GOES TO WASHINGTON CONFERENCE, ARLINGTON, VA. OCAP DOC-326214A1.docx DOC-326214A2.docx DOC-326214A1.pdf DOC-326214A2.pdf DOC-326214A1.txt DOC-326214A2.txt ENTERTAINMENT MEDIA TRUST, DENNIS J. WATKINS. Issued a monetary forfeiture in the amount of $8,500 to Entertainment Media Trust, Dennis J. Watkins, for failure to make available complete public inspection files for Stations WQQX and WQQW. Action by: Regional Director, Northeast Region, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 03/24/2014 by Forfeiture Order. (DA No. 14-392). EB DA-14-392A1.doc DA-14-392A1.pdf DA-14-392A1.txt WIRELINE COMPETITION BUREAU UNIVERSAL SERVICE IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS REPORT. Provided a summary of the actions the Commission and the Wireline Competition Bureau have taken to implement the universal service and intercarrier compensation reforms adopted in 2011 and information about the impact of those reforms. (Dkt No. 10-90 ). Action by: Wireline Competition Bureau by REPORT. WCB DOC-326217A1.pdf DOC-326217A1.txt REQUEST FOR REVIEW OF A DECISION OF THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATOR BY DULCES SCHOOL DISTRICT, ET AL. Granted two requests for review of Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) decisions under the E-rate program. (Dkt No. 02-6 ). Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 03/24/2014 by ORDER. (DA No. 14-400). WCB DA-14-400A1.docx DA-14-400A1.pdf DA-14-400A1.txt REQUESTS FOR REVIEW OF DECISIONS OF THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATOR BY BY BEAUFORT COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT ET AL.. Granted four requests for review of Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) decisions under the E-rate program. (Dkt No. 02-6 ). Action by: Division Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 03/24/2014 by ORDER. (DA No. 14-401). WCB DA-14-401A1.docx DA-14-401A1.pdf DA-14-401A1.txt