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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 33 No. 58 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 April 01, 2014 |
FCC TAKES ACTION TO IMPROVE RETRANSMISSION CONSENT PROCESS. New rule will help curtail a practice that has put upward pressure on cable costs. News Release. Adopted: 03/31/2014. News Media Contact: Janice Wise at (202) 418-8165, email: Janice.Wise@fcc.gov MB . Contact Raelynn Remy at (202) 418-2120, email: Raelynn.Remy@fcc.gov, Diana Sokolow at (202) 418-2120, email: Diana.Sokolow@fcc.gov or Kathy Berthot at (202) 418-2120, email: Kathy.Berthot@fcc.gov DOC-326347A1.docx DOC-326347A2.docx DOC-326347A3.docx DOC-326347A4.docx DOC-326347A5.docx DOC-326347A6.docx DOC-326347A1.pdf DOC-326347A2.pdf DOC-326347A3.pdf DOC-326347A4.pdf DOC-326347A5.pdf DOC-326347A6.pdf DOC-326347A1.txt DOC-326347A2.txt DOC-326347A3.txt DOC-326347A4.txt DOC-326347A5.txt DOC-326347A6.txt FCC ADOPTS TV JSA ATTRIBUTION RULES, BEGINS 2014 MEDIA OWNERSHIP QUADRENNIAL REVIEW, AND PROPOSES BENEFITS FOR SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS. Actions Will Help Protect Consumers and Preserve Local Broadcasting. News Release. Adopted: 03/31/2014. News Media Contact: Janice Wise at (202) 418-8165, email: Janice.Wise@fcc.gov MB . Contact Hillary DeNigro or Brendan Holland at (202) 418-2330 DOC-326350A1.docx DOC-326350A1.pdf DOC-326350A1.txt FCC INCREASES AVAILABILITY OF SPECTRUM FOR HIGH-SPEED, HIGH-CAPACITY WI-FI AND OTHER UNLICENSED USES IN THE 5 GHZ BAND. The FCC provided for accelerated growth and expansion of new Wi-Fi technology that can offer faster speeds of one gigabit per second or more, increase overall capacity, and reduce congestion at Wi-Fi hot spots. News Release. Adopted: 03/31/2014. News Media Contact: Bruce Romano at (202) 418-2124, email: Bruce.Romano@fcc.gov OET . Contact Mark Settle at (202) 418-2470, email: Mark.Settle@fcc.gov or Aole Wilkins at (202) 418-2406, email: Aole.Wilkins@fcc.gov DOC-326341A1.docx DOC-326341A2.docx DOC-326341A3.docx DOC-326341A4.docx DOC-326341A5.docx DOC-326341A6.docx DOC-326341A7.docx DOC-326341A1.pdf DOC-326341A2.pdf DOC-326341A3.pdf DOC-326341A4.pdf DOC-326341A5.pdf DOC-326341A6.pdf DOC-326341A7.pdf DOC-326341A1.txt DOC-326341A2.txt DOC-326341A3.txt DOC-326341A4.txt DOC-326341A5.txt DOC-326341A6.txt DOC-326341A7.txt FCC SETS STAGE FOR AUCTION OF 65 MHZ OF SPECTRUM FOR MOBILE BROADBAND; LARGEST AMOUNT OF SPECTRUM MADE AVAILABLE IN SIX YEARS. The Commission adopted a Report and Order that advances ongoing efforts to make more spectrum available for flexible use wireless services, including mobile broadband. News Release. (Dkt No 13-185 ). Adopted: 03/31/2014. News Media Contact: Cecilia Sulhoff at (202) 418-0587, email: Cecilia.Sulhoff@fcc.gov WTB OET DOC-326344A1.docx DOC-326344A2.docx DOC-326344A3.docx DOC-326344A4.docx DOC-326344A5.docx DOC-326344A6.docx DOC-326344A1.pdf DOC-326344A2.pdf DOC-326344A3.pdf DOC-326344A4.pdf DOC-326344A5.pdf DOC-326344A6.pdf DOC-326344A1.txt DOC-326344A2.txt DOC-326344A3.txt DOC-326344A4.txt DOC-326344A5.txt DOC-326344A6.txt Report No: 48208 Released: 04/01/2014. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB DOC-326319A1.pdf DOC-326319A2.txt Report No: 28208 Released: 04/01/2014. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB DOC-326318A1.pdf DOC-326318A2.txt Released: 04/01/2014. OCTOBER 2012 EDITION OF TITLE 47 OF THE CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS IS AVAILABLE. OMD . Contact: Sandy Daly at (202) 418-0310 DOC-326377A1.doc DOC-326377A1.pdf DOC-326377A1.txt Report No: NCD-2335 Released: 04/01/2014. WIRELINE COMPETITION BUREAU SHORT TERM NETWORK CHANGE NOTIFICATION FILED BY TELEPHONE OPERATING COMPANY OF VERMONT LLC D/B/A FAIRPOINT COMMUNICATIONS. WCB . Contact: Carmell Weathers at (202) 418-2325, email: Carmell.Weathers@fcc.gov, TTY: (202) 418-0484 DOC-326361A1.docx DOC-326361A2.pdf DOC-326361A1.pdf DOC-326361A1.txt DOC-326361A2.txt Report No: AUC-96 Released: 04/01/2014. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU ANNOUNCES THAT APPLICATION FOR H BLOCK (1915-1920 MHZ AND 1995-2000 MHZ) LICENSES IS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. (DA No. 14-432). WTB . Contact: David Hu at (202) 418-7120, email: David.Hu@fcc.gov or Matthew Pearl at (202) 418-2607, email: Matthew.Pearl@fcc.gov; ULS Licensing Support Hotline at (877) 480-3201, or Ruth Taylor at (717) 338-2658 DA-14-432A1.docx DA-14-432A2.pdf DA-14-432A1.pdf DA-14-432A1.txt DA-14-432A2.txt SPACE DATA SPECTRUM HOLDINGS, LLC. Granted Space Data's Request for Extension of its tribal land bidding credit construction deadline for AWS Station WQIA880, and its request for waiver of 47 C.F.R. Section 1.2110(f)(3)(viii). Action by: Deputy Chief, Broadband Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 03/31/2014 by MO&O. (DA No. 14-437). WTB DA-14-437A1.docx DA-14-437A1.pdf DA-14-437A1.txt Released: 03/31/2014. RADIO LICENSE EXPIRATIONS. (DA No. 14-435) The Bureau issues Public Notice of licenses expiring April 1, 2014, for radio stations that failed to file renewal applications: WALE(AM), W259AB, WWTA(FM), WNEK-FM. MB DA-14-435A1.docx DA-14-435A1.pdf DA-14-435A1.txt Released: 03/31/2014. COMMENTS INVITED ON APPLICATION OF TW TELECOM OF ALABAMA LLC TO DISCONTINUE DOMESTIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES. (DA No. 14-438). (Dkt No 14-47 ). Comments Due: 04/15/2014. WCB . Contact: Carmell Weathers at (202) 418-2325, email: Carmell.Weathers@fcc.gov or Kimberly Jackson at (202) 418-7393, email: Kimberly.Jackson@fcc.gov, TTY: (202) 418-0484 DA-14-438A1.docx DA-14-438A1.pdf DA-14-438A1.txt Released: 03/31/2014. COMMENTS INVITED ON APPLICATION OF TW TELECOM OF ALABAMA LLC TO DISCONTINUE DOMESTIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES. (DA No. 14-439). (Dkt No 14-49 ). Comments Due: 04/15/2014. WCB . Contact: Carmell Weathers at (202) 418-2325, email: Carmell.Weathers@fcc.gov or Rodney McDonald at (202) 418-7513, email: Rodney.McDonald@fcc.gov, TTY: (202) 418-0484 DA-14-439A1.doc DA-14-439A1.pdf DA-14-439A1.txt LUBBOCK AERO. Denied Lubbock Aero's Petition for Reconsideration. Affirmed the Forfeiture Order. Action by: Senior Deputy Chief, Spectrum Enforcement Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 03/31/2014 by MO&O. (DA No. 14-427). EB DA-14-427A1.docx DA-14-427A1.pdf DA-14-427A1.txt AIRTAP COMMUNICATIONS, LLC. Dismissed AIRTAP's application, without prejudice to re-filing. Action by: Chief, Systems Analysis Branch, Satellite Division, International Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 14-430). IB DA-14-430A1.doc DA-14-430A1.pdf DA-14-430A1.txt WTRI HOLDING, LLC, STATION WTRI(AM), BRUNSWICK, MARYLAND. Issued a Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture in the amount of $5,000 to WTRI Holding, LLC, for unauthorized discontinuation of operations of Station WTRI(AM), Brunswick, Maryland. by MO&O. Action by: Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 03/28/2014 by NALF. (DA No. 14-431). MB DA-14-431A1.doc DA-14-431A1.pdf DA-14-431A1.txt NEW RUSHMORE RADIO, INC./DUHAMEL BROADCASTING ENTERPRISES. Granted applications to assign KOTA-TV, Rapid City, SD and associated licenses from Duhamel Broadcasting Enterprises to New Rushmore Radio, Inc., conditioned upon compliance with the 47 C.F.R. Section 73.3555(c) within 60 days of release date. Action by: Chief, Video Division, Media Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 14-436). MB DA-14-436A1.doc DA-14-436A1.pdf DA-14-436A1.txt AMENDMENT OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES RELATED TO RETRANSMISSION CONSENT. Revised retransmission consent rules to prohibit competing Top 4 television stations from jointly negotiating retransmission consent agreements and seeks comment on whether to eliminate or modify network non-duplication and syndicated exclusivity rules. (Dkt No. 10-71 ). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 03/31/2014 by R&O/NPRM. (FCC No. 14-29). MB FCC-14-29A1.docx FCC-14-29A2.docx FCC-14-29A3.docx FCC-14-29A4.docx FCC-14-29A5.docx FCC-14-29A6.docx FCC-14-29A1.pdf FCC-14-29A2.pdf FCC-14-29A3.pdf FCC-14-29A4.pdf FCC-14-29A5.pdf FCC-14-29A6.pdf FCC-14-29A1.txt FCC-14-29A2.txt FCC-14-29A3.txt FCC-14-29A4.txt FCC-14-29A5.txt FCC-14-29A6.txt CONNECT AMERICA FUND/DEVELOPING A UNIFIED INTERCARRIER COMPENSATION REGIME. Clarified and corrected certain rules relating to the implementation of the intercarrier compensation (ICC) transition adopted in the 2011 USF/ICC Transformation Order. (Dkt No. 01-92 10-90 ). Action by: Associate Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 03/31/2014 by ORDER. (DA No. 14-434). WCB DA-14-434A1.docx DA-14-434A1.pdf DA-14-434A1.txt AMENDMENT OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES WITH REGARD TO COMMERCIAL OPERATIONS IN THE 1695-1710 MHZ, 1755-1780 MHZ, AND 2155-2180 MHZ BANDS. FCC Adopted Report and Order for Service, Licensing, and Technical Rules for the AWS-3 Bands. (Dkt No. 13-185 ). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 03/31/2014 by R&O. (FCC No. 14-31). WTB FCC-14-31A1.docx FCC-14-31A2.docx FCC-14-31A3.docx FCC-14-31A4.docx FCC-14-31A5.docx FCC-14-31A6.docx FCC-14-31A1.pdf FCC-14-31A2.pdf FCC-14-31A3.pdf FCC-14-31A4.pdf FCC-14-31A5.pdf FCC-14-31A6.pdf FCC-14-31A1.txt FCC-14-31A2.txt FCC-14-31A3.txt FCC-14-31A4.txt FCC-14-31A5.txt FCC-14-31A6.txt