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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 33 No. 159 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 August 22, 2014 |
Report No: SAT-01038 Released: 08/22/2014. POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION. (DA No. 14-1217) Actions Taken. IB . Contact: (202) 418-0719, TTY: (202) 418-2555 DA-14-1217A1.pdf DA-14-1217A1.txt Report No: SAT-01037 Released: 08/22/2014. POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION Satellite Space Applications Accepted for Filing. IB . Contact: (202) 418-0719, TTY: (202) 418-2555 DOC-328964A1.pdf DOC-328964A1.txt Report No: 48309 Released: 08/22/2014. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB DOC-328934A1.pdf DOC-328934A2.txt Report No: 28309 Released: 08/22/2014. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB DOC-328933A1.pdf DOC-328933A2.txt Released: 08/22/2014. NOTICE OF DOMESTIC SECTION 214 AUTHORIZATION GRANTED. (DA No. 14-1224). (Dkt No 14-110 ). WCB . Contact: Myrva Charles at (202) 418-1506 or Dennis Johnson at (202) 418-0809 DA-14-1224A1.docx DA-14-1224A1.pdf DA-14-1224A1.txt Released: 08/22/2014. TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG. WCB . Contact: (202) 418-0270 DOC-328968A1.pdf DOC-328968A1.txt TOMMIE SALTER. Notified Tommie Salter of this Apparent Liability for Forfeiture in the amount of $14,000 for refusing to allow an inspection of his CB station. Action by: District Director, Tampa Office, South Central Region, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 08/22/2014 by NAL. (DA No. 14-1213). EB DA-14-1213A1.docx DA-14-1213A1.pdf DA-14-1213A1.txt JEANNINE M. MASON. Declined to impose a forfeiture. Admonished Jeannine M. Mason, Licensee of Station KTZZ(FM) in Conrad, Montana, for operating a studio-transmitter link station without authorization. Action by: Regional Director, Western Region, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 08/21/2014 by ORDER. (DA No. 14-1214). EB DA-14-1214A1.docx DA-14-1214A1.pdf DA-14-1214A1.txt COMCORP OF TYLER LICENSE CORP. Issued an Admonishment to Licensee of Station KETK-TV, Jacksonville, Texas, for failure to comply with the commercial limits in children's programming. Action by: Chief, Video Division, Media Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 14-1220). MB DA-14-1220A1.doc DA-14-1220A1.pdf DA-14-1220A1.txt COMCORP OF EL PASO LICENSE CORP. Issued an Admonishment to Licensee of Station KTSM-TV, El Paso, Texas, for failure to comply with the commercial limits in children's programming. Action by: Chief, Video Division, Media Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 14-1221). MB DA-14-1221A1.doc DA-14-1221A1.pdf DA-14-1221A1.txt FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, CUSTER, MICHIGAN. Substituted Channel 260A for vacant Channel 263A, Custer, Michigan. Granted the Application for Station WCUZ(FM) at Bear Lake, Michigan. (Dkt No. RM-11689 14-66 ). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 08/21/2014 by R&O. (DA No. 14-1222). MB DA-14-1222A1.docx DA-14-1222A1.pdf DA-14-1222A1.txt TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, CASEVILLE, HARBOR BEACH, LEXINGTON, AND PIGEON, MICHIGAN. Granted two Petitions for Reconsideration and reserved an FM channel for noncommercial educational use at Lexington, Michigan. (Dkt No. RM-11291 RM-10259 RM-11285 01-231 01-229 RM-10257 ). Action by: Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 08/21/2014 by MO&O. (DA No. 14-1215). MB DA-14-1215A1.doc DA-14-1215A1.pdf DA-14-1215A1.txt Released: 08/21/2014. WIRELINE COMPETITION BUREAU APPROVES WINDSTREAM COMPLIANCE PLAN. (DA No. 14-1223). (Dkt No 07-21 07-204 12-61 ). WCB DA-14-1223A1.docx DA-14-1223A1.pdf DA-14-1223A1.txt Report No: NCD-2385 Released: 08/21/2014. WIRELINE COMPETITION BUREAU SHORT TERM NETWORK CHANGE NOTIFICATION FILED BY ACS OF ANCHORAGE, LLC. WCB . Contact: Carmell Weathers at (202) 418-2325, email: Carmell.Weathers@fcc.gov, TTY: (202) 418-0484 DOC-328955A1.docx DOC-328955A1.pdf DOC-328955A1.txt Report No: NCD-2386 Released: 08/21/2014. WIRELINE COMPETITION BUREAU SHORT TERM NETWORK CHANGE NOTIFICATION FILED BY ACS OF ANCHORAGE, LLC. WCB . Contact: Carmell Weathers at (202) 418-2325, email: Carmell.Weathers@fcc.gov, TTY: (202) 418-0484 DOC-328956A1.docx DOC-328956A1.pdf DOC-328956A1.txt DIRECTV ENTERPRISES, LLC. Dismissed the application, without prejudice to re-filing. Action by: Chief, Satellite Division, International Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 14-1218). IB DA-14-1218A1.docx DA-14-1218A1.pdf DA-14-1218A1.txt CONNECT AMERICA FUND; UNIVERSAL SERVICE REFORM - MOBILITY FUND; PETITIONS FOR WAIVER OF WINDY CITY CELLULAR, LLC AND ADAK EAGLE ENTERPRISES, LLC. Approved limited, interim relief from certain Commission rules governing high-cost universal service support, to provide Adak Eagle Enterprises, LLC and Windy City Cellular, LLC with limited, additional, interim support. (Dkt No. 10-208 10-90 ). Action by: Acting Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau, and the Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 08/21/2014 by ORDER. (DA No. 14-1219). WCB DA-14-1219A1.docx DA-14-1219A1.pdf DA-14-1219A1.txt