fcclogoDaily Digest

Federal Communications Commission
445 12th St., SW
Washington, D.C. 20554

Vol. 39 No. 574
News media information 202 / 418-0500
Internet: http://www.fcc.gov
TTY: 1-888-835-5322

April 24, 2020

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COMMISSIONER STARKS ON THE POSSIBLE REVOCATION OF US OPERATING AUTHORITY OF CHINESE TELECOM CARRIERS. by STMT. News Media Contact: Bill Davenport at (202) 418-2500, email: William.Davenport@fcc.gov. OMR OCGS. DOC-363977A1.docx DOC-363977A1.pdf DOC-363977A1.txt

FCC SCRUTINIZES FOUR CHINESE GOVERNMENT-CONTROLLED ENTITIES PROVIDING TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES IN THE U.S. Agency Issues Show Cause Orders to China Telecom Americas, China Unicom Americas, Pacific Networks, and ComNet Demanding Explanation of Why the FCC Should Not Initiate Proceedings to Revoke their Authorizations. by News Release. News Media Contact: Tina Pelkey at (202) 418-0536, email: Tina.Pelkey@fcc.gov. OMR IB WCB EB. DOC-363976A1.docx DOC-363976A1.pdf DOC-363976A1.txt




Report No: PN-3-200424-01. Released: 2020-04-24. PLEADINGS. MB. DOC-363964A1.pdf DOC-363964A1.txt DOC-363964A2.txt

Report No: SAT-01461. Released: 2020-04-24. SATELLITE POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION. Space Station Applications Accepted for Filing. IB. Contact: (202) 418-0719, TTY: 1-888-835-5322. DOC-363974A1.pdf

Report No: SAT-01462. Released: 2020-04-24. SATELLITE POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION. (DA No. 20-446). Actions Taken. IB. Contact: (202) 418-0719, TTY: 1-888-835-5322. DA-20-446A1.pdf DA-20-446A1.txt

Report No: 49724. Released: 2020-04-24. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB. DOC-363936A1.pdf DOC-363936A1.txt

Report No: PN-1-200424-01. Released: 2020-04-24. APPLICATIONS. MB. DOC-363962A1.pdf DOC-363962A1.txt DOC-363962A2.txt

Report No: 29724. Released: 2020-04-24. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB. DOC-363937A1.pdf DOC-363937A1.txt

Report No: PN-2-200424-01. Released: 2020-04-24. ACTIONS. MB. DOC-363963A1.pdf DOC-363963A1.txt DOC-363963A2.txt




PACIFIC NETWORKS CORP. AND COMNET (USA) LLC ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. Bureaus direct Pacific Networks and ComNet to show cause why the Commission should not initiate a proceeding to revoke and terminate their domestic and international section 214 authorizations and reclaim ComNet's ISPCs. (Dkt No 20-111). Action by: Chief, International Bureau; Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau; and Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 2020-04-24 by Order to Show Cause. (DA No. 20-450). IB. DA-20-450A1.pdf

CHINA UNICOM (AMERICAS) OPERATIONS LIMITED ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. Bureaus direct China Unicom Americas to show cause why the Commission should not initiate a proceeding to revoke its domestic and international section 214 authorizations and reclaim its ISPCs. (Dkt No 20-110). Action by: Chief, International Bureau; Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau; and Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 2020-04-24 by Order to Show Cause. (DA No. 20-449). IB. DA-20-449A1.pdf

CHINA TELECOM (AMERICAS) CORPORATION ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. Bureaus direct China Telecom Americas to show cause why the Commission should not initiate a proceeding to revoke and terminate its domestic and international section 214 authorizations and reclaim its ISPCs. (Dkt No 20-109). Action by: Chief, International Bureau; Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau; and Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 2020-04-24 by Order to Show Cause. (DA No. 20-448). IB. DA-20-448A1.pdf

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FCC UPDATES SATELLITE ORBITAL DEBRIS MITIGATION RULES. .. News Release. (Dkt No 18-313). Adopted: 2020-04-23. News Media Contact: Will Wiquist at (202) 418-0509, email: Will.Wiquist@fcc.gov. OMR IB. DOC-363947A1.docx DOC-363947A1.pdf DOC-363947A1.txt DOC-363947A2.docx DOC-363947A2.pdf DOC-363947A2.txt DOC-363947A3.docx DOC-363947A3.pdf DOC-363947A3.txt DOC-363947A4.docx DOC-363947A4.pdf DOC-363947A4.txt DOC-363947A5.docx DOC-363947A5.pdf DOC-363947A5.txt DOC-363947A6.docx DOC-363947A6.pdf DOC-363947A6.txt

FCC PROPOSES THE 5G FUND FOR RURAL AMERICA. Agency Seeks Comment on Proposed Program to Distribute Up to $9 Billion for Next-Generation Wireless Broadband Connectivity in Rural America . News Release. (Dkt No 20-32). Adopted: 2020-04-23. News Media Contact: Will Wiquist at (202) 418-0509, email: Will.Wiquist@fcc.gov. OMR WCB OEA. DOC-363946A1.docx DOC-363946A1.pdf DOC-363946A1.txt DOC-363946A2.docx DOC-363946A2.pdf DOC-363946A2.txt DOC-363946A3.docx DOC-363946A3.pdf DOC-363946A3.txt DOC-363946A4.docx DOC-363946A4.pdf DOC-363946A4.txt DOC-363946A5.docx DOC-363946A5.pdf DOC-363946A5.txt DOC-363946A6.docx DOC-363946A6.pdf DOC-363946A6.txt

FCC PROPOSES TO MAKE MORE VIDEO PROGRAMMING ACCESSIBLE TO BLIND OR VISUALLY IMPAIRED INDIVIDUALS. Proposal Would Expand Video Description to 40 Additional Television Markets. News Release. (Dkt No 11-43). Adopted: 2020-04-23. News Media Contact: Janice Wise at (202) 418-8165, email: Janice.Wise@fcc.gov. OMR MB. DOC-363941A1.docx DOC-363941A1.pdf DOC-363941A1.txt

FCC ADOPTS NEW RULES FOR THE 6 GHZ BAND, UNLEASHING 1,200 MEGAHERTZ OF SPECTRUM FOR UNLICENSED USE. Commission Provides a Boost to Wi-Fi and Other Unlicensed Uses While Protecting Incumbent Services in the Band . News Release. (Dkt No 18-295 17-183). Adopted: 2020-04-23. News Media Contact: Tina Pelkey at (202) 418-0536, email: Tina.Pelkey@fcc.gov. OMR OET WTB. DOC-363945A1.docx DOC-363945A1.pdf DOC-363945A1.txt DOC-363945A2.docx DOC-363945A2.pdf DOC-363945A2.txt DOC-363945A3.docx DOC-363945A3.pdf DOC-363945A3.txt DOC-363945A4.docx DOC-363945A4.pdf DOC-363945A4.txt DOC-363945A5.docx DOC-363945A5.pdf DOC-363945A5.txt DOC-363945A6.docx DOC-363945A6.pdf DOC-363945A6.txt




FCC APPROVES THIRD SET OF COVID-19 TELEHEALTH PROGRAM APPLICATIONS. Commission Continues Approving Funding for Telehealth During Coronavirus Pandemic . by News Release. Adopted: 2020-04-23 News Media Contact: Katie Gorscak at (202) 418-2156, email: Katie.Gorscak@fcc.gov. OMR WCB. DOC-363948A1.docx DOC-363948A1.pdf DOC-363948A1.txt




Released: 2020-04-23. INTERCONNECTED VOIP NUMBERING AUTHORIZATION APPLICATION FILED BY 8X8, INC. PURSUANT TO SECTION 52.15(G)(3) OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES. (DA No. 20-444). (Dkt No 20-19). STREAMLINED PLEADING CYCLE ESTABLISHED. Comments Due: 2020-05-08. WCB. Contact: Margoux Brown, Margoux.Brown@fcc.gov, Jordan Reth, Jordan.Reth@fcc.gov or Michelle Sclater, Michelle.Sclater@fcc.gov. DA-20-444A1.docx DA-20-444A1.pdf DA-20-444A1.txt




AMENDMENTS OF PARTS 73 AND 74 TO IMPROVE THE LOW POWER FM RADIO SERVICE TECHNICAL RULES; MODERNIZATION OF MEDIA REGULATION INITIATIVE. FCC adopts rules modernizing the LPFM technical rules to provide more regulatory flexibility for licensees. (Dkt No 19-193 17-105). Action by: the Commission . Adopted: 2020-04-23 by R&O. (FCC No. 20-53). MB. FCC-20-53A1.docx FCC-20-53A1.pdf FCC-20-53A1.txt FCC-20-53A2.docx FCC-20-53A2.pdf FCC-20-53A2.txt

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY COMMUNICATIONS AND VIDEO ACCESSIBILITY ACT OF 2010. FCC seeks comment on expanding video description requirements to increase programming accessibility to blind and visually impaired Americans. (Dkt No 11-43). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 2020-04-22 by NPRM. (FCC No. 20-55). MB. FCC-20-55A1.docx FCC-20-55A1.pdf FCC-20-55A1.txt FCC-20-55A2.docx FCC-20-55A2.pdf FCC-20-55A2.txt

VIASAT, INC. PETITION FOR DECLARATORY RULING GRANTING ACCESS FOR A NON-U.S.-LICENSED NON-GEOSTATIONARY ORBIT SATELLITE NETWORK. FCC Grants ViaSat's Satellite Constellation Request. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 2020-04-22 by ORDER. (FCC No. 20-56). IB. FCC-20-56A1.docx FCC-20-56A1.pdf FCC-20-56A1.txt