![]() | Daily Digest | ||
Federal Communications Commission 45 L Street NE Washington, DC 20554 Vol. 43 No. 25 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ASL Video Call: 1-844-432-2275 February 6, 2024 |
FCC DEMANDS ENTITY BEHIND ROBOCALLS IN NEW HAMPSHIRE TO STOP ILLEGAL EFFORT TO TARGET VOTERS. by News Release. News Media Contact: MediaRelations@fcc.gov. OMR EB. DOC-400295A1.docx DOC-400295A1.pdf DOC-400295A1.txt
Report No: REPORT NO. PN-1-240206-01. Released: 2024-02-06. APPLICATIONS. MB. DOC-400273A1.pdf DOC-400273A1.txt
Released: 2024-02-06. WIRELINE COMPETITION BUREAU REMINDER OF FEBRUARY 8, 2024 ENROLLMENT FREEZE FOR THE AFFORDABLE CONNECTIVITY PROGRAM. (DA No. 24-103). (Dkt No 21-450). The Wireline Competition Bureau reminds providers, eligible households, and all other Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) stakeholders of the upcoming enrollment freeze beginning Thursday, February 8, 2024.. WCB. Contact: Negheen Sanjar, (202) 418-7390 or by email at Negheen.Sanjar@fcc.gov.. Action by: By the Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau. DA-24-103A1.docx DA-24-103A1.pdf DA-24-103A1.txt
Report No: REPORT NO. PN-2-240206-01. Released: 2024-02-06. ACTIONS. MB. DOC-400274A1.pdf DOC-400274A1.txt
Report No: NCD-3862. Released: 2024-02-06. WIRELINE COMPETITION BUREAU COPPER RETIREMENT NETWORK CHANGE NOTIFICATION FILED BY BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, LLC D/B/A AT&T LOUISIANA. (Dkt No 24-39). WCB. Contact: Rodney McDonald at (202) 418-7513, email: Rodney.McDonald@fcc.gov. DOC-400271A1.docx DOC-400271A1.pdf DOC-400271A1.txt
Released: 2024-02-06. OFFICE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY SEEKS COMMENT ON AXON ENTERPRISE, INC. REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF SECTIONS 15.247(A) AND 15.247 (D) OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES FOR OPERATING IN THE 5725 – 5850 MHZ BAND . (DA No. 24-105). (Dkt No 24-40). Comments Due: 2024-03-07. Reply Comments Due: 2024-03-22. OET. DA-24-105A1.docx DA-24-105A1.pdf DA-24-105A1.txt
Report No: REPORT NO. PN-3-240206-01. Released: 2024-02-06. PLEADINGS. MB. DOC-400275A1.pdf DOC-400275A1.txt
Released: 2024-02-06. FCC ENFORCEMENT BUREAU NOTIFIES ALL U.S.-BASED PROVIDERS OF RULES PERMITTING THEM TO BLOCK ROBOCALLS TRANSMITTING FROM LINGO TELECOM, LLC. (DA No. 24-102). FCC Enforcement Bureau warns all U.S.-based voice providers about significant apparently unlawful robocalls originating from or transmitted by Lingo Telecom, LLC . EB. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. DA-24-102A1.pdf DA-24-102A1.txt
ERRATUM - ACCELERATING WIRELINE BROADBAND DEPLOYMENT BY REMOVING BARRIERS TO INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT. Issued an Erratum correcting a Fourth Report and Order, Declaratory Ruling, and Third Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 23-109, released on December 15, 2023. (Dkt No 17-84). Action by: the Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau. by ERRATUM. OMD WCB. Contact: Michael.Ray@fcc.gov. DOC-400278A1.docx DOC-400278A1.pdf DOC-400278A1.txt
THIRD LOCAL NUMBER PORTABILITY ADMINISTRATOR SELECTION PROCESS. Wireline Competition Bureau Adopts the Selection Process for the Local Number Portability Administrator. (Dkt No 23-337). Action by: Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 2024-02-06 by ORDER. (DA No. 24-104). WCB. DA-24-104A1.docx DA-24-104A1.pdf DA-24-104A1.txt
NOTICE OF SUSPECTED ILLEGAL ROBOCALL TRAFFIC - LINGO TELECOM, LLC. FCC Enforcement Bureau issues cease-and-desist letter to Lingo Telecom, LLC for apparently originating illegal robocall traffic. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. by LETTER. EB. DOC-400264A1.pdf DOC-400264A1.txt
SIMINGTON SPEAKS TO SILICON FLATIRONS . OMR OCNS. Simington Speaks to Silicon Flatirons . DOC-400262A1.docx DOC-400262A1.pdf DOC-400262A1.txt
HISPANIC CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY NETWORK, INC., ANTONIO CESAR GUEL, AND JENNIFER JUAREZ, ORDER RE MOTION FOR SUMMARY DECISION. Order discussing Motion for Summary Decision filed by Antonio Cesar Guel and Motion to Enlarge filed by the FCC's Enforcement Bureau. (Dkt No 23-267). Action by: ALJ. Adopted: 2024-02-05 by ORDER. (FCC No. 24M-01). OALJ. FCC-24M-01A1.pdf FCC-24M-01A1.txt