Find Community Coordinates - Results

Decimal latitude, longitude: 31.322904 -94.729026 N Latitude: 31 19 22.45440 W Longitude: 94 43 44.49360 Radius search within 1000.00 km: [ AM | FM | TV ]  Antenna Structure Registrations within 1000.00 km (1000.00 km maximum radius): [ ASRNs ] KML for the community boundary for Earth browsers: [ KML | Text file | Search Form ] Circle of radius 1000.00 km on Google Earth: [ Circle (pink) | Circle (white) | Text file ] Communities within 1000.00 km radius of LUFKIN: [ 1000.00 km radius ]

Change radius in the links (km):    

29574 records considered.

NOTE: Many communities listed by this search are unincorporated "Census Designated Places (CDP)" that do not have defined boundaries.
In such instances, the reference coordinates used by the Census Bureau for the area are shown.