2002 Audio Division Headlines

October 15, 2002
   Digital Audio Broadcasting Systems And Their Impact on the Terrestrial Radio Broadcast Service, First Report and Order, MM Docket 99-325, FCC 02-286, released October 15, 2002.  PDF | Word ].  FM IBOC Specification (Appendix B): [ PDF | Word ].
AM IBOC Specification (Appendix C): [ PDF | Word ]

October 10, 2002
   FCC Selects Digital Radio Technology; Authorizes AM and FM Interim, Voluntary Digital Operation, News Release, October 10, 2002.  [ PDF | Word ].  Commissioners' Statements: Abernathy & Martin: [ PDF | Word ].  Copps: [ PDF | Word ]

October 10, 2002
   New Location for CDBS and Formatted AM & FM Engineering files.  The new location for these files is ftp://ftp.fcc.gov/pub/Bureaus/MB/Databases/cdbs/ or ftp://ftp.fcc.gov/pub/Bureaus/MB/Databases/formatted/.